Giving a man a light kiss

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
【Passion Kiss】 The wife fell asleep and the general kissed her frantically, he wanted more.
Video: 【Passion Kiss】 The wife fell asleep and the general kissed her frantically, he wanted more.


If you are seeing a friend for the first time in a while, or if you want to be a little hesitant about your first kiss, a light kiss is the way to go. Give the kiss on the cheek, the forehead, the lips, or basically anywhere! The most important things to keep in mind are to keep your lips closed, make the kiss light, and keep it short. Otherwise, you will be in the waters of real kissing.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Give a light kiss

  1. Wet your lips just enough so that they are soft. Because a kiss is quick and light, you don't want rough, cracked lips. Lick your lips lightly, but make sure they are dry before the kiss. Apply a small amount of lip balm to your lips as needed.
    • It is important that your lips are soft instead of rough, but also moist and not soaking wet.
  2. Close your lips. When you are about to kiss, press your lips together as if you were holding your breath. You don't want to have an open mouth, and you certainly don't want to have a tongue sticking out at all. Don't squeeze them tight as if your lips are stuck, just enough so that your lips touch.
  3. Press your lips out slightly. Imagine you've just eaten something slightly sour. Don't press your lips out so far that your upper lip touches your nose, just enough that the inside of your lips can be seen.
  4. Lightly press your lips against his skin. Whether it's a kiss on the mouth, cheek, or forehead, a kiss is always quick and light. You want to press your lips so that he feels it, but not so that your lips crush his skin.
    • The ideal kiss will leave almost no moisture on his skin.
  5. Stop in less than a second. A kiss is the fastest of all kisses, so don't hang around. Let the kiss go on long enough for your lips to touch it, but stop immediately afterward. Practice with the kiss so you can get an idea of ​​how long it should be. Remember: touch his skin with your lips, then let go.

Method 2 of 2: Give a kiss at the right time

  1. Give a kiss on the cheek after a hug. When you hug a close friend after not seeing each other for a long time, or when you say goodbye, give them a quick kiss. Make sure the two of you feel comfortable with each other and that he won't take this as a sign of more than friendship.
    • In many cultures this is the normal way to greet someone. In other cultures it may seem strange to do this, but give it a try.
  2. Give a light kiss before your first kiss. If you've never kissed a man before, a kiss is a good way to start. Follow the steps above, but give him the kiss on the lips. If it feels right, make it a full kiss, or follow up with the first kiss with a second one.
    • If it doesn't feel right, the kiss is quick enough that you can withdraw right away. Just keep in mind that you may have to talk about it afterwards if it didn't feel right.
  3. Use a kiss to show love in public. When you are in a relationship, you may not want to be too romantic in public. Give your guy a small kiss on the cheek or lips to show that the two of you are together without making it into a long kissing session.
    • If you're out for dinner with your friends and your boyfriend says something especially sweet, give him a peck on the cheek to show your appreciation.
    • If you're at a party and you're leaving your boyfriend to meet some other friends, give him a kiss on the lips and say, "I'll see you later."