Relieve an itchy scalp

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Itchy Scalp Treatments | Remedies For Dandruff, Lice and Scalp Acne
Video: Itchy Scalp Treatments | Remedies For Dandruff, Lice and Scalp Acne


It's not strange to have itchy scalp. You can usually do something about your discomfort by simply adjusting your hair care routine. However, if you continue to have itching, this could be a sign of a medical condition. There are some things that can cause an itchy scalp, such as dry skin and build-up of hair care product residue. You can usually fix the problem by using different hair and skin care products. Also check your hair for lice and nits, be careful not to burn your scalp, and drink plenty of water.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Improve your hair care routine

  1. Replace your shampoo with a more natural product. Remains of your regular shampoo or conditioner may have built up on your scalp, causing your scalp to itch. Buy a new shampoo and conditioner - preferably products with natural ingredients such as tea tree oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil and zinc pyrithione.
    • Look for healthy shampoos at the supermarket, drug store, or health food store.
  2. Buy unscented hair care products. Fragrances in hair care products can irritate your scalp and cause itchiness. When shopping, look for products labeled as being fragrance-free or fragrance-free. If you can't find products without fragrances, look for products labeled as hypoallergenic.
    • You can also try hair care products especially for babies or those with sensitive skin.
  3. Comb and brush your hair regularly. Brush or comb your hair two to three times a day to spread the natural oils on your hair and scalp. Pay special attention to your scalp. Brushing your hair with a clean, soft bristle brush stimulates circulation and spreads natural oils to soothe the itchiness on your scalp.
    • Brush your hair gently. Brushing your hair harshly and aggressively can irritate and scratch your scalp and make itching worse.
  4. Stop using hair care products that contain alcohol. Not using alcohol on your scalp is the best way to get rid of dandruff (dandruff itself is also a sign of an itchy scalp). Hair care products that are high in alcohol also cause itchy and painful scalp conditions such as eczema and seborrheic dermatitis, and can make these conditions worse if you already have them.
    • Alcohol has a strong drying effect and can easily dry out your skin and cause severe itching.
  5. Apply coconut oil on your scalp. With coconut oil you create a protective layer that keeps the skin hydrated. Coconut oil is therefore an excellent way to treat an itchy scalp. After you wash your hair, rub a little coconut oil on your clean scalp. Leave the oil on for at least half an hour and then wash your hair with a fragrance-free shampoo. Do this method three times a week.
    • Another option is to heat the coconut oil slightly so that the oil melts. Put the oil in your shampoo before washing your hair.

Method 2 of 3: Take care of your scalp

  1. Treat head lice with a medicated shampoo. Head lice is an unwanted and unpleasant problem, but you can easily get rid of it. Have someone check your head for head lice and eggs called nits that are stuck to the bottom of the hair shaft. The itching that people feel when they have head lice is caused by the saliva of the lice to which the skin reacts.
    • To get rid of head lice, use a medicated shampoo according to package directions and wash all bedding and clothes you have worn.
    • Have all items that cannot be washed in the washing machine dry cleaned at a dry cleaner (including stuffed animals).
    • Vacuum carpet and upholstