Kissing a girl in the cinema

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to KISS a Girl at the MOVIES (13 Steps)
Video: How to KISS a Girl at the MOVIES (13 Steps)


Kissing a girl in the cinema is a real classic and most people have experienced this in their youth. Getting the courage to ask someone out is the hardest part, but once you hang out together, the pressure will be gone. Everyone loves to kiss. It is very possible that the girl would like to kiss you. Just try to relax, this is the best advice you can get when trying to make your move. The girl wanted to go to the cinema with you, so relax and kiss her!

To step

Part 1 of 3: Plan your night out

  1. See which films are currently playing in the cinema. Use the internet to check your options for the best movie that will increase the chances of getting a kiss. There are also plenty of applications for your phone that you can use to view the offerings in your region.
  2. Choose a movie. Try to find a movie you've both seen or one you're not really interested in. This can be a little tricky with the high prices of movie tickets nowadays. For a nicer date, you better go to the movie that you really want to see if it has been running for one or two months. If you know or think you know what movie the girl wants to see, propose yourself to go there.
    • The idea is that you go to a movie that will not be too crowded.
    • Consider the duration of the movie. You should determine in advance whether you are satisfied with a 90-minute movie or want a three-hour movie.
  3. Think about the genre. It can feel a little uncomfortable huddling together during a really serious movie. Go for a comedy, romantic comedy or horror. These films are also usually less well-attended than big blockbusters.
  4. Ask her for suggestions. Make sure you are somewhat on the same wavelength. A good way to build chemistry between you is to watch trailers together. Be assertive if there is a movie you would like to see, but don't try to get your way. In the end, try to reach a decision together.

Part 2 of 3: Creating the right mood

  1. Plan to meet up early. This gives you the opportunity to flirt before the movie starts. Since she's already agreed to go out with you, don't be too nervous about this part. Just be yourself.
  2. Play a game. A good way to create chemistry between you is to play games (arcade games) in an arcade. Try flirting with her now and then through eye contact.
    • Don't try to be too fanatic. A small amount of fanaticism can be funny, but don't take it too seriously, it could waste your chances.
  3. Offer to buy some food and drink for the movie. The girl will appreciate if you offer to buy popcorn and soda so you can share. If this is one of the first dates with the girl, you as a boy should offer this.
  4. Choose your seats. Choose two seats as far away as possible from seats that are already occupied. Try to sit in the back row or in a corner of the room. The ultimate idea is that you choose two seats so that you are not too close to other moviegoers.
  5. Make sure your lips are soft. Apply a thin layer of lip balm before going on a date so that you have soft lips. Do not constantly reapply the lip balm during the date. This may make you appear too nervous or too fixated on kissing. Keep your cool.
  6. Bring mints. You may have bought a large Coke, but just to be on the safe side, bring mints with you. You'll be glad you put them in your pocket afterwards.

Part 3 of 3: Making your move

  1. Wait a moment during the start of the movie. It would be strange if you make your move during the opening titles. In any case, don't do anything during the first 20 minutes of the movie. The ideal moment is during a slower scene in the movie.
  2. Make eye contact. Don't sit and stare at your date. Look in her direction every now and then. Do this until you make eye contact and then quickly look back at the screen.
    • It would be best if you make eye contact and both blush.
  3. Hold her hand. If she's put her hand on the cup holder, that's a good indication she wants to hold your hand. Don't rush if you want to hold her hand. Put your hand gently on her hand and wait for her response.
  4. Try to gauge the mood. If she leans in the opposite direction in her chair, she doesn't want you to kiss her. See if she puts her hair behind her ear. With this she exposes her neck and that is a sign that she is interested. Be subtle and smart while polling the mood.
  5. Take the first step to kiss. Turn your upper body towards her and gently touch her chin with your finger. This clearly indicates that you would like to kiss her. As soon as she turns her head in your direction and gets closer, you could calmly bring your head closer.
    • If she doesn't seem to respond to your attempt to kiss, then you should stop trying and you will likely watch the movie disappointed.
  6. Gauge her response. You'll notice if she wants to kiss again. Be charming and a gentleman after the first kiss. Don't come up with hackneyed comments like "Well, that was fun" or "You kiss really well."
  7. Take kissing breaks. Don't keep kissing until the movie is over without taking a break from time to time. Make a quick kiss and then watch part of the movie again.Wait about twenty minutes and then turn in her direction again. She'll want to kiss you again if she liked the first kiss.
    • Guys normally make the first move, so make sure you are confident. If you are confident, she will feel comfortable.
  8. Compliment her. Once the movie is over, you can say you enjoyed it very much (if you mean it sincerely). Indicate that you would like to go on a date with her again. Don't ask her if she liked it. Be subtle, but at the same time, don't be afraid to be honest.


  • Try to kiss longer if she likes it.
  • Take it step by step.
  • Try to do it subtly.
  • Do not kiss or kiss her in front of your parents after the movie, as this will be very uncomfortable for the girl. A small hug in the presence of your parents is enough. If your parents aren't there, do whatever the girl wants.
  • It is important to appear confident, but not arrogant. Show that you are confident with the help of body language and you will see that you are more likely to want her to kiss you.
  • If the girl puts her hand on your body, it's an obvious sign that she likes you.
  • Don't pretend to yawn and then put your arm around her. This is an old trick, but don't do this unless you're sure she'll appreciate it.
  • If she rests her arm on the armrest on your side, but tries to do this unseen, she probably wants you to hold her hand.
  • Go to the bathroom before going on a date.
  • Don't ask her friends if she liked it afterwards.


  • Never run too fast, as it will make her uncomfortable and you may even bump your teeth together.
  • Make sure there are no drinks in the way. You could easily spill, and that can quickly ruin a date!
  • Try to prevent your teeth from touching each other. That would be quite a letdown.
  • Remember that you are not the only visitors. A quick kiss or kiss is fine, but a very long kissing session will bother other visitors.