Making a kitten defecate

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Orphaned Kitten Care: How to Videos - How to Stimulate an Orphaned Kitten to Urinate and Defecate
Video: Orphaned Kitten Care: How to Videos - How to Stimulate an Orphaned Kitten to Urinate and Defecate


Kittens (cats from one day to about three weeks old) need a lot of attention and care. Kittens rejected by their mothers are quite helpless and cannot fend for themselves. They can't even get rid of their urine and stool without the help of their mother. If you are caring for kittens less than three weeks old, then you need to know how to help a kitten to defecate. Kittens under three weeks of age should be encouraged to defecate after each meal. Keep reading to find out how to make a kitten defecate.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Using massage to make a kitten defecate

  1. Hold the kitten correctly so that you can stimulate it. After feeding the kitten, hold the kitten so that your non-dominant hand is under its belly and the butt is facing you. You need to hold the kitten gently, yet firmly enough so that it cannot escape from your hand. Make sure to stimulate the kitten in a warm area. Young kittens can become seriously ill and even die if they get cold.
  2. Place a warm, wet washcloth over your dominant hand. You will be using this washcloth to stimulate the kitten's stomach and anal area so that he can defecate. Mother cats wash their little ones thoroughly with their tongues after each feed, but a warm and damp washcloth is a good substitute for this. Preferably use a washcloth in a light color, so that you can also see whether the kitten has urinated or not.
    • Use a washcloth that you only use on your pets. Do not use a washcloth that you also use in the kitchen or for washing your face.
    • You can also use cotton balls or gauze moistened with warm water to help a kitten defecate.
  3. Move your hand with the washcloth in the direction of the kitten's butt. Using your thumb and fingers, gently massage the kitten's anal area through the washcloth. You should use your thumb the most. This acts as the mother cat's tongue licking her kittens' bottoms to urinate and defecate.
  4. Check occasionally to see if the kitten has already pooped or peed. If not, keep massaging the anal area. When the kitten begins to urinate, it will be warm to the touch as you massage the kitten's buttocks. Continue to massage until the animal stops urinating. Then check if the kitten is going to defecate.
    • This process should take no more than about 60 seconds. If your kitten does not defecate or urinate after feeding, see a vet.
  5. Move the washcloth onto your hand so that you have a clean spot on your thumb. Continue to massage and reposition the washcloth as needed. Shift the washcloth from time to time so that the kitten does not get dirty with the feces. If using cotton balls or gauze pads, discard the soiled material and continue to massage the kitten with clean material.
    • Remember, it is normal for a kitten's stool to be soft "as long as he is bottle-fed. A kitten will only have a solid stool when it eats solid food.

Part 2 of 2: Cleaning

  1. When the kitten has finished defecating, clean and dry its bottom. Wipe his butt well when he's done pooping. Then use a dry towel or other dry washcloth to dry the kitten's bottom as best as possible. Making sure the kitten's butt is clean and dry will help prevent rashes and infections.
  2. Return the kitten to its place. Return the kitten to its siblings in the box or cage. Repeat the massage of the anal area on all kittens you care for. Make sure to use a new washcloth with each kitten.
  3. Clean the items you used. If you used cotton balls or gauze pads, just throw them away. If you used washcloths, wash them thoroughly afterwards. It is best to wash them in the washing machine at a high temperature and use detergent and bleach.
    • Don't reuse the dirty washcloths to make a kitten defecate. Reusing dirty washcloths can infect your kitten, which can be very dangerous to its health.
  4. Wash your hands thoroughly after massaging a kitten's anal area. Even if you put a washcloth between your hand and your kitten's anus, that doesn't mean that urine and poo won't get on your hands. Make sure to wash your hands with warm water and antibacterial soap after helping a kitten to defecate.


  • Make an appointment with your vet within 24 hours of picking up a new kitten. It is important that you get a kitten examined by a vet as soon as possible to make sure it is healthy. Your vet can also vaccinate your kitten and give him any medicines he needs to get well. In addition, your vet can answer any questions you may have about caring for your new pet. For example, he or she can explain to you how to encourage your kitten to defecate.
  • Massage your kitten's anal area after each feed. This will be once every 2 to 3 hours during the day and at night until your kitten is about 3 weeks old. Some kittens may screech and squeak when you do this, but don't listen to that because this is something that must be done.
  • Kittens that are about 4 weeks old can be taught to relieve themselves on the litter box. After feeding, put your kitten in the litter box to help him understand what to do.
  • It is best to use beige or pink washcloths. They should have a slightly rough texture (with looped fabric) and not smooth, as the fabric should mimic the mother cat's rough tongue when she washes her kittens.


  • Do not be rough or harsh with a kitten. After all, they are very young animals that must be handled gently and carefully. Handling or massaging the animal too hard can break bones or cause worse injuries.
  • Do not hold the animal too tightly or you will crush the kitten. As a result, the animal can suffer internal injuries and even die. It is important that you hold cats gently, yet firmly.
  • Also, don't hold the kitten too loosely when massaging it. If you drop the kitten, he could be seriously injured. You have to hold the kitten tight enough so that it cannot escape, no matter how smart the animal thinks it is.