Making a cannon in Minecraft

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 20 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
✔ Minecraft: How to make a Working Cannon
Video: ✔ Minecraft: How to make a Working Cannon


Minecraft cannons come in all shapes and sizes. Usually they are deployed on a multiplayer server, in the heat of the battle. Be careful when building a cannon, as it can easily kill you in game if something doesn't work properly.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Mini cannon

For a compact cannon you need four dispensers, two redstones, a redstone torch, a button, a bucket of water, a fence and 4 x TNT per shot. This cannon has a short range and explodes in mid-air.

  1. Place three dispensers towards each other.
  2. Dig a 1x1 hole in the center and fill it with water.
  3. Place a block on top of the center of the dispensers.
  4. Place one dispenser above and in the center of the other three, facing forward.
  5. Break the alternate block and Shift-click to place a redstone torch on the rear dispenser.
  6. Place two redstones on the ground on the left and right sides of the rear dispenser.
  7. Dig a hole near the water and put a fence in the hole.
  8. Shift-click to place a button on the rear dispenser.
  9. Place 1 x TNT in each dispenser.
  10. Press the button to fire.

Method 2 of 2: A big gun

This is a larger cannon that works on the same principles. It shoots over a longer distance and explodes just before hitting the ground. You need eight dispensers, four redstone repeaters, a bucket of water, 14 blocks of your choice, a plate, a button, 14 x redstone and 8 x TNT per shot.

  1. Pick your target and aim the plate at it.
  2. Place a row of 10 blocks on the right side of your plate to the back.
  3. Place two blocks to the left of the back end of the row, and one above the left block.
    • It's supposed to look like a giant J.
  4. Place seven dispensers facing in on the left side of your cannon.
  5. Place two blocks on top of each other on the left end of your cannon.
  6. Place a dispenser on the right side of your cannon wall, in the front, aimed at the plate.
  7. Place four redstone repeaters next to the right wall, connected to the top dispenser.
  8. Set the repeaters to maximum delay.
  9. Line up the rest of your cannon wall with the redstone by Shift-clicking the dispensers.
  10. Place water at the very back of your cannon channel.
  11. Place a button on the middle block at the back.
  12. Fill your dispensers with TNT.
  13. Click the button to fire.


  • It is not necessary for your cannon to be placed outside. It can also be incorporated into a building.
  • It's a good idea to test your cannon to learn how to handle it and know its range before you compete with it.
  • There are many designs for various guns on YouTube.
  • In some cases you can replace a button with a lever.
  • Bottom rock or obsidian are good choices for cannons.
  • An elevation is good if you want to get a better view of your ammo.
  • Cover the back with TNT resistant block to avoid damage.
  • If you replace the button of Method 2 with an 11 repeater redstone clock, the cannon will automatically fire one after the other, until the dispensers are empty.