Treating erectile dysfunction

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to FIX erectile dysfunction for good! - Doctor Explains!
Video: How to FIX erectile dysfunction for good! - Doctor Explains!


Do you have trouble maintaining an erection during sexual intercourse? 50% of men over 40 know what you're talking about. As millions of people will attest, erectile dysfunction can be extremely frustrating and can have a negative impact on both relationships and self-esteem. The good news is that there are many ways to treat erectile dysfunction, from simple lifestyle modifications to medications and herbal remedies. If you want to know how to get rid of erectile dysfunction so that you can be happy between the sheets again, keep reading.

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Method 1 of 3: Adjusting the lifestyle

  1. Get over the fear of the doctor. Millions of men with erectile dysfunction are too embarrassed to talk to their doctor about it. Erectile dysfunction is common, but is not considered a "normal" part of old age. Erectile dysfunction often indicates an underlying problem that needs to be treated. It is important to visit the doctor before you even get started. He / she can treat other conditions that can hinder your ability to maintain erections.
    • Ask your doctor about your vascular health. If you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or high blood sugar, chances are that one of those conditions has affected the blood vessels in your heart and you have erectile dysfunction as a result.
    • Heart disease and diabetes are two serious conditions that often begin to manifest in the form of erectile dysfunction. If you have any of these conditions, the right treatments can help you overcome erectile dysfunction.
  2. Exercise regularly. For real. Make it a priority to go outside or to the gym at least four times a week for walking, running, cycling, or strength training. Research at Harvard has shown that a 30-minute walk every day can reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction by 41%. Regular exercise promotes blood flow, which keeps blood flowing throughout your body. When it comes time to maintain an erection, good blood flow is extremely important.
  3. Keep your weight up. The greater the waist circumference, the greater the risk of erectile dysfunction. Trying to lose weight can make a huge improvement in the bedroom. Make sure you follow a good diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats.
    • Avoid processed foods and foods that contain refined sugars and flour.
    • Replace high-calorie drinks with water and unsweetened tea.
    • Instead of sugary bars or fast food, eat healthy snacks such as nuts, carrots and apples.
  4. Stop smoking. Smoking can make erectile dysfunction worse, as it disrupts blood flow associated with erectile dysfunction. If you're struggling to maintain erections, it's time to ditch the cigarettes.
    • If quitting doesn't seem possible at this point, at least try to cut down. Smoking a few cigarettes a day is a lot less bad than a whole pack.
  5. Avoid alcohol. Alcohol is another substance that has a tremendous effect on erections. After a few drinks, many men have more trouble staying erect.
  6. Train your pelvic floor. The pelvic floor helps the penis to remain erect during erections. This is because the pelvic floor compresses a vein that prevents blood from leaving the penis until the erection is on. Men who train their pelvic floor achieve better results than men who rely solely on lifestyle changes to overcome their erectile dysfunction. You train the pelvic floor muscles with Kegels.
    • To locate the pelvic floor muscles, tighten the muscles that you contract when trying to stop urine flow.
    • Tense and relax this muscle 8 times, take a break, and do it 8 more times. Keep going until you've done 3-4 sets of 8.
    • Try to do your Kegels at least once a day.

Method 2 of 3: Overcome the fear

  1. Remove the stressors from your life. Anxiety and anxiety are arguably the biggest culprits when it comes to erectile dysfunction. If you can find a way to de-stress, you are more likely to be able to maintain your erections. Think about the biggest stressors in your life. What can you do to give yourself some rest?
    • If your daily schedule is jam-packed from morning to night, think about what you can do to give yourself more time.
    • Turn off your electronic devices at least an hour before going to sleep. It will improve your sleep, which is essential if you want to de-stress.
    • Spend more time outside. Spending more time outdoors and in nature will help calm fears and worries.
  2. Practice mindfulness. Are you easily distracted by all kinds of worries during sex? Mindfulness is a way to fully immerse yourself in the moment, both physically and mentally. Clear your mind and focus on the stimuli and sensations your body feels during sex.
    • If sex has become routine and isn't stimulating enough, try adding some variety. Add new scents, sounds, and textures to the sex. For example, use massage oil, or put on some sensual music.
  3. Communicate with your partner. Do you feel comfortable and accepted when it comes to your sexual performance? If you are worried about your partner's expectations being too high, or about meeting certain standards, it will be more difficult to maintain an erection - this is called performance anxiety. If your partner's judgment is preventing your ability to have satisfying sex, then you need to communicate your skills to your partner and try to find ways to make the sexual environment more inviting.
  4. Learn about sex. If you have deep-seated fears or guilt about sex, these negative emotions can cause your erectile dysfunction. Learning more about sex can be a great way to get more comfortable with your body. You can also better understand your needs in bed. Read about sex techniques or take a sex workshop to open your mind to new possibilities. It will also make you feel more comfortable with the whole theme.

