Picking up an older boy

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
11 year old KID Picking Up GIRLS Prank   YouTube
Video: 11 year old KID Picking Up GIRLS Prank YouTube


For many young girls, it is difficult to find a boy their own age who is mature and stylish enough to be worth their time. While it can be a great experience dating someone a few years older, a potentially older boyfriend may look more into a relationship than someone your own age. Since there will be a few years between the two of you, hooking up with an older boy can be difficult.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Consider why you want an older boyfriend

  1. Ask yourself why you would want an older boyfriend. There can be several reasons why you want a relationship with someone older than you. We usually see older people as more developed and mature. That is often the case, but not always. Some older boys are just as childish as they always were.
  2. Make sure you want a relationship for the right reasons. You have to want a relationship because you feel a real connection with someone. It makes no sense to want to date an older guy because you think you're tougher. Before you start a relationship, make sure you are ready. Especially if you are looking for someone who is a little older than you, this is very important.
  3. Think about how the age difference can affect the relationship. When two people are at different points in their lives, it can cause problems in communication. For example, if you feel like going out and partying with your boyfriend, he may have come to a point in his life where he prefers to stay at home in the evenings because he's already partied enough. In some cases, it can be difficult to find a sense of equality in a relationship when one person clearly has more life experience than another. Before starting a relationship, keep these potential problems in mind.
    • On the other hand, some people say that age is just a number. There is no concrete reason why people of different ages should not have a deep, meaningful connection.
  4. Prepare for criticism. If there is a big age difference between the two of you, there are all kinds of issues to prepare for that you normally wouldn't have to think about. Even if the relationship is perfect, other people tend to make nasty assumptions about the age difference. There is not much you can do to defend yourself against these pessimists. Ultimately, it's your relationship, not theirs, and you shouldn't care about them.
    • If you are under 18, you must consider the legal consequences of a relationship with someone older than you. If the age difference is so great that a sexual relationship is illegal, you shouldn't go through with it.

Part 2 of 4: Dealing with him

  1. Be his friend first. In just about all cases when you want to hook up with someone, you should try to become their friend before anything romantic happens. Do your best to spend time with him. Ask if he just wants to do fun things with you as a friend. If there is a click between you, chances are that more will happen in the end. In the meantime, just enjoy being around him as a friend.
  2. Let him take charge. Unless the older boy in question is very shy, because he has more life experience, he is likely to take the reins. Some guys don't like a girl being too pushy, especially if she's a much younger girl too.
    • If he doesn't look like he's going to take the first step because he's so shy, consider doing it yourself. You only do this if he does show interest, but after going out a few times together still has not taken the initiative to continue.
  3. Treat him like an equal. This can be tricky for a girl who wants to hook up with an older boy. While it may be your first instinct to be completely submissive, it only shows that you are younger. Try not to show that you are younger when you talk to him. You can also pretend he's your age if that makes you feel more comfortable. In a relationship, there has to be some balance between two people for it to work.
  4. Hold his gaze. Eye contact is a very powerful part of body language, and it's especially important if you're going to flirt. If you like a guy, you can say a lot by simply making eye contact and holding his gaze. Flirting covers all kinds of behavior, but it usually starts with eye contact.
    • If you look at him, it is best to do that while smiling. This way you show him that you have good reasons to look at him (and that you don't mean anything negative by it).
  5. Smile at him. Laughter is a universal expression of warm feelings and affection. When you smile at the guy you like, you send positive energy in his direction. If he sees your smile and smiles back, he's probably interested in you too.
  6. Give compliments. Saying something nice to someone can be seen as a form of flirting. Complimenting a guy on his looks or other qualities is letting him know you're interested in him. Just make sure your compliments are genuine. People usually know very well whether a compliment is fair or not.
  7. Make sure he respects your boundaries. Since the guy you like is older than you, he probably has different ideas about what he wants in a relationship. While you may feel pressured to give in, you should only do things that make you feel good.

Part 3 of 4: Growing up

  1. Associate with older people. It can be difficult to relate to older people if you don't spend much time with older people. That is why you have to surround yourself with people who are a little older than you. Make friends with people who are the age of the boy you like, and try to be comfortable with people who are more experienced than you. This can be tricky if you don't have older friends yet. If you have an older sibling, you can try joining his / her group of friends.
    • If you like older friends, you won't find them in your own class. In extracurricular activities you will find people of all ages who share a certain interest. If you have a job, you may also have older colleagues with whom you can befriend.
  2. Do what you promised. Reliability is a hallmark of truly mature people. No matter how old the boy you want to pick up is, it is to your advantage when others see that you keep your word. If you make a promise, you should do it. Don't try to get under your promises. If you do what you promised, everyone will rate you higher. And therefore also the boy you have a crush on.
  3. Be proud of who you are. Self-esteem is a very important sign of maturity. It is normal for many boys and girls to be insecure growing up. If you want to get the attention of an older boy, you need to be as confident as is normal at his age. Try to counter negative thoughts that come to mind and replace them with positive thoughts about yourself. Even if you have to pretend to be confident in the beginning, you will eventually start to really believe in it.
    • Know that there is no right or wrong when it comes to confidence. There are no wrong reasons to have confidence in yourself.
  4. Keep a diary. If you write down your daily thoughts and feelings, you can discover a lot about yourself. You will be surprised how much you will learn about yourself if you make it a habit to write in your journal every day. You become aware of your thoughts and feelings so that you better understand how others see you.
  5. Get over jealousy. Just as you need to have a healthy self-esteem, being able to let go of jealousy is an important indication that someone is mature. Most teens are very jealous at that stage in their lives. If you want to be better than others your age, you have to get over your jealousy. That is easier said than done for many people, but it is possible. Whenever you find yourself jealous of someone, remind yourself that there is no one who can do it better than you. Comparing yourself to others is a waste of your time.
  6. Avoid social cliques and drama. Even though you're doing your best to be more mature than is normal for your age, your current girlfriend group may be making it difficult for you to progress. A less mature group of friends can sometimes lapse into bouts of drama or gossip. Try to avoid these kinds of things altogether. It does not add anything to your life, and it does not suit you if you are associated with that group.
    • This doesn't mean you should abandon your friends. You have to keep associating with them, but distance yourself if they argue. Of course you should talk to your friends if there is something going on that they want to discuss with you. Being an adult also means that you are a reliable friend.

Part 4 of 4: Looking your best

  1. Try a new haircut. Nothing makes you look as good as new like a new haircut. Getting your hair cut can have a huge effect on your appearance. Take the opportunity to shake up your style so that everyone turns to you. If you want to pick up an older boy, don't get a haircut that is too childish. Make sure your hair is attractive but stylish.
    • Choose a hairstyle that fits the shape of your face well. Ask your hairdresser if you are unsure.
  2. Dress to suit his age group. Depending on your age, there are things that might make you look childish to someone a little older. While you should always have your own style, it is easier to impress an older boy if you dress according to the fashions of his age group.
    • If the age difference is very big then you shouldn't dress like someone their age because that looks crazy on someone much younger.
    • It helps to have a look around the mall. Then you get an idea of ​​the latest trends.
  3. Keep your makeup light. When you are young, you shouldn't try to look older with a lot of makeup. Doing so only shows how young you are. You also give the impression that you are unsure of what you look like. You are much more likely to pique his interest if you stay yourself as much as possible. Some light make-up to emphasize your strengths is more than enough.
    • The fact is that young girls are often not as good at applying makeup as older girls. If you keep that in mind, it is good to start small and then gain more and more experience.
  4. Have a confident attitude. Your attitude is an important means of expressing your confidence and looking attractive to others, regardless of your age or gender. Whether standing or sitting, keep your back straight and your shoulders back. If you're not used to having a good posture, it can feel crazy at first, but if you stick with it, it will become natural.
    • Maturity and confidence are the two most important things to bridge the age gap, and your attitude is one way of expressing both.


  • Usually, when picking up an older boy, you follow the same principles as someone your own age. The basics like being friendly and teasing a little apply at any age.
  • A relationship where there is an age difference should be treated the same as any other relationship.
  • Try to have one or two deep conversations with him and you will understand each other better and gain respect for each other and build a relationship.
  • Just be yourself guys like girls who are original.


  • An age-gap relationship can be controversial and can generate criticism from friends and family. Don't let that stop you if you really want it, but be prepared for it.
  • Don't show interest in guys other than him. If you give all kinds of other guys the same attention, he'll think you're a flirt and won't take you seriously.
  • There is nothing that can ensure that a relationship between two people will go well.
  • The older the boy you want to pick up is, the more difficult it can be.