Using a Ouija board

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
The Zozo Demon - What You Should Know Before Using a Ouija Board
Video: The Zozo Demon - What You Should Know Before Using a Ouija Board


A Ouija board is a flat, wooden surface that contains the letters A through Z, the numbers 0 through 9, and symbols for the sun and moon. A movable pointer or shelf is used to supposedly answer the questions the players ask. Ouija boards were especially popular in the 1920s. In popular culture, these signs are seen as a "spiritual gate" that you can use to contact the spirits of the deceased. However, the only evidence for this is the different user stories - there is no scientific evidence. Decide for yourself - would you like to try the board?

To step

Method 1 of 3: Create the atmosphere

  1. Gather some friends. Strictly speaking, you can only work with an Ouija board, but it is best to play with at least one other person. This is especially true when it is a dark and stormy night!
    • Two players is the ideal number. The more people participate, the more hectic the game can get (noisy, disruptive, and so on). You could then confuse the ghosts. It's okay to have more than two players - just make sure everyone stays calm and behaves respectfully.
  2. Get in the right mood. Before you start connecting with “the other side,” you probably want to get in the right mood by dimming the lights, using candles, lighting incense, and burning sage.
    • The right time is sometimes very important when using a Ouija board. Sometimes the board answers quickly and sometimes it seems to be sleeping. It is best to give it a try in the evening or in the early morning hours.
    • Remove all distractions. There should be no loud music, TV sound or children running around. For a séance to be successful, you must focus your full attention on the process.
    • Have everyone turn off their cell phone. By answering the phone in the middle of a conversation, you hinder progress and ruin the atmosphere.
  3. Grab a chair. According to the original instructions of the game, you must place the board on the knees of the two participants, with their knees touching. It is also stated that it is best to play the game with a boy and a girl. Take advantage of that and take the instructions seriously.
    • It's okay to play the game on an empty table or on the floor, as long as everyone can see the board or pointer clearly and let their fingers rest on it.
    • Participants should sit on either side of the board or to one side so that they can read the letters and numbers properly. Sometimes the board moves quickly and you have to be able to process the letters quickly and put them in the right order. Looking upside down could create confusion as to the meaning of the message.

Method 2 of 3: The right setting

  1. Be patient. Sometimes the plate takes a while to heat up. You may not get immediate answers to your questions. Do not give up.
    • If your board appears to be a bit sleepy, move the board slightly in a circular motion and continue.
    • Sometimes the board moves very fast and sometimes it moves very slowly. Don't be upset if waiting for a message from the shelf looks like establishing a dial-up connection to the Internet. Wait or stop playing and resume after a while.
  2. Be polite. If you've connected with a very communicative mind, talk to it. Be nice. This will encourage him or her to work with you.
    • You may not get the answers you hope for. This is not the fault of the ghost or the board. Getting angry or violent will only ruin the atmosphere of the game and the room.
  3. Start simple. It's best not to bombard your mind with questions about the content and length of your next history test. Start simple, just like a regular conversation.
    • Your first questions should have easy, short answers.
      • How many ghosts are there in the room?
      • Are you a good ghost?
      • What's your name?
  4. Be careful what you wish for. The last thing you want is to stay up all night and think about your impending death. If you don't want to know the answer to a question, don't ask that question.
    • Don't ask silly or stupid questions. "What did Jan tell his sister about me?" probably isn't a question your mind wants to waste time on. Not to mention how long it would take to spell out the answer!
    • Don't ask for physical signs. Then you just ask for trouble. Plus, the ghosts you talk to may not be able to do this at all. It is best to use the Ouija board only.
    • Don't believe everything the sign tells you. If you are told that you will die in the next ten minutes, do not run in front of a bus. This means that you make sure that the prediction comes true and not that the prediction is correct.

