Ask a boy out

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 1 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
asking a boy to my first high school dance!!!
Video: asking a boy to my first high school dance!!!


It used to be that as a girl you always had to wait for a boy to ask you out, but that is no longer necessary. Nowadays a girl can also easily ask a boy out. If you want to ask a guy out, prepare well, radiate confidence and respond appropriately. That's all!

To step

Part 1 of 2: Preparing to ask a guy out

  1. Ask yourself:What's the worst that could happen? The worst thing that could happen is he'll say "no" in a respectful way if he's a decent person. Keep this in mind and then prepare yourself to ask him out. Remember, this will help you endure the pain should he say no.
  2. Find the right place and the right time to ask him out. Create an opportunity to ask him under informal circumstances and without pressure. This could be in the hall of the school, by the fountain in the square, on the sports field after a workout, or in another place where you usually see him. Choose an isolated place and a time when he is likely to be in a relaxed mood. When choosing the right time and place, try to take the following into account:
    • Provide a little privacy. You don't necessarily have to be all alone, but chances are you will both feel more comfortable asking him the final question in a place where you are more or less alone. People often don't answer honestly when their friends are around and they feel they are under pressure, so if you provide a little privacy, you are more likely to get an honest answer.
    • Don't try too hard to wait for the first moment when you will be alone. If you're in a group together, just say quietly to him alone, "Hey, can I talk to you alone for a moment?" and walk a few steps away from the group.
    • Do not send out strange signals. Things like standing in front of his locker in silence every morning, calling him over and over and then hanging up or asking other people about him over and over can seem strange - these are rather things a stalker would do.
    • Give the guy you like some space. Don't go after him in real life or online. You can text him once and show a little interest, but following every step he takes is closer to an unhealthy obsession.
    • Choose a meaningful moment and a logical place. Asking him out after a stage rehearsal could be perfect. Sending a text message at half past one at night is probably not a good idea.
  3. Have a date plan in mind. If it's your first time asking this guy out, you'll feel a lot more confident asking him to do something specific. That way you avoid getting stressed on the date itself because you have something to come up with and you don't run the risk of eventually having to say "Ehhh ... I don't know" when he asks what the plan is. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
    • Avoid negative thoughts like "he's going to laugh at me," "he's going to reject me," "he'll just want to be friends with me," etc. Remember that guys feel the same way when they approach a girl, and that's why why there are so many guys who just get stuck in the so-called 'friendship zone'. The truth is, you will only find out by asking him. So get a little courage and ask him out. Come on, you can do it! You will be surprised how he will respond. It is much easier to talk to most boys than to girls.
    • Schedule a traditional date. If you already know the guy pretty well and want to go out with him to spend more time alone with him, invite him to a traditional date. Plan a dinner at a restaurant or at home, with something you bought or cooked yourself, and something to do like watch a movie, go to a concert or some other kind of show, or a visit to a museum or something else you find both interesting.
    • Pick something you know he'll especially enjoy. If you know he likes to ride a bike, likes to go to jazz concerts, or loves sushi, ask him to join you on one of those things. That way, he will feel more comfortable and more likely to say yes.
  4. Have an escape plan ready. While you should focus on the most favorable scenario (a resounding yes!) Rather than the least favorable scenario, keep in mind that there is a slim chance he won't say yes. Maybe he likes someone else, or you totally blown over him for just seeing you as a regular girlfriend - whatever it is, you'll get over it. But if you want to make the best of the situation and not go off, you should have a Plan B on hand in case things don't go as planned.
    • Think of a reason in advance to be able to walk away. Whether you say you have to study for a test or go to your next class, or that you have a date with a friend and don't want to be late, it will all sound better if you study it beforehand.
    • Think about something else you can ask him if you notice he doesn't like it. If you're talking to him and he's clearly not in the mood to be asked out, try to think of something else you can ask him so it's not too strange that you approached him - ask him about the math homework or ask him if he knows what time your team's football match starts that day.

