Creating a morning and evening routine (for girls)

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 11 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how to create your ideal "that girl" night routine (interactive exercise)
Video: how to create your ideal "that girl" night routine (interactive exercise)


Do you find that your days are chaotic and you just can't start slowly and end the day? Studies have shown that people who follow a daily routine are better prepared for the day and feel less tense about it. By establishing a regular and predictable morning and evening routine, you can have a wonderful and relaxing day.

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Part 1 of 2: Creating a morning routine

  1. Wake up to happy sounds. Getting out of bed is often the hardest part of the day. Set your alarm to play happy music or white noise, such as birds chirping, leaving you feeling refreshed and pleasant to start the day.
    • Determine the time you need to get up depending on when you need to go to school or work and how long your morning routine will last. For example, if you have to be at work or school by 8:00 and it takes an hour to get ready and half an hour to get there, it's best to get up no later than 6:30. Take some extra time as a buffer, in case you're late.
    • Don't use an alarm with loud and booming music, or one with annoying high tones.
    • Open your eyes and let them get used to the light.
    • Sit down and then slowly get out of bed.
    • Do some light stretching or yoga to get your circulation going.
  2. Eat your breakfast daily. Studies show that breakfast is an important meal because it gives you the energy and nutrients to get through your day. Eat a healthy breakfast every day to minimize the risk of getting a dip in the middle of the morning or having low blood sugar, which can make you cranky.
    • Eat two or three different foods and have at least one product from the following groups: bread and grain, milk and dairy products, and fruits or vegetables. For example, you can have a piece of toast, a bowl of yogurt, banana, and cereal for a healthy breakfast.
    • Save easy-to-carry foods like granola bars, apples, and bananas for those times when you're late.
    • If necessary, prepare all breakfast items the night before. This can help streamline your routine.
  3. Take a shower. After a night of sleep and maybe sweating, a shower will not only leave you feeling clean, but can also help you wake up more. On the other hand, an evening shower can help you relax and sleep peacefully.
    • Shower with warm water (between 36 and 40 degrees Celsius), so you don't burn yourself. Check the temperature with a thermometer, or hold your hands and feet under running water for a short while.
    • Use a mild detergent or soft soap with a neutral pH value.
    • Consider brushing your teeth in the shower to conserve water.
    • Dry yourself completely.
  4. Apply skin care products and deodorant. Once you pat your dry skin dry, you can apply skin products as desired. They keep your skin soft and can help fight acne. Deodorant makes you smell fresh and masks body odor.
    • Use a special moisturizer for your face and body. The skin on your face is thinner and acne prone. Make sure to choose a product that is suitable for your skin type.
    • Apply creams specifically designed for acne or other complaints before applying the moisturizer or moisturizer.
    • Warm the moisturizer between your hands or fingers before applying. This makes it absorbed faster.
  5. Get ready. If you wear makeup, apply this to your face as soon as your moisturizer has set into your skin. Once you are done with the make-up you can start doing your hair.
    • Streamline your makeup routine so it's as lightweight as possible. This will save you time and help to look natural.
    • To save time, keep your hairstyle as simple as possible. If you want something a bit more complex with your hair, go for a style that you can easily prepare the night before. For example, if you want waves or curls, you can bun or braid your hair before going to bed. After your shower, take it out and let your curls fall.
  6. Get dressed. Put on your clothes and accessories for the day, once you have done your makeup and hair. By putting together your outfit the night before, you can save time and avoid a stressful situation because you don't know what to wear.
    • Make sure your clothes are ironed and free from creases. An easy way to get rid of creases is to hang your clothes in the bathroom while you shower. The steam can help free your clothes from small bumps and creases.
    • Consider layered clothing in case you go outside. For example, you can take a nice cardigan or nice jacket with you if you go somewhere for a drink after school or work.
    • Put on any jewelry you would like to wear.
    • Apply a fine, light perfume. This allows people to remember you better, as studies have shown that smell is closely related to memory.
  7. Gather the supplies you need for your day. When you go to school or work, get everything you need for the day. These are, for example, a lunch, pens, your telephone or books.
    • Hang a frame on the fridge or another place that you can easily see so you know what you need every day. You also take notes in your phone.
    • Get most of your supplies ready the night before so you don't forget anything or put yourself under unnecessary stress.
  8. Check yourself one last time. Before you go out to start your day, give yourself a final check. You can check if your clothes match, if your hair is good, and if you have forgotten any items you need for the day.