Method 3 of 3: Try medication and therapy

  1. Take erectile dysfunction medications. Such drugs can help men maintain their erection for several hours. They work through the effect of nitric oxide. This compound naturally makes the body to relax and increase blood flow to the penis. If you do listen to such people, ask your doctor for a prescription.
    • It is important to treat the underlying problem causing erectile dysfunction; that's better than relying on medication alone.
    • Some medications will not work, and others are dangerous to use if you are also taking other medications - such as those you take after a stroke or heart attack.
  2. Consider injections or suppositories. If you prefer not to take any medication, it is also possible to give an injection or suppository of alprostadil into the penis just before you want an erection. The side effects of this can be pain and the build-up of fibrous tissue in the penis.
  3. Investigate testosterone therapy. If your doctor determines that your erectile dysfunction is caused by low testosterone, testosterone therapy may be the right solution for you. Ask your doctor about it.
  4. Try a penis pump. This device is a hollow tube with a hand pump. The tube is placed around the penis and the pump is used to induce an erection. A ring is placed around the base of the penis to prevent blood from flowing out of the penis. If you are interested in a pump, ask the doctor which model is right for your needs.
  5. Consider implants. Inflatable or semi-rigid implants can be placed in the penis, giving you more control over your erections. Since implants can cause infections, doctors generally advise against their use unless all other methods have failed.
  6. Look at natural remedies. If you don't like medications or devices, visit a homeopath who can advise you on the natural remedies that can help you with erectile dysfunction. While there is no medical evidence, some men claim that acupuncture, herbal remedies, and "herbal Viagra" can help.
    • Consult a doctor before taking any supplements or extracts.
    • Dihydroepiandrosterone, Korean red ginseng, and l-arginine supplements are extremely effective in some men
  7. Try massaging the penis with egg oil. Eggs contain omega-3 fatty acids, immunoglobulins, and the antioxidant xanthophyll (lutein and zeaxanthin). These help improve micro-circulation in the penis. Massage the glans well with egg oil. Let it sit overnight, and wash off the oil with soap in the morning.To avoid vaginal infections that you cannot have unprotected sex after applying the oil.
  8. Ayurvedic remedies for erectile dysfunction. Ayurvedic herbs such as Withania Somnifera, Mucuna Pruriens, Cholorophytum Arundinaceum, Asparagus Aacemosus, Tribulus Terrestris, etc. have been said for centuries to have beneficial effects on male impotence including erectile dysfunction. Scientific research has proven that the herbs can have an effect. As far as alternative medicine is concerned, monk's pepper and onosmodium are recommended. These natural remedies can help men overcome erectile dysfunction and restore their sexual health. Scientific research on these herbs justifies the use of these herbs as a natural aphrodisiac.


  • You can easily bring up the topic with your doctor by saying something like, "I think I'm having problems in the bedroom," or "My sex life isn't what it used to be." Erectile dysfunction is common. He / she will not hear what you tell your doctor for the first time. Remember that 50% of men over 40 have erectile dysfunction. You're not the only one.
  • As long as the doctor agrees, you can try to take medication. Note that the doctor is the only one who can tell you if the drugs are safe to use.
    • Before purchasing any medication not prescribed by the doctor, make sure the product is legitimate.
  • If current treatments are not effective, consider trying new treatments that are still in the development phase.


  • REAL Viagra is only available with a prescription. Don't be fooled by the advertisements on the internet and in the newspaper. They are fake pills, and they are also illegal. They can even be dangerous because you don't know what's in them.
  • Talk to your doctor before taking any medication.