Telling a girl with a text message that you like her

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Telling my crush I love her!?!! ( GONE RIGHT?!?!?!?!??!)
Video: Telling my crush I love her!?!! ( GONE RIGHT?!?!?!?!??!)


Telling a girl that you like her via text message has its perks. It's ideal if you're texting her more than talking in person, or if you're too shy to share your feelings for her in a direct conversation. Try to get to know your crush by doing things together and exchanging text messages. If you then stand up for your feelings and dare to ask her out, it will definitely become clear to her that you like her.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Finding a connection

  1. Get to know your crush a little better. The girl might be the prettiest in the woodwind section, but if you don't know anything about her, how can you tell if she's someone you'd like to date? Try to notice the important things about her: whether she treats her friends well; whether she is nice to small children and less popular people; whether she's passionate about something cool. Before you date her, make sure you like her personality as well as her looks.
    • If she's funny, pay attention to what kind of jokes she makes. A nice person doesn't hurt other people just to be funny.
    • If she's smart, pay attention to whether she also helps others. If she's helping the person sitting next to her with a math problem, it's a sign that she's friendly too.
  2. Interact with each other. If you go to the same school or have friends in common, find a way to talk to your loved one in a low-pressure situation. For example, if you have someone you work with on the chemistry lab, you and that partner may be able to collaborate on a project with her and her partner. If you want to see her outside of school, maybe she and her friends can go out with you and your friends. Say something like, "Ellen and Tim and I are going to go bowling after school - would you like to come along? Feel free to bring some friends. "
    • If you don't have mutual friends, simply go and talk to her. Do not use decorating tricks or the like. Smile, greet her by name, and ask her about something you have in common. Say something like "Hello, Betty! Have you already mastered the new piece for choir? "
    • Spending time with a group is fun, but not the same as a date. Remember, you don't have a date if you don't both know it's a date. This means it's not fair to pretend you're inviting tons of friends to go to the movies together, if you're just inviting her.
  3. Find out if she likes you. Girls are not a different species, and they don't need to be decoded. You really don't know if she likes you just because she's playing with her hair or touching your shoulder a certain number of times. What you can tell is if she is enjoying herself with you. If her face lights up when she sees you or if the two of you have a great laugh with each other, then you are probably on the right track.
    • If a girl touches your arm or shoulder often, it indicates that she is comfortable with you, and is therefore a good sign.
    • If she makes plans with you (for example, by indicating that she wants to be interlocutors during Spanish class), it means that she is enjoying your company.
    • If the conversation develops naturally when you are together, then you may have the same interests and communication styles that are compatible. That is also good news.
  4. Try to get your crush's mobile number. Once the two of you get to know each other better and if you're still interested in her, the next step is to give you her phone number. If you both hang out and talk a lot, this isn't an earth-shattering question, so keep calm.
    • When you are going to ask this, say something simple and factual, like "Can we exchange numbers?" I want to be the first to hear what you think of the latest Marvel movie. "
    • If you're working on a project together, this is even more natural. Say, "We will probably have to work on the layout for the newspaper over the weekend. Can I send you a text message? "
    • You can also consider this as part of an appointment with the whole group. For example, say, "I feel like going to the concert with you, Bram and Jessica. Can I get your number so that we meet at the same place? "

