Touching a girl

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Ways to Touch a Woman without CREEPING her out!
Video: 10 Ways to Touch a Woman without CREEPING her out!


How do you break the barrier of touching a girl you like? It's hard to know when to try and when to go too far. When you find that the attraction is mutual, you can start to break the barrier and come up with clever ways to engage in physical contact more often. So how do you touch a girl without sending the wrong signals? Read on to find out.

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Part 1 of 5: Breaking the barrier

  1. Make sure the girl is waiting for your touches. Before you come up with ways to touch her, make sure your advances are appreciated. If the girl likes you, she will be closer to you, and will generally show that she enjoys your company. Does she make eye contact? Is she smiling or smiling, and having a good time? If so, then you are on the right path. Here are some other ways to find out if she wants you to touch her:
    • If she likes you, she will hold your gaze longer, or she will look away very quickly. Both could be signs that she likes you. If you look at her, and you notice she's looking back, it could mean she likes you, although she might look the other way very quickly. When she does, she likes you, but she's a bit shy.
    • Assess her personality. If she's outgoing and friendly, she's less likely to be angry or shocked if you try to touch her. If she's shy and a little more reserved, make sure she likes you before you try to touch her.
  2. Touch her lightly and casually. Run your arm along hers, put your hand on her back, or pass her a pen or book, touching her hand a little longer. Does she flinch, as if she's put her hand on a hot stove, or does she let it happen so that your bodies touch for a few seconds, and smile at you? If she returns the affection, she also thinks it's a good plan to break the barrier.
    • Keep the first touch very casual and friendly to see how she responds. It doesn't have to be a romantic gesture right now.
  3. Keep it on a little longer. If the casual approach is successful, touch her a little longer next time. Put your hand on her back for a few seconds, not just to let her in at a door. Keep your hand on hers for a few seconds when you give her a chewing gum. If your knees or legs touch under the table, just leave them like that for a while before removing them.
    • This way the girl gets used to more intimate and longer touches, and you get a better idea whether she likes the contact or not.

Part 2 of 5: Be a gentleman

  1. Find opportunities to touch her courteously when you are with her. That gives you an excuse to touch her under the guise of being polite and taking care of her. Make sure it's a girl who likes things like this and not someone who thinks it's old-fashioned. Be her knight in shining armor. If you're dating, or on a date, and you know you like each other, you can take the opportunity to be a real gentleman so you can touch her.
  2. Keep her coat open. If you both leave and she has to put on her coat, keep her coat open like a gentleman so she can put her arms in the sleeves. The knuckles of your fingers will likely hurt her gently if you do. If she responds positively and you notice that her hair is in her coat, take it out gently for her.
    • You can also help take off her coat at the beginning of the evening, whether she comes to your house or if you have gone to a restaurant.
  3. Offer her your hand. This is especially useful if, for example, she needs to keep her balance, such as when getting in or out of a car, or if she has to walk on a puddle or uneven pavement. Girls really like this, because it shows that you are not only thinking about yourself, but also about her. This may be especially true if she is nicely dressed or wearing heels.
    • Again, make sure it's not a girl who finds it derogatory if you pretend she needs your hand to do things.
  4. Let her hang up. Hold out your arm so she can put her arm in when you two are walking together. This is a classic romantic way to walk as a couple without being too intimate. Do this after a fun night out, if you've already had the chance to get to know each other better. After a dinner or movie it is nice to walk together in this way and show your affection to each other.
    • If this is your first time trying this, don't do it on a busy street where you might bump into people you know. Do it in a more intimate setting.
  5. Do the "ladies first trick". Keep the door open for her and always let her go through doors, hallways, or crowds. It can be a sweet, powerful gesture to put your hand just above her waist (or anywhere on her back to guide her through the door, or if the two of you are really comfortable with each other, you can even do it slightly. lower on her hip). Walk to the door (or hallway) and say "After you". Other places you can put your hand are the back of her upper arm, just above the elbow (especially if she has short sleeves), or very gently and gently on her shoulder.
    • While it's nice to let her in, don't make a show of touching her every time, because then she'll realize you're only being courteous to touch her.
  6. Take charge. If you are going through a large crowd, reach out so that your hand and hand can pass through the crowd without losing each other. This shows not only that you care about her, but also that you can take charge. When you're out of the crowd, you can hold her hand if she looks like she wants to too.
    • Walking hand in hand is a big step for many girls. If she doesn't want to, don't get discouraged. She may want to know if she really is your girlfriend before she wants to hold your hand, especially in public.

