Making a magic wand

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Building an Electric Magic Wand to Celebrate 4 MILLION SUBS
Video: Building an Electric Magic Wand to Celebrate 4 MILLION SUBS


Magic staffs are used in many pagan ceremonies to direct energy in spells and rituals. You can easily find a fallen tree branch, remove the negative energy and create a personal magic wand.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Finding the wood

  1. Choose the type of wood you want to use. Many people believe that different types of wood carry different energies. When you make a staff out of a tree branch, it can carry that energy within it.
    • Oak wood is sacred because of the great age and great growth of the tree.
    • Birch wood is said to carry the energy of love.
    • Ash wood makes a good staff for healing and general magic.
  2. Take a walk in a natural environment. Think about what kind of wood you want to use and go for a hike in an environment where that specific tree grows. Look for a fallen branch or stick that is at least 12 inches long.
    • Follow your intuition and let it lead you to a stick that speaks to you.
    • Try to find a fallen branch rather than a live one. If you are going to take a live branch, make sure you ask permission from the tree first. If that makes you uncomfortable, then you shouldn't take the branch from this tree.
  3. Leave a thanks offering. Whether you take a fallen branch or a live one, you must leave something as a thanksgiving offering for the tree. Many different things can be used for this offering, as long as they are made of natural ingredients.
    • Apple juice
    • Homemade cakes, cookies or bread
    • Charged crystals

Part 2 of 3: Dedicate the wood

  1. Gather the materials needed for the consecration. You must dedicate your wood to rid it of any old energies before making your staff. You have to place a few things to perform this ritual.
    • A white candle
    • A sage or cedar mudge, or sage incense
    • A big feather
    • A clear rock crystal
    • A lighter or matches
    • A small altar to lay the wood on
  2. Prepare for the ritual. To perform the ritual you must start facing north. Place the altar with the wood on it on your left and the tools to perform the ritual on your right.
  3. Stand up and light the incense or smudge. Facing north, begin the ritual by lighting the incense and saying a prayer for energy and help.
  4. Light the candle and hold the crystal. Put the candle in front of you and light it as you say a prayer to acknowledge the otherworldly presence around you. Hold the crystal in both your hands and imagine the white light of otherworldly knowledge flowing through the top of your head and through your arms into the crystal. Place a thought in the crystal about cleaning the wood of any negative energies, then place the crystal on your right.
  5. Use the crystal to dispel the negative energies. Hold the crystal over the wood and imagine it absorbing the negative energies released from the wood. Imagine the energy moving through the crystal and going out into the universe to disintegrate. Then place the crystal on top of the wood and ask to place its positive energy in the wood.
  6. Recite a poem of thanks to end the ritual. Close your eyes and thank the supernatural for helping to remove the negative energy from your wood. Blow out the candle and then clean the tools used for the ritual.

Part 3 of 3: Notching the wand

  1. Scrape off the bark. Use a knife to carefully scrape all bark off the stick. You can also use your hands to peel off the outer layer and then use a knife to remove any remaining bark.
  2. Carve the stick into a staff. Use the knife to cut the stick into a rod shape. Carefully scrape layers of the wood to make one side of the stick more pointed. Take your time and cut slowly until you get the shape you want.
  3. Add patterns, runes or symbols to your staff. Use the knife to carve patterns or runes into your staff. The different symbols you carve will bring different energies to your staff, so be careful what you choose.
    • You can also sear your wand to give the carved patterns a different look.
  4. Sand the wand. Rub your entire wand with sandpaper to make it smooth. Continue to use the sandpaper to smooth the wood until the entire wand is done.
  5. Personalize your staff. Your staff must be unique to you and reflect your personal energies. Add embellishments to your staff to create a staff that responds to you.
    • Drill a hole through the end of the wand to place a leather carrying strap.
    • Secure springs to the end of the wand.
  6. Decorate the wand. You can add additional decorative details to the wand with metal wire or crystals. Choose gemstones or crystals that have special meaning to you to give positive energy to the wand.
    • Attach crystals and energy stones to the wand with glue.
    • Wrap copper or silver wire around the wand to give it more strength.


  • You can dedicate your staff after you cut it if you want. Just make sure you do it before using your staff.
  • Oil your wand to keep it from drying out.
  • Make an altar to place your staff on when you're not using it.


  • Examine the energies of different crystals, stones, and runes before placing them on your staff to know for sure what effect they will have.
  • Be very careful when using a utility knife to notch the wood. You can easily slice your fingers while cutting the wood.
  • When working with fire for incense, smudging, or a candle, make sure to keep anything flammable out of the way and work in a well-ventilated area.


  • A tree branch
  • A sharp knife or a wood burner
  • Decorative items such as crystals or feathers
  • A sage mudge or sage incense
  • A white candle
  • An altar
  • A big feather
  • A clear rock crystal
  • A lighter or matches