Releasing a mixtape

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
5 Reasons to drop an EP/Mixtape [Music Release Strategies]
Video: 5 Reasons to drop an EP/Mixtape [Music Release Strategies]


You think you are a talented lyricist and now is the time to show your talent to the world. A mixtape is the perfect way to do that. Mixtapes don't require a lot of investment and they can have a big impact and spread your reputation as an artist quickly. They are audible showcases for talent and a well-received mixtape can open all kinds of doors. Making a successful mixtape is not about the money you throw at it, but the dedication and talent you put into it. A good DJ will also come in handy.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Recording the tracks

  1. Come up with a concept. The best mixtapes have a theme or concept that holds everything together, including the album cover. If your mixtape points in a certain direction instead of just being random tracks, your listeners will get more out of it.
  2. Find a balance between old and new. A mixtape is supposed to build the hype surrounding you and word of mouth, so you need to make sure your fans get to hear something new. At the same time, you don't want to just give away all your new material for free.
    • Do not use songs that you have already used on a previous mixtape. This will make the listeners seem lazy. You should only do that if a significant remix is ​​involved.
  3. Find some beats. If you don't feel comfortable making your own beats or if you don't know anyone who can help you with that, know that there are truly thousands of beats available online. These range from instrumental versions of your favorite songs to tracks with a committee of established and upcoming producers. The possibilities are almost endless.
  4. Keep your samples under control. While it is popular to record over another artist's track, not everyone wants to hear the same hackneyed beats over and over. Try to stay original. Your audience will appreciate your talent even more because of this.
    • There is still plenty of room in the scene to rap to someone else's beats. Artists like Drake and Lil Wayne have shown that clever sampling and lyrical skills can take you to incredible heights. The key is to let your skills dominate the sample or to use the sample in a unique or inspiring way.
    • Since you won't be making money with your mixtape, you don't have to worry too much about copyright issues. Just make sure you're not using the same hackneyed samples that everyone else uses.
    • Since a mixtape is not commercially released, this may be your best bet to use samples that would never be allowed on an album. The Beatles, James Brown, Steely Dan, Pink Floyd and many other famous artists are extremely difficult to sample with permission, but you can use them for your mixtape.
  5. Find a befriended producer or DJ to experience some beats. If you really want to sound professional, then you need to have a DJ / producer friend who will make some tracks for you to record on. This will give you unique beats, but it will also make you stand out with DJs. Who knows, you might find a musical partner because of this.
  6. Provide good production equipment. Make sure you have a good microphone and decent mixing software or hardware. This can really work wonders for how you will sound.
    • Check out this guide for details on how to set up a home studio cheaply.
  7. Choose an album cover for which you pay commission or create one yourself. A good mixtape needs a strong album cover. If all else fails, a photo of yourself will be enough to distinguish your brand from others. While you may think your mixtape is all about the music, you should know that a lot of people are reaching for mixtapes based on the album art. So make sure yours catches the eye!
    • Avoid cluttering your cover with logos and URLs. Stick your website and contact information on the tape itself.

Part 2 of 3: Getting DJs to play your tracks

  1. Befriend local DJs. DJs rule the music scene. They decide what sounds good and what will appeal to listeners. The idea is to get your mixtape into the hands of as many DJs as possible as soon as possible. It doesn't matter whether they can be heard on the radio or in a club. If a DJ decides your track is "hot", you will be able to keep out many more ears.
    • Many club DJs also offer services where you can pay to be played. Find the contact information of local DJs and ask them about their rates and services to host your tracks.
    • A mixtape is not technically a mixtape unless a DJ has mixed your tracks. In any case, a collaboration with a professional DJ will help you take your mixtape to the next level.
  2. Have a DJ host your mixtape. Many DJs and advertising companies make it possible to have your mixtape hosted by them for a fee. Often this includes a professional DJ mixing your songs and adding drops to them. Hosting may also engage in advertising and garnering significant air time on the radio. While hosting can be quite pricey at times, there are all kinds of options available.
    • Viral Mixtapes is a popular online mixtape host that advertises a lot on social networks for tapes they take under their wing.
    • DJ Noize is a popular host DJ and the prices of all kinds of promotional services can be negotiated.
    • Coast2Coast Mixtapes is another popular host that manages to reach a large audience.
  3. Add custom drops yourself. If you don't have the capital to let a DJ host your mixtape, you can mix in your own custom drops and tags. This will allow listeners to know what they are hearing, it will make sure your name is known once your tracks start to be shared, and it will boost the hype surrounding your mixtape. You can use your own recording equipment to make everything yourself or if you have a little bit of money aside you can also buy custom drops.
    • Some popular drop providers include Wigman and Knock Squared. You can usually buy multiple tags and drops for less than € 50.
    • Add your tags to the beginning, middle and end of your tracks. This will allow people to know what they are listening to, even if they got the track from someone else.
    • Without a host, you will have to do most of the advertising yourself. Check out the next section for more tips and ideas for promoting your mixtape.

Part 3 of 3: Promoting your mixtape

  1. Advertise in clubs. Take to the streets and start talking about your project in clubs in your city. Distribute flyers and get people to start talking about you. Make sure you have enough tapes (or CDs, USB sticks, QR codes, etc.) with you to hand out to anyone who looks the slightest interested.
  2. Post on social networks. Before and right after you release your mixtape, you should constantly put yourself in the spotlight on all available social media channels. When people enjoy what they hear, they will share it with their friends. Consequently, your audience and brand awareness will increase. Social media is by no means the only form of advertising you should be making, but it is very important these days.
    • Facebook - Everyone you know is on Facebook and everyone they know is too. Your audience on Facebook is, in fact, endless, so you need to make sure you reach them regularly. Create a Facebook page for your musical project and post about your mixtape. Please share this with all your friends.
    • Twitter - Twitter is not only an advertisement for your music, it is mainly an advertisement for yourself. People follow people they find interesting. Provide personal and recognizable tweets and you will soon have a significant following. Once you have followers you can start sharing information about your mixtapes.
  3. Put tracks on Soundcloud and BandCamp. These two online services have very many dedicated listeners and should not be overlooked when promoting your mixtape. Create an account if you don't already have one and upload some tracks from your new tape. The purpose of these services is to fuel the hunger of the public. Give away a track or two for free and link it to your mix tapes or albums.
  4. Get yourself covered in the media. Send a press invitation to any music blog, magazine and alternative form of publication you can think of. Getting the support of the press makes it possible to have a big impact on your audience. A positive article about you in a local music magazine can boost your popularity enormously.
    • Contact a local radio station and try to arrange an interview on a program most associated with your genre of music. Even if it is at three in the morning; anything is better than not being heard.
  5. Make a video clip. If you really want to impress with your mixtape, you can make a video clip for a single from your mixtape. The mixtape / video clip combo can work wonders in raising your brand awareness and YouTube can be a real springboard to get noticed.
    • The video clip does not necessarily have to be an expensive production. With some good directing and a decent camera, your video clip can look just as professional as well-known video clips you see on television.
  6. Start working on your next mixtape. Music never stops and a single mixtape is unlikely to make you the next Lil Wayne. Dedicated rappers release multiple mixtapes per year, because consistency is the only way to increase your audience with certainty.