Part 3 of 5: Make excuses to touch her

  1. Wipe something off her face or hair. It is common to see an eyelash on someone's face, especially on the cheeks. When you see that, say, "Sit still. There's an eyelash on your face, I'll take it off". Then take the lash off her face very gently. Don't put too much pressure, especially if she's wearing makeup. Do the same if she has a speck or something in her hair.
    • Of course, you shouldn't spend all evening staring at her face hoping to find an eyelash. But if you do see one, it is wonderful.
    • You can also just make it up. Say she's got something in her hair, even if she's not, and break the barrier that way.
    • Don't wipe food off her face. It's not very appealing to say, "Wait, there's a piece of cheese on your chin."
  2. Compliment her on her jewelry or nail polish. Does she have a new ring, haircut or nail polish? Say something about it ("What a nice ring" or "Do you have new nail polish?"). Then reach out, palm up and ask if you can take a closer look. Inspect it and ask questions, or make a positive comment. If she has nice earrings, hold them in your hand and say how beautiful you like them. But only do this if you've touched her before - reaching for someone's face is very intimate.
    • As you do all of this, try to feel how she reacts, with her hand in yours. When she has responded to your comment or question, gently rub her hand with your thumb and then release. Smile and just get back to the conversation, but be careful not to come off as a creep.
  3. Keep her warm. If it's chilly outside and you see her shivering or cold, offer her your coat. Put it over her shoulders. Depending on how comfortable she is with you, you can rub your hands over her upper arms to get her warm. If you notice that her hands are cold, tell her to give you her hands and put them together (palm to palm). Put your hands around it and rub them gently but quickly so that they get warm.
    • If you feel really brave, bring her hands to your mouth and blow them warm. Don't do this if you might have bad breath.
  4. Be playful. If you tease each other, you can push each other gently, hit the arm, or touch each other on the shoulder. When you flirt with each other, it is natural to touch, as long as it comes from both sides. She may even touch you more than you touch her. If you're both in a funny, flirty mood, it's best to touch her this way.
    • Being playful is fine as long as you both do it. But if you find yourself touching her alone, and she won't do it back, stop it.
  5. Make a bolder move. If she responds well to all of the above steps, you can take the next step (or risk staying just friends forever. For example, you can put your arm around her shoulder or waist, or take her hand. spot between her shoulder blades are also two sensitive areas.
  6. Notice if she's not interested. If she doesn't respond positively to these things, take a step back. It doesn't necessarily mean she's not interested. She could also be in a bad mood or just tired. Either way, if you've tried this more than once and keep getting the same response, she probably doesn't want to be touched by you.

Part 4 of 5: Touching her during physical activity

  1. Dance. Dancing with a partner in any form such as salsa, tango or ballroom dancing can be a great way to break the barrier. Just keep in mind that even though she's really enjoying herself while dancing, it doesn't automatically mean she likes you outside of the dance floor. But it can certainly be a good start.
  2. Go ice skating. Ice skating is a great activity for casual physical contact. You can hold her hand to keep her from falling when she's not very good yet, or to help each other skate backwards. When it's cold you also have the opportunity to keep her warm with a hug or by wrapping her in your jacket.
  3. Play tennis. Take her as your double partner. There will be plenty of opportunities to high-five or playfully touch her after a good hit. At the end you can also touch her on her back or shoulders and say it was a fun match. Remember, she's probably aware that she's sweating, and then she might not want to be touched.
  4. Try another activity where the equipment requires her to hold you from behind. For example, riding a moped together, sliding down a slope in a large pool or sled, skydiving, and so on. Play mini golf together and show her how to hold the club. There are all kinds of ways to get close to her while exercising!