Method 3 of 3: Play the game

  1. Choose a medium. Designate a person to ask all questions. This keeps things simple and prevents confusion in the minds.
    • However, all players are allowed to come up with questions. Take turns thinking of questions, but let the medium ask them to the board.
  2. Put your fingers on the board. The board must be on the letter "G" at the beginning of the game.
    • Ask all players to gently place their index and middle fingers on the board. Slowly move the board in circles across the surface to warm up the board and focus on the questions you want to ask. Rest your fingers firmly on the board, but without too much force. If you hold the board too stiff, it will not move as easily.
  3. Develop an opening ritual. This could be anything - a prayer, a word of welcome, or even trinkets that you put around you.
    • Have the medium greet the spirits and declare that only positive energy is welcome.
    • Place jewelry or other objects next to the plate. If you plan to talk to a deceased relative, put something that belonged to him or her near the plate.
  4. Ask a Question. Start simple and then move on when you get used to that particular session and know what to ask or not to ask.
    • It's best to put the sign away and move on later if your mind indicates he or she is bad.
    • If you get rude or rude answers, don't encourage it by acting rude yourself. Say goodbye to the ghosts and end the session.
  5. Concentrate. To get the best and most effective results, all players need to clear their heads and focus on the question that has just been asked.
    • All players must sit around the board with seriousness and respect. If you have a friend who smiles or wants to ask ridiculous questions, send him or her out of the room.
    • While moving the board, it is best to have one person write down the answers. Sometimes the answers are quite long and need to be worked out.
  6. Watch as the board moves. Sometimes this happens quickly and sometimes slowly. Sometimes nothing even happens at all. However, if everyone is focused and paying attention, the board should start moving slowly.
    • Make sure that no player dominates the board. If someone is clearly moving the board, then he or she should not be playing the game.Each player should put equal weight on the pointer.
  7. Close the board. When the board starts making "eightes", counting down from Z to A or from 9 to 0, end the séance by moving the board to the word "Day". When any of these three things happen, it indicates that the ghost is trying to escape from the board. It is very important to say goodbye to the ghosts. You wouldn't like it if you were suddenly left alone, would you?
    • Have the medium say it is time to close the séance and slide the board over the word "Bye" on the board.
      • If you liked the conversation with the ghost you can of course say "Bye" and wait for the board to move to the word "Bye" in response.
    • Rub a soft, dry cloth over the plate before putting it away. This way your plate will stay clean and dust and moisture will not accumulate on the surface.


  • If you get scared or feel like the session is getting out of hand, simply close the sign by moving the pointer to the word "Bye" and saying, "We say goodbye now. Rest in peace."
  • It will only work if you are open to it. Do not expect answers if you are radiating negative energy and not open to such things.
  • To avoid summoning a bad spirit, you can place a silver coin on the board. Because of this, no evil spirits or demons will interfere with you.
  • The sun and moon indicate what kind of mind is trying to contact you. When the shelf moves to the sun, it is about a good spirit. When the shelf slides to the moon, it's a bad ghost. If you encounter an evil spirit, thank the spirit for its time and say goodbye. When the board lands on the word "Day" it means that the evil spirit is gone.
  • Light a single white candle. In witchcraft, the color white is used for protection and as an indication of purity. Even though the color black represents energy, it is also used for dark, evil and black magic.
  • Before starting the session, sit in a circle and hold hands. Say, "Let no evil spirits or demons appear."
  • If the board keeps moving to the number eight, the ghost is angry. The number eight is considered a sign of bad luck after the legend about the deadly hand of "Wild Bill" Hickok, which consisted of aces and eights. Somehow this superstition has become woven into the traditional knowledge of Ouija boards. Don't worry about this unless you're a gunfighter using your Ouija board in Deadwood, South Dakota, USA.
  • Many people may advise you that Ouija plates are a waste of money and that you better make your own. When making your own sign, write the words "Yes," "No," the numbers 0 to 9, the letters A to Z and the word "Day" on the board. You can also write other words such as "Maybe" or "Sometimes" on the side of the board. You can of course also do research on the internet.


  • NEVER ask questions about your own death or someone else's.
  • IMPORTANT: Ouija boards have a reputation for being gateways to other dimensions. These gates work both ways. When using a Ouija board you have to be very careful not to let any of the spirits you conjure into our world!
  • NEVER ask the mind to prove its existence. Doing so may allow evil spirits to enter your home.
  • Do not use the Ouija board when you drink alcohol or use drugs. You are more likely to conjure up bad spirits.
  • Before using your ouija board, google "ouija board stories" and read some so that you are sure you want to connect with the "other side."
  • The existence of ghosts, demons and the supernatural is disputed. Don't just take everything for granted.


  • A Ouija board and a shelf
  • One or two friends (never use the board alone)
  • White candles or a dim light
  • Burning sage or frankincense (optional)