Create a mobile app

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 7 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How to Make an Android App for Beginners
Video: How to Make an Android App for Beginners


The mobile app industry has long passed the billion dollar critical mark. Smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices make up a significant proportion of internet users. The determining factor for the success of an app is the quality and the user experience.

To step

Part 1 of 5: Setting the benchmark: the design

  1. Make the new user your benchmark for the design. The design should be simple enough for a new user to navigate easily. Test your app with a few friends or ideally a larger group of people who are not well versed in using cell phones. See how they perform, where they get stuck - is it intuitive, engaging and fun to use? Change your design accordingly.
    • The lower educated and young users (children) also form a large market sector. The design should be intuitive enough to help them use your app without any hassle.
  2. Keep different operating systems in mind. The mobile internet market is divided over different operating systems. Consider these differences before designing the app. Use responsive design to make sure your app looks as intended on different platforms and operating systems.
    • To make an app for Android you have Android Studio needed and for creating an iOS app you can XCode Development Kit use.
  3. Make sure your app works seamlessly across platforms. Use the "responsive design" strategy to create an app that is flexible and adaptable for different platforms. Responsive design refers to the idea that an app or website changes its layout, fonts and images depending on the receiving device. Don't go for the strategy of creating a scaled-down version of your site for cell phones. Instead, build the site for the small screen first, then resize it for the larger screens.
  4. Make use of grids. A grid is an excellent tool for keeping your app design consistent and on track across multiple pages. Consistency in images, fonts, and icons create a professional look. And don't forget: it reflects your logo.
  5. Don't forget the offline experience. Not all areas have network coverage. Decide on the offline usability factor of your app. Make sure most functions in your app work during offline sessions. In some parts of the world, power outages are a regular part of everyday life, so ideally your app should be usable even when you don't have an internet connection.
    • For an offline experience, you need to learn about serverless operation. It will help you create an offline software application.

Part 2 of 5: Dig deeper: planning

  1. Decide what your goal is. Clearly set your goal about the purpose of your app. For example, finding gas stations on a highway in a particular province or the entire country.
    • The best apps are the ones that solve a big problem. So if you're having a hard time choosing a goal, think about your problem first.
  2. Do some paperwork. Visualize how your app will look on the screen. Draw a rough schedule of screens or skins. What are the functions and everything in between?
  3. Research the market. Know if your idea is already being used. Find out what users are looking for? How can you tap into the market financially? Create a marketing plan. Marketing is not the last step in creating an app. It must be included in every step, so pre-production, production and post-production.
  4. Storyboard. Storyboarding helps you create a blueprint of the app's functionality. Similar to storyboarding for films, the more elaborate the storyboard, the clearer the process becomes.
  5. Create a prototype or model. Prototyping tools let you view and test your app in real time. You can check and adjust it. Ask your friends and family to try your app and provide feedback. Include their feedback in your adjustments.
  6. Build the backend. After testing the prototype, you will now start working on the backend. It is the developer side of the application. It includes storage, APIs, setup servers and databases.
  7. Register. App stores require you to register as a developer. You don't have to be an expert in programming, but it does require a fee. Check the sites for more info.
  8. Create the skins and screens. This is the actual creation of the skins or screens for the users. You are creating the user interface at this stage.

Part 3 of 5: Building your app

Using an app development service

  1. Consider using an app development service. Creating an app usually takes a lot of work and money. Not everyone can afford that. Here's a fix. You can find app builder platforms in abundance on the web. There are free services, but also those with monthly and annual subscriptions. Moreover, you don't have to write any code. They provide a graphical user interface. Just drag, drop, upload photos, checkmarks and your app is complete. Bingo!
  2. Search app builders online. There are numerous sites offering app development services. View some and read users' content and experiences. See if there is an intuitive and easy interface. Some offer free services, while others charge.
  3. Sign In. Make sure you have read the section "Digging Deeper". Do some paperwork and visualization before starting the process. Storyboard how your screens and functions will work.
  4. Start building your app. Most sites are very easy to use. Anyone with some basic knowledge of computers and the Internet can do it easily.
  5. Apply the tips in the "Setting the Benchmark" section. Read the section above entitled "Setting the Benchmark". Your app must have enough functions that work offline. Create an intuitive design so that new users can easily work with it.
  6. Think of visual elements. Think about text, typography, colors, icons, tabs, etc. in advance to create a consistent look.

Part 4 of 5: Do it yourself

  1. Do it yourself if you like it. The famous apps and websites are the result of programmers' blood, sweat and tears. You can't get all the features with app building sites. So if you have a brilliant idea for an app, learning to code isn't a bad idea. This is the usual way to create apps:
  2. Learn to program. The basic languages ​​that a programmer should know at least some of them are: C, C ++, Objective-C, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, C #, Swift, ReactJS, PHP, Node.js, and Ruby. You can learn extra. That's a bonus. However, master a few languages ​​and learn the basics of others. Either study computer science or learn online through tutorials and videos. No shortage of either!
  3. Make sure you have a system. Research the market to find a suitable system for your job.
  4. Apply the tips given above. Read the above sections, "Setting the Bench" and "Digging Deeper". The first consists of tips from top developers. The latter outlines the basics of making an app successful.
  5. Build the development environment. Set up the environment for app development. Install the environment according to your system and app.
  6. Create your app. After you have done a thorough paperwork and you have a clear idea of ​​the look and functions using the tips given above, start coding now.Write the source code and create resource files and manifest files for your project.
  7. Debug and test. During this phase, you build your app in a debugging package. Use SDK tools for a test app.
  8. Publish and test. During this phase, you check your app in publish mode again.

Part 5 of 5: Publishing

  1. Check your app again. Now the actual app is ready. Check it with an app meant for testing apps.
  2. Publish the app. You can publish it directly to your iTunes or Google Play app stores developer account, or to the site you used to build the app. Now you can wait and hope that your app will be used a lot.
  3. Market your app. The marketing process you started from pre-production through research and beyond with a blog and social media is now gaining momentum. Create a microsite for your app. Use promotional videos. Advertise on social media. Organize a competition or other marketing tactics to get attention. You also need to have a business model.


  • Analyze useful and famous apps for inspiration.
  • Know the psyche of your target audience. Children like bright colors, men prefer dark ones while women are more inclined towards light tones.
  • Use a group of testers to test your app or site.
  • Use visual communication to create a neat and interesting look and feel.
  • User experience is a huge field, so learn some of the basics.
  • Don't think that your site or app is selling itself. Do some marketing to promote your app and site.