Hugging a girl

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Hug A Girl To Turn Her ON | 7 Types Of Hugs
Video: How To Hug A Girl To Turn Her ON | 7 Types Of Hugs


Hugging a girl is exciting and scary at the same time. If you're like most people, you'll probably worry about getting it right - so she can feel like you care and not feel uncomfortable. Here's how to do it so that it feels natural and intimate.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Method 1: Hugging a girl you like

  1. Wait for the right time. When you hug a girl is just as important as how you do it, so wait for the right time. Three good moments are:
    • When you see her. It's always nice to be greeted by friends with a quick "friend hug" (even if you want to be more than friends).
    • During an emotional moment.If you're on the same team and you've won, or she's had an off day, a hug can be a great way to show her you're there for her.
    • When you say goodbye. As with greeting, cuddling when saying goodbye is a fun, friendly gesture.
  2. Find out if she likes being cuddled. Girls make that clear through their body language when they want physical contact. Based on how she stands or how she greets you, you can determine if she is comfortable with you so that you can give a hug.
    • Signs that she is interested:
      • She makes eye contact with you.
      • She plays with her hair when she's with you.
      • Her hips or feet are pointing your way.
      • The tone of her voice is enthusiastic and clear when she talks to you.
    • Signs that she's not interested:
      • She doesn't hold your gaze.
      • Her body language is "closed" (legs crossed, arms folded, body turned away).
      • The tone of her voice is flat and bored when she talks to you.
  3. Approach her carefully. Resist the urge to duck and hug her as soon as possible. Instead, take a deep breath and move at a pace that allows her to decide whether or not to hug you. Make eye contact, get a little closer to her, raise your arms and pull her towards you.
    • If you have not interpreted the sign correctly and them do not want Being hugged, it is important for her to have time to withdraw before making contact. Otherwise she will feel forced and the situation will become uncomfortable.
    • The advantage is that moving more slowly is generally considered romantic. So if she does want you to hug her, a gentle and calm approach is more intimate.
  4. Decide how long to hold her. The duration of the hug says a lot about what it means to you. Here are some basic rules to follow:
    • The longer you hold, the more intimate the hug is. Hugs that last more than a few seconds are definitely not meant for family members.
    • Shorter hugs are a bit more casual. Regular "hello" or "bye" hugs should be held for about two seconds.
  5. Release. You can pull back from the hugging position in one smooth movement. Normally you withdraw before they do. If you have to stop a little earlier, this can prevent uncomfortable situations.
    • If she withdraws earlier or you feel like she is paralyzed in your arms, it is better to stop immediately. The exception to the rule is the "intimate" moment (for example, she is upset and crying, or you just kissed), when it is appropriate to let go quietly.
  6. End it sweetly. This depends on the situation. If you really like the girl, the end of a hug is your chance to do something cute that will make her remember you. Try the following scenarios:
    • With an informal hug in greeting or goodbye, say, "I'm so glad to see you!" or "See you soon!".
    • With a hug to congratulate, for example, a prize, or something else she did well, or a birthday, you usually say "Congratulations!".
    • With a comforting hug you say what is appropriate in that situation. "It's okay, I'm here" are good things to say.
    • With a friendly hug you just say what comes to your mind. "You're great" or "We were a great frisbee team, don't you think?" is always fun.
    • If it was a more intimate hug, let's leave the words to you. Make sure they hit!
  7. Learn about different hugging positions. If you're still nervous, read about these different poses and try to imagine which one will work best for your specific situation:
    • Shuffle: Her arms go around your neck and you put your arms under hers. You can also wrap your arms around her waist or place higher on her back. The lower your hands go on her back, the more suggestive the hug is. This can be a very intimate hug - use it wisely.
    • Big Bear and Little Bear: Her arms go under yours and you wrap them around her back while hers are around your waist. This is a friendlier hug and you can pull her closer to you and she can rest her head against your chest.
    • Hug with one arm. This is the least romantic hug - more of a buddy hug, really. Here the hug comes from the side and you put an arm around her shoulders or neck, like a casual friendly hug.
    • T-Rex: Both your arms and the girl's are around the waist and lower back. You can both put your head on each other's shoulders. This is a kinder, less suggestive hug.
    • Crossed: One arm goes up and the other down, making an "x" with your and her arms. This can lead to the perfect "lean back and kiss" position where your arms can stay that way while leaving enough room to kiss.
    • From behind: This is a hug that you only give a girl you already know well, and unless she likes scary surprises you should let her know that you are going to do this. This is a very intimate hug that can lead to more intimate things.

Method 2 of 2: Method 2: Hugging friends

  1. Let it happen. Although most people greet each other by shaking hands, there are also many people today who greet with a hug without thinking about it.
    • This is more likely to be seen in groups of friends than when a friend introduces you to another friend.
    • Use your instinct, the best rule of thumb is that if someone offers you a hug, you go for it.
  2. Make contact. Remember to keep contact light and fleeting when hugging friends. A hug that is too long can be misinterpreted.
    • Bend towards her from the waist. The intention is that you do not make contact with your whole body, that is a more intimate form of cuddling.
    • Put one arm around her arm and put your hand between her shoulder blades.
    • Wrap your other hand around her and put your hand under your first hand.
  3. Hold briefly and then release. One or a maximum of two seconds is the ideal length of time for a friendly hug. When the time is up, release her and continue the conversation.


  • Make sure you take good care of yourself. If your body or breath stinks, she will not have a nice memory of the hug.
  • Don't hold her too tight. She's not a toy, so don't treat her like that. Hold her just tight enough for her to feel comfortable, but give her room to move.
  • If you make a mistake, try to recover and don't worry. A little humor takes the sting out.
  • If you know your girl well enough, she might like it when you lift her up and turn her around. Be careful: some girls don't like it and you might squash her!
  • If she pulls away quickly, this is usually not a good sign.


  • Don't choke her or grab her unexpectedly.
  • If it's a friendly hug, don't hold for more than 3 seconds.