Part 2 of 3: Making your text messages more interesting

  1. Start with a short greeting. Once you have started exchanging text messages with your crush, it is best to start in a friendly and open manner. A greeting and question starts a conversation and you can use it to determine whether she is busy or busy. For example, send a text message such as "Hi, what are you doing?" Or "Hi, how is your day so far?"
    • Don't just say "Hello" or "Hey". It sounds lazy, and she may not know how to respond to it.
    • Make use of follow-up questions. All girls - all people - want to feel interesting. Ask her to tell you more about her quirky dance teacher, her softball semi-finals, or what it's like to look after her little brother.
  2. Pay close attention to your spelling and grammar. Texting etiquette is complicated. Everyone knows, for example, that putting a period after every line makes you sound angry. You don't have to write a thesis, but do your best to check your spelling and put commas where they belong. This will show her that you like her enough to pay attention to your writing style.
    • 'Hi, how are you? Do you enjoy math as much as I do? "Looks a lot better than" Hello, how is it going to be difficult?
  3. SMS in the evening. Most people are more relaxed at night after a busy day at school or work. You then have more time to respond to each other's thoughts. In addition, communicating with her at night can feel more romantic than telling her what you feel about her in the broad daylight.
    • Don't text after bed as it can seem intrusive. Stop texting after 10:00 PM.
  4. Text her when you're not too busy. You want to give your full attention to the conversation, and you want her to have the opportunity to do so too. So don't text her when she's told you about other plans. For example, if she's told you she's going out with friends, give her some space. You can always text her the next morning and ask how her night went. This works the other way too - don't text her right before watching a movie if you know you're going to be distracted.
  5. Steer the conversation in a positive direction. The happier and more positive the conversation, the more receptive a girl will be when you tell her you like her. Try not to talk about negative topics that mess up the mood, such as problems at school or work, or controversial topics that could upset her and disrupt the conversation.
    • Talk about popular culture that you have in common. However, if both of you are Potter fanatics, ask what she thinks about the new movie trailer.
    • Joke about something from everyday life that you share. If the school lunch was inedible, ask if she also had nightmares about it.
  6. Return to topics you have talked about before. This shows that you are a good listener and that you pay attention to everything she talks about to you. For example, if she once mentioned that she enjoys bowling, ask her about her highest score or favorite job.
  7. Give her a genuine compliment. This is often more effective than telling a girl you like her, because it indicates that you understand her and recognize her best qualities. For example, if you love her knowledge of comics, tell her that every time you talk to her, you learn something new about the X-Men.
    • Don't talk about her body features, such as her body or eyes, at this stage. This can seem very scary.
    • If your crush recently put on a great performance or did a really good job at another big event, congratulate her on her skills.
  8. Don't text too much. Sending text messages is fun, but too much can get pretty intense. If you're messaging the girl several hours a day, it might be time to dim. This is especially true if it seems like you put more effort into your posts than they do.
    • If you text your crush twice and she doesn't respond, stop for a second. If she likes you, she'll message you when she's ready.
    • Also, don't go the other way by never sending her a message again. You try to appear restrained, but if she feels ignored, that's not right.

Part 3 of 3: Asking her out

  1. Plan what you want to say. You don't have to write a perfect script for yourself, but take some time to consider when and how to tell her that you really like her. If you think a little ahead, you are less likely to stammer or blurt out something that is way too exaggerated ("I've been crazy about you for seven years!").
    • Keep in mind that it is often better to ask someone out for a clearly stated date. This way, you tell her you like her and give her the opportunity to respond.
    • Think about how you will deal with being rejected. It happens to everyone to be rejected, and it is not the end of the world. It's easiest to say something like, "Thanks for telling me right away! I like being friends, so don't worry. "Give yourself and the other person some space, and then return to the friendship after a few weeks.
  2. Tell her you enjoy your time together. This is a confident, indirect way of telling a girl you like her without saying it literally. Send this text after doing something fun together, or even after an official date. Say something like, "I had a lot of fun tonight and really enjoyed doing this together! I can't wait for the next time. "
  3. Tell her you like her. Be simple and direct. This shows confidence and that your feelings for her are strong enough to admit it word for word. Make your statement more personal by sharing what you like most about her. For example, say, "I think you are great because you are so passionate about social equality," or "I like you because with your sunny mood you can light up everyone's day."
    • Just like when you compliment a girl, you mention something specific about her personality that you like. Tell her that you don't wake up when you two have fun together, or that you think her commitment to the environment is strong and cool.
  4. Ask her out. Now that you've expressed your feelings for her, you probably want to take the relationship one step further by dating. Of course, the only way to date a girl is to date her. After you tell her you like her, ask her on a date without other friends. Make it clear that it's not a "group thing" or something casual - it's a real date.
    • When asking someone out, always indicate a specific date and time.Say something like, "Would you like to eat pizza somewhere and then go to the school play Friday night?" This way, if she likes you but isn't able to make it, she'll be able to reschedule the date. If she's not interested, it will be a lot easier for your feelings to hear something like, "I'm sorry, but then I can't" then "I don't feel anything like that for you."
    • Plan the date around things that you both like. If you both like crazy golf and milkshakes, ask "Would you like to come to my favorite Thursday after school job?" We can stop at the cafeteria for milkshakes on the way back. "


  • When you tell her, try to complement your text messages with emoticons that are fun and endearing. For example, if you send her a message that you like her, attach an emoticon of a heart or a happy face with eyes made of hearts.