Part 5 of 5: Knowing what not to do

  1. Don't give her an unsolicited massage. Don't just give her a shoulder massage. If she says she has muscle pain, rubs her own shoulders, or asks for a massage herself, it's something else. But if you just stand behind her and massage her shoulders, it can make her feel uncomfortable and you send the wrong signal.
    • If she stiffens instead of relaxes when you massage her, you've already gone too far.
  2. Don't grab her. Don't take her by the arm or pull her with you. This can be considered annoying to say the least. But she may also think you want to drag her along. In general, pulling or pushing is seen as childish or intrusive.
    • There is a difference between playfully pulling each other in the direction you want to go and actually dragging a girl along in a way that is violent and inappropriate.
  3. Don't touch her in a sexual way unless you are actually in a relationship. Do not touch her breasts or lower body. This is usually only acceptable if you are actually in a relationship, as these are considered sexual parts of the body. When you dance, put your arm around her back and guide her. Don't lower your hands unless you might like a slap in the face. Do not grab or squeeze.
    • The moment you touch her inappropriately without her wanting to, she'll think you're interested in her for the wrong reasons.


  • Be brave. More confidence = a better response.
  • Always make sure you have clean, dry hands. If she smells like you just cut onions, that's not good. If your hands get clammy, bring paper towels with you and use them just before touching her. Avoid cold hands, as this is a deterrent. When this happens, joke about it, it breaks the ice.
  • Be tender and considerate when you start to touch her. The most subtle thing is to ask for a hug when saying goodbye or run your hand on hers, if she doesn't like that you will probably notice.
  • Some people don't like to be touched, especially on a first date. Take it easy, otherwise the relationship will end before he even started.
  • Making a little bad joke can make her hit you on the arm. This is a trick through which she you touch. But this is also a risk and can get you in trouble if she doesn't like bad jokes. Try this at your own risk.
  • You can briefly put your hand on her arm or hand when she says something funny. If she responds well, you can touch her on her leg or hold her hand.
  • Even the slickest tricks won't work if she's bored or uninterested. Keep the conversation going and have fun.
  • If you're already friends with her, you can give her an arm if she's wearing high heels so she can lean on you.
  • When you first meet a girl, shake her hand. Then you immediately get used to touching each other.
  • If she's sending mixed signals in terms of touch, just try a "high five."
  • Be self-assured. A girl may not always show that she wants to be touched. Be a little adventurous. If she tells you to stop, or if she seems uncomfortable, stop.


  • While you may think you shouldn't take any chances and be respectful by not touching her unless she touches you first, doing so can get you stuck in the "friends-only zone." For many people, the big difference between "friendship" and a "relationship" is the way they touch each other. There are more platonic ways to touch. Learn to read body language and if you see a sign that she doesn't want you to touch her, respect her boundaries and feelings by avoiding further physical contact.
  • Don't be too intense or persistent if she shows she doesn't want to.
  • If she says to go or go to the bathroom right after you try to touch her, that may mean she doesn't appreciate the touch. In some cases, she may have become embarrassed by the touch. In any case, you must be sure of the situation before you proceed with physical contact
  • Different cultures have different degrees of receptivity to physical contact. In Korea it is already a lot to hold hands and hugging or kissing in public is unacceptable. While the same is very common in Latin America. In Bulgaria it is just as common to give a girl a hug when saying goodbye as it is in most places shaking hands. Know the cultural context and respond appropriately.
  • Some women don't like to be touched until you have a real relationship with them. If you'd like to see her again, take it easy and don't scare her away.
  • Don't get near her private areas or you'll scare her away.
  • Don't overdo it! Some girls find excessive courtesy annoying and maybe even rude!
  • Note that some people are very affectionate with their friends. A girl may like to hug you because she sees you as a good friend, while you think you're getting different signals.
  • Don't touch her passionately if you're just friends. Then she doesn't feel comfortable.
  • If she "swipes" the area where you just touched her, she may find you dirty or too rough. For example, if you playfully touch her arm, and she scratches, rubs, or wipes that area immediately afterward, watch out. She either thinks you're dirty or she's not interested.Try again later if you think it's a coincidence, but if she does it again, leave her alone.