Install resource packs for Minecraft

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How To Download & Install Texture Packs in Minecraft 1.18 (PC)
Video: How To Download & Install Texture Packs in Minecraft 1.18 (PC)


Resource packs can drastically change the look and play of Minecraft. In addition, there are thousands of them available for free. Resource packs make modding Minecraft a lot easier and you can download and install them in just minutes. Older texture packs, from older versions of Minecraft, can also be loaded by converting them to a resource pack format. See Step 1 below to learn how.

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Method 1 of 2: Install resource packages

  1. Find and download a resource pack. Resource packs can change graphics, sound, music, animations and more. You can find them on several popular Minecraft sites and they are made by fans for fans. Resource packs should always be free.
    • When you download a resource package, you will get a zip file. Do not extract the zip file.
    • Make sure you have the correct version of the source package. The version should be the same as the version of Minecraft you are playing.
    • Resource packs can only be installed for the PC version of Minecraft.
    • There are many sites offering resource pack files, including,,, and many more.
  2. Start Minecraft.
  3. Press the button 'Options... "when you are on the main screen.
  4. Click the "Source Packages" button.
  5. Click "Open Resource Packages Folder".
  6. Copy the source package. Click and drag the downloaded resource package as a zip file to the file folder resource packs. Make sure you actually copy or move the source package and not just create a shortcut.
    • Do not extract the source package.
  7. Load the source package. Once you have copied the source package to the correct file folder, you can start using it in Minecraft. First you need to load it so that Minecraft makes use of it while you play. You do this by starting Minecraft and logging in with your account. Open the "Options ..." menu and select "Source Packages".
    • Your newly installed source package (s) will be displayed in the left column. The active source packages are listed in the right column. Select the package you want to activate and click the right arrow to transfer it from the left column to the right column.
    • The order in which the packages are listed in the right column indicates which packages will be loaded first. The top package will be loaded first. Then missing parts are loaded from the package directly below, and so on. Move the packages you mainly want to use to the top by selecting them and clicking the up arrow.
  8. Play the game. Once you have prepared the resource packs, you can start the game normally. The resource packs will replace those textures and sounds they were designed for, changing how you experience Minecraft.
    • If you no longer want to use a particular resource pack, you must go back to the Resource Packs menu, through the Options menu, and remove the pack from the right column.

Method 2 of 2: Convert old texture packages

  1. Check if the packages need to be converted. Texture packs for Minecraft 1.5 and earlier are not compatible with newer versions of Minecraft. These packages must be converted before they can be used in the latest versions.
  2. Jog the texture pack. Minecraft 1.5 texture packs are said to be "sewn together" before use, and must be undone in order for the pack to be converted. Although you can pry manually, it takes a lot of time. So instead download a program called Unstitcher, which is designed to automate this process.
    • Run Unstitcher then load the texture pack. The unloading process will begin and may take a few minutes.
  3. Convert the loose package. Once the package is unlocked, you will need to download and run Minecraft Texture Ender. This program will convert the loose texture package to a resource package. Run the program and load the spun package to begin the conversion process.
  4. Load the package. After the pack has been converted, you can load it in the same way as a resource pack in Minecraft. See the previous section for detailed instructions.