Part 2 of 2: Relax for the evening

  1. Finish work that has yet to be done. If you have homework from school or work to do as soon as you get home, finish this a few hours before you go to bed. This can help you relax and make it easier to get into your evening routine and fall asleep.
    • Make sure you can get as much done at work or school as possible so that you can enjoy a more relaxed evening.
  2. Prepare for the next day. Collect as much as possible your things for the next day. This reduces the risk of being late and helps you have a stress-free morning, which in turn helps to get the day off to a good start.
    • Get the clothes you want to wear (or a few options) ready. Make sure the clothes are ironed.
    • Pack your lunch or snacks that you want to take with you.
    • Have breakfast items, such as bowls, food, and glasses, ready. You can also set up your coffee machine so that you have hot coffee when you get up.
  3. Decorate your bedroom in a cozy way. Have your room prepared for bed a few hours before going to bed. A cozy environment helps you to fall asleep quickly and sleep through the night.
    • Set the temperature to between 16 and 24 degrees and open a window or turn on a fan to circulate the air.
    • Remove electronics from your room, as they can activate you and make you tense.
    • Block out all light sources. If you need a night light, choose a color that relaxes you, such as red.
    • Shake up your mattress, pillows, and sheets so they feel airy.
  4. Stick to a regular bedtime. Go to bed at about the same time every night. This helps regulate your body clock and can help you have a more relaxed night.
    • Set your bedtime so that you get 7-9 hours of sleep per night and can get into your sleep mode. For example, if you have to get up at 6:30 am, you must be in bed by 11:30 pm at the latest.
    • Gradually enter your sleep mode about 2-3 hours before you want to go to sleep.
  5. Provide an easy transition to your sleep mode. After a long day, your body needs time to relax and slow down. In any case, give yourself at least an hour before bed to relax so that you can fall asleep more easily.
    • Avoid electronics or devices as they activate your brain, making it more difficult to relax and fall asleep.
    • Dim the lights in your room to signal to your brain and body that it is slowly time to go to bed.
  6. Create a sleeping ritual. As you gradually enter sleep mode, you follow a ritual before going to sleep. Do activities to relax and get ready for bed.
    • Remove your makeup and wash your face with warm water.
    • Choose some entertainment that you can do with dim lighting, such as reading or pet your pet.
    • Drink warm milk or herbal tea, such as peppermint, lavender, or chamomile, to relax yourself.
    • Take a warm bath to further relax yourself and get sleepy.
    • Give yourself a massage. There is some evidence that massaging essential oil on your feet or temples can help you relax and fall asleep. Brush your teeth thoroughly for at least two minutes.
    • Set your alarm.
  7. Tighten your muscles in bed. Relaxation exercises that tighten your muscles can help you relax. This can get rid of persistent stress and help you fall asleep and stay asleep.
    • Tighten each of your muscle groups for five seconds, starting with your feet up to your head. After five seconds, relax your muscles and take a deep breath before starting the next group.
  8. Stay in bed. If you are overactive or not tired yet, go to bed around the same time as usual. Lying down in a cozy bed and bedroom can help you relax and fall asleep.
    • Get up again if you didn't fall asleep in 20 minutes. Do something that relaxes you, such as reading a dim light or listening for white noise. Get back to bed after 20 minutes, and repeat this pattern until you fall asleep.


  • If necessary, tie your hair out of your face or in a bun before going to sleep. This may help keep your skin clean.
  • Place your alarm clock across the room, far from your bed. This forces you to get out of bed to turn off the alarm, making it less tempting to sleep through.
  • If you're bringing lunch, pack it the night before and put it in the fridge so it's cool and ready to go. Just in case you don't have the time to do this in the morning.
  • Read a book or do some yoga before bed to relax.
  • If you are too lazy to get up after waking up, a good tip is to place your alarm clock or mobile far from your bed, such as on the windowsill, so that you have to get up to turn it off. The way to get up for another day!
  • Take another shower before going to bed so you don't have to dry your hair the next morning. When you bathe in the evening, put on a bathing cap so that your hair does not get wet.
  • Make a checklist so you know what to do when you wake up without worrying about it.