Part 2 of 2: Other ways to ask a guy out

  1. Use the trick of the "extra ticket."Buy two tickets to a movie, concert, theater performance, or anything else you think he'll like. Then when you start talking to him, casually mention the event and add," Ehhh, my girlfriend totally let me down ... "and if he doesn't get the hint and doesn't ask if he can come instead of your girlfriend, just say," maybe you feel like going? I have been really looking forward to this performance and I think it will be a lot of fun. "Make it sound very spontaneous, just as if you thought it up at that moment.
    • This is a perfect way to ask a guy out without too much pressure.
    • Still, you have to be careful. If you're too vague about your intentions, he may think he's going out with a regular girlfriend instead of seeing it as a romantic date.
  2. Ask him to join a group outing. Going out with a whole group is another way to ensure that a few sparks can fly over without too much pressure. If you and the guy you like are with other couples or just a group of friends, it will feel less like an official date and more like just socializing. Just tell the boy that you and a group of friends are going to bowl, go to the movies, go out to dinner, or whatever, and ask if he'd like to come along.
    • Going on a group trip may help him understand that you like him and ask him out sooner or later, without the pressure you would feel if the two of you went out together.
    • If the group outing is a success, it will hopefully be a reason for a real date.
    • Try not to be too vague about your intentions. The difference between a group date and just hanging out with a mixed group of friends is sometimes hard to tell. It may be that the guy you like does not realize that it is actually a date and that could cause embarrassing situations.
  3. Invite him to a man-friendly activity. Choose something the guy you want to ask out with and his friends will enjoy doing, as long as it seems fun to you, and ask if he wants to come along. For example, you can go for a swim, go to a hockey game or watch a football game at a bar or restaurant near you, or go for a walk. Inviting him to something more male-oriented will be more attractive to him and will sound more fun and casual than asking him out for a candlelit dinner right away.
    • First try to find out what he like. While there are activities that are more popular with men than with women, it may still surprise you.
    • If you go to the movies, choose a movie that is suitable for a wide audience. You will both like an action movie on Netflix or from the video store.
    • Just make sure you enjoy the activity too. You don't want it to end up going to the local go-kart track all the time because your boyfriend thinks you love karting, when in fact you don't at all.
  4. Ask if he wants to go to a movie or a concert with you. This is a variation on the "extra ticket" strategy, just a little bit different. In order to apply this strategy, you must first make sure that you have a normal, everyday chat with the boy in question. Then you name a film that is currently running or the concert of a group that will soon be given in the city. Try to name something that you are sure will interest him. Wait until he tells him that it sounds like such a nice movie or such a good concert, and if the penny doesn't drop yet, say: "I've really wanted to see that movie for a long time. this weekend to see if it is what? "
    • If you want to make it sound really casual you can add, "I really can't think of anyone else who would want to go with me" or "none of my friends like that band ..."
  5. Ask him out with a note. Put a note in his locker, in his bag, or in one of his textbooks. You can even sneakily slip a note into his guitar case or into something else that is important to him. Just say, "Want to go out sometime?" and give him your phone number. This works really well with guys you don't know very well and it takes the pressure off a bit. Not only is it a very effective method, but it will also make that guy think you're cute and a little creative.
    • If you want to make it really romantic, you can even ask him out by writing him a letter, as long as it doesn't scare him too much.
  6. Ask him out on the phone. If you'd really like to ask a guy out but you're afraid to do it in person, just give him a call and ask if he wants to go out with you that weekend. You can even call him with one or two close friends standing next to you to support your morale - as long as they don't ruin the call by giggling or screaming, standing next to you can help you relax and gain confidence . And if he says no all you have to do is say goodbye and hang up.
  7. Let him know personally what you really feel about him.
    • Make sure you're not nervous - just have a little talk first and then move on to asking your question.
    • When you're ready to talk to him, make sure you can still see your friends so they can help you if needed.
    • Tell him you like him and tell him why. That way you give his confidence a boost and the chance that you will be rejected is slightly smaller. Then you can give another reason why you like him.
    • The best thing to do is ask him if he has anything to do on a particular day and then tell him what your plans are for that day. If he likes those plans, there is a chance that he will say yes.
    • Tell him that if the date doesn't work out, you can just stay friends as far as you are concerned. And if it does become fun, you can meet again afterwards. He probably wants to make sure you don't get angry anyway. So say something like, "Hey, I like you because you're so smart, nice, funny, etc. If you don't have anything to do this Friday night, maybe we can eat something and go to the movies. The two of us can go or with a few friends and if it doesn't work out I won't get angry and we can just stay friends. " Say something like that so that he is more likely to want to say yes or just say everything right away and change the part about staying friends. For example, if he says yes, say, "Okay, fine then. Do you mind if a few friends come along too, or shall we go in pairs?" That way he knows that you also think his opinion is important.
    • Another way to do this is to say something like, "Hey, you know, my girlfriend and I agreed to go out for dinner and she invited her boyfriend. Maybe you could come with me that day for the occasion. It seems me a lot of fun with you because you are always so funny and cozy. Does that sound like something? Do you already know if you have something to do next Friday evening? " And then wait and see what he says.


  • Always try to listen to him and give appropriate answers to what he is saying.
  • Ask him in a calm, relaxed manner. If you don't, chances are he will get nervous or stress too much.
  • Wait patiently for his answer. If he says he needs time to think about it, give him that time. It's always good to give him a chance to think about it before making a decision. Because if he likes you too, it could be that he finds it all quite scary.
  • If he says no, don't worry! There are many more boys around. Don't worry if he might feel guilty about it. Just accept his answer and keep smiling.
  • Be friends with him first. Only when the right time has come do you tell him how you feel about him and that you like him more than.
  • Ask him if you are alone with him. When he's with his friends, he will probably try to act tough and chances are he will say no.
  • Don't always assume that a guy will show you his feelings. He may very well be nervous or unsure about how you feel about him.
  • Don't automatically assume that he isn't interested or that he isn't acting like a man because he didn't take the first step. A guy who doesn't ask you out may still like you, but he may be taken, too shy, he may have just dated his previous girlfriend, and there are many more things to do with the hand.
  • If you smile, he'll interpret it as confidence, while if you look at the floor and mumble a little, you're more likely to come across as uninterested and not very worth going out with.
  • Show that you are smart! Some guys are surprised and impressed by intelligence!


  • Just asking a guy out doesn't mean you will are obliged to do things you don't want to do during the date. If it ever happens that you feel uncomfortable, get out of there as soon as possible without wondering if that might be rude. In such a case, only worry about your own safety.