Create and develop an original character

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Creating your own original character
Video: Creating your own original character


Whether you write for pleasure or want to start your own book, characters are an essential part of any story. To get a good story or book going you need to develop good characters, but more importantly, you need to get to know the characters.

To step

  1. Decide what type of story you will write. Is it fantasy? A historical novel? This can have a major impact on your character. Even if your character has traveled backwards or forwards in time to get into the universe of the story, he or she will still be deeply intertwined with old customs and confused by the differences in culture and the time period.
  2. Make a decision about the background of your characters. What kind of names do they have? What do the characters look like? How old are they? What can you say about everyone's education? What kind of family does each character come from and what is that family like? How heavy is each character? What distinguishing features does each character have? Try to go so far as to exactly imagine each character in your head.
    • One of the basic information should be whether your character has a disability or is LGBT. If you approach these topics, you will have to be very careful about them if you are not experienced with them. When creating characters with disabilities or LGBT characters, you will need to do a lot of research before writing anything that might be thoughtless or offensive.
    • Make the character's appearance make sense of the story's universe and customs. For example, a professional fighter will often have his or her hair tied together because otherwise it can be easily grabbed and hurt him or her. In the real world, no one can have bright pink eyes, or red or purple eyes, without specific genetic mutations (like an albino) or contact lenses; genetics just don't work that way. And if your story is set in a realistic world, Alexandria's Genesis is not real and cannot be used to justify a character's purple eyes!
  3. Determine the basic personality of each character. Is a character cheerful and cheerful, or is it melancholy and gloomy? Has the character been withdrawn? Enthusiastic? Inquisitive? Insensitive? Come up with some basic traits of your character's personality to get a rough idea of ​​how the character relates to your story.
    • This also allows you to determine the interests and hobbies of your character. Is it a computer programmer? Violinist? A dancer? A writer? Chemist? Mathematician?
  4. Go deeper into your character's personality. Ask yourself some deeper questions about situations that can help determine what character a character has, such as, "What would my character do if his mother died? What would he do if he was confronted by a family member he lost sight of a long time ago? What would he do if he was confronted by a bank robber? If someone were to hold a gun to their head? "These are the kind of questions you should ask yourself, and write down the answers. You should now have a reasonable idea of ​​the personality of the different characters.
  5. Sprinkle some negative qualities on top. If you make a character too perfect, people will start to find your story boring. A tall, slim, handsome, strong, honest, thoughtful and intelligent character soon doesn't really come across anymore. Give him or her a weakness, such as an addiction or the fact that the character is too proud. Add some complications!
    • Make sure the weakness isn't something that would cause little or no trouble in the story. For example, if the character is shy and clumsy, then these are not real flaws if it only leads to the character being driven into the arms of his loved one. A real weakness could be something like, 'Karin is so shy that she can't bring herself to say what she really thinks, and this keeps her in constant trouble when her friends misbehave and she doesn't dare to speak up. say, 'or' Ferdinand is clumsy and this causes problems when he trips and drops a candle on a curtain of the hotel where he works, causing a fire and injuring those around them. '
    • Don't worry your character too much has errors. If a character's description goes like this, 'His parents died when he was young, which traumatized him, and his foster parents locked him in a closet while he did nothing wrong, he's ugly and socially awkward, and no one finds nice to him, and he messes up everything he tries to do, 'then no one will be able to put himself in your character and may even find him annoying and a nag.
    • Be careful with the flaws in your characters' character, such as drug addiction or alcohol addiction, mental illness or disability. More often than not, these topics are not handled properly, and the writer makes it appear as if an addiction could just be put aside for a moment. As if mentally ill people are violent and out of control, or disabled people cannot do anything on their own and have to rely on everyone for every need they have, when this is not justified (e.g .: someone in a wheelchair who has no communication problems at all, still being dependent preventing others from communicating). These things must diligent be investigated, otherwise you may be able to offend certain readers.
      • To learn more about disabilities, such as mental illness, autism, etc., see wikiHow articles on developing a character with a disability.
  6. Think about how you would talk to your character. Think about his hopes and dreams, fears and memories. You can also try to answer questions as the character, which can help you step into their shoes and find a better way to see the world through your eyes.
  7. Write a scene with the character. If you're not sure what to write about, find an idea generator and pick the ones that sound good. Show how your character reacts to certain situations, and don't just tell them. This can help you get a sense of how rounded the character is, and whether you should go back and rewrite some areas of their personality. If the character responds to what is going on in the story, then you are on the right track.
    • The difference between showing and telling is that when you tell the reader about a character, there is no evidence to support it (eg, "Jenna cares about people"). If you show the reader that this is so, then there is enough evidence to support the claim (e.g .: 'Jenna hugged the trembling, crying child and cradled the child in her arms, with the soothing words,' It's okay No one was hurt. Everything is okay now. "). In general, it is better for your writing to show, and not to tell.


  • Enjoy it! There is no point in making up characters if this is boring you because if it is boring you then why would it bother other people? That is not the start of a very good story!
  • Don't try to get your character right everything - For example, your character cannot be good at sword fighting, archery, rock climbing, singing, popularity, makeup, and thousands of other talents at the same time. Nobody is good at it everything. Pick a few talents for your character, select which one the character spends a lot of time on, then let the rest go. Just because you want your character to be great doesn't mean it has to be good at everything you can think of, because no one is good at everything.
  • Search online for a character sheet. You can find it by searching for "character creation sheet" or "character development sheet" in your browser. These can help you develop character traits that you may not have thought of yet.
  • If you have no idea what your character should look like, but you know what their personality is, or vice versa, you can always base their appearance on their personality, or their personality on certain external features of the character. For example, if the person is playing basketball, it may be long or, for a twist on the story, it may be small (making it difficult for him or her to secure a place on the team, etc).
  • When you write the story, the characters write most of the story, not you. If you introduce a plot twist and you can imagine the way each character reacts to it in his or her own way, rather than a ready-made response that you have made up for them, then you are doing it right.
  • Another tip you can use is that when deciding on a personality, you always think about it why. For example: Karin doesn't dare to open her mouth because she's afraid someone will criticize her - okay, but why? Maybe someone has said something in the past and no one thought it was a good idea and it had a negative effect on her ability to speak up.