Stroking a girl

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 1 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to TURN a Girl ON With TOUCH (18 Techniques)
Video: How to TURN a Girl ON With TOUCH (18 Techniques)


Some girls like to be caressed. However, it is important to do it the right way, with respect, and at the right time. There are certain techniques you can apply, and the girls you touch will love it. A girl can feel very loved when you touch her the right way, and it can also create an emotional bond between you. It is important that you use the right technique, touch the right parts of the body, and that you know when and how to touch her.

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Part 1 of 3: Using the right technique

  1. Touch her gently. It is important that you touch a girl gently when caressing her. For example, try running your fingertips along her skin while caressing her skin.
    • Do not make quick or unexpected movements. Soft and smooth touches are relaxing and a bit exhilarating too. Touch a girl tenderly and gently, as if she were made of silk.
  2. Gently hug her. A hug can be a great way to start caressing a girl, and it's also something couples like to do together. For example, you can hug the girl, and then start stroking her so that the hug lasts longer and she enjoys the touch.
    • For example, you can hug her when you wish each other good night, and then gently caress her back with one hand during the hug. If she seems to like that, you can gently stroke her cheek with your other hand.
    • If you find her breaking away from the hug quickly and keeping it friendly, then she may not like you enough. If you find herself trying to make the hug last longer, she may want more physical contact with you.
  3. Put your arm around her shoulders or waist. You can also put your arm around a girl's shoulders or waist and then start stroking her. It is recommended that you only do this if you are pretty sure she will like it, and if she is already slightly experienced in physical contact such as holding hands.
    • For example, you can gently wrap your arm around her shoulder or waist while standing in line next to her for the movie, or when you are taking a break from school.
    • After putting your arm around her shoulder or waist, you can gently stroke her shoulder or hip with your hand.
  4. Compliment her while caressing her. Your girl may enjoy the caress more if you compliment her while touching her. This makes caressing feel even more intimate and special.
    • For example, you can tell her that she has such beautiful eyes, or such soft hair. Think about the things you really like about her and the compliments will come naturally.
    • You can also just say that she's beautiful, that her skin feels good, that she smells good, or just that you like her.

Part 2 of 3: Touching her in different places

  1. Start by touching the least sensitive parts of her body. Your best bet is to start by touching her on areas that aren't overly sensitive, then move on to the more sensitive areas if she's okay with it. For example, you can stroke a girl on her arm, face, calf or upper back.
    • If you've never touched her, start holding hands together. If she allows you to hold her hand and hold your hand for a while, she might want more, and then you can try to touch her back or arm afterward.
    • If she likes what you do, you can start touching other areas of her body. For example, you can stroke her back, top to bottom, or from her calves to her thighs with your hands. Pay close attention to whether she is open to this, and whether, for example, she smiles or moves towards you when you touch her.
    • Avoid touching parts of her body that may be too intimate for her, such as her stomach.
  2. Touch her hair and play with it. A girl loves it when a boy plays with her hair and caresses it. It's a romantic and loving gesture.
    • Put her hair behind her ear. If you notice that her hair is in front of her eyes or otherwise in the way, gently wipe it away from her face. It probably won't stay there, but she will definitely notice your gesture.
    • Girls love when you play with their long hair, and when you stroke and brush it with your fingers. Run your fingers through her mane, then stroke her neck and neck.
  3. Focus on her face and neck. A girl's face and neck are intimate places to touch, but they are good places to start when you start touching her. Try touching her cheek and neck with one hand while talking to her and looking her in the eye.
    • A great way to let her know you want to kiss her and give her time to respond is to gently run your fingers over her cheek.
  4. Caress her hands. You can also try caressing the girl's hands and then start kissing. Stroking her hands is also something you can do in public.
    • For example, you can run your thumb back and forth over the back of her hand while holding hands.
    • When you see her hand on the table next to you, try to hold her hand at the table, then gently massage her palm.
  5. Caress her in the more intimate areas. If you feel that your relationship is far enough away to caress it in some more intimate places, then you can start with that. Just watch her respond and listen to her. If she says she doesn't want to be touched somewhere, you stop and then you touch her in a less intimate way, like holding hands.
    • Touching her hips is a daring move, and you can try it if you're in an intimate relationship. For example, you can run your hands along her waist, toward her thighs, then move your hands back up to rest there on her hips.
    • Other body parts that are sensitive but often forgotten are her lower back and her feet. Just be careful when you touch those spots, because it can tickle.
    • If she's open to you touching her most intimate areas, such as her breasts, remember that these areas can be very sensitive. Start with the outside of her breasts and then move gently more to the inside. Don't start with the nipples. When you touch her most intimate spots, be careful not to touch them too hard or too much.

Part 3 of 3: Determining when and how to caress a girl

  1. Watch her carefully body language. Only 10 to 15 percent of all communication between people is verbal, so that means the rest is communicated in other ways, such as through body language and eye movements. Pay close attention to her body language to determine if she really wants you to caress her.
    • Does she make eye contact with you? Does she keep looking at you when she notices you looking at her? Is her body language open (facing you) or closed (her arms crossed in front of her chest, for example).
    • Don't take it personally if you're just not in the mood to be touched. She may be tired or in a bad mood. Learn how to guess her mood by watching her body language.
    • If she's playing with her hair, touching you in any way, getting closer to you, or looking at you and then shyly looking away, she probably wants you to continue stroking her. It's all ways girls flirt. If she likes it, she'll let you know by sitting or standing against you, and then she might start touching you too. If you notice that she's getting tense or stiffened, stop.
  2. Look in what environment you are with her. Some caresses can be done in public, and some cannot. Your girl may feel uncomfortable if you touch her in a certain way in front of other people or in public. If you are in a public place, find out which touches are appropriate for where you are.
    • If you're going to the movies with a girl, hold her hand and spin your thumb in circles on her palm. It's a subtle touch that she probably likes.
    • It depends on the situation which is appropriate. When walking on the street together, gently touch her elbow or her lower back when walking down a street or when she steps through a door; that is a great way to have physical contact with each other for the first time. Next time, you can simply run your hand up her back, or up her arm, before letting go of her.
    • She will likely be more open to being caressed in an intimate setting, such as at her or your home.
  3. Think about your band. Whether or not you should stroke a girl better depends on the type of bond you have with the girl. Before you start stroking her, think about the bond with her.
    • Think about how long you've been together. If she makes an effort to spend time with you, if you are in a relationship or have been dating for a while, and if you have intimate conversations together, it will be easier to stroke her. The limits of caressing depend on the intimacy you share with each other. As you become more intimate with each other, your chances of fondling each other also increase.
    • If you're just getting to know a girl but already trust each other, touching her hand or arm could be a nice first touch. Every girl is different when it comes to physical contact. Think carefully about her personality before deciding where to touch her, if any.
  4. Ask her if it's okay or if you caress her. You can never go wrong by acting like a gentleman. Girls love it when you do, and you don't run the risk of misjudging her. If you want to touch a girl, she needs to trust you, like you, and get the signals (verbal or body language) that she wants to be caressed. If she doesn't know you, she probably doesn't want to be caressed by you. If she asks if you want to quit, do it.
    • You can ask the girl if she likes what you do, or ask her what she wants you to do, or ask her to take your hands and put them where she likes it. Showing that you are open to her requests and boundaries will likely make her feel more comfortable.
  5. Don't expect stroking to automatically lead to sex. Some girls may immediately assume that you are stroking them because you want to sleep with them. A girl may turn off this if she's not in the mood for it, or if she thinks you just want to sleep with her.
    • It helps if you just stroke her a few times a day and know that you don't want to make love so that she doesn't feel like you're just stroking her because you want to satisfy your own needs. It is important that she knows that you are doing it for her and not for yourself.
    • Stroke her arm or run your fingers through her hair, and don't go straight to her intimate spots! Maybe you shouldn't touch it at all. If you watch television together, you can just stroke her wrist or arm.


  • Ask her "Is this okay?" when you touch her, anywhere. If she doesn't want to, or if you feel like she doesn't like it, then stop.


  • Know when to stop. Stroking can quickly lead to more intimate touches. Never do something that you are not 100% sure you want to do. And if she says no, respect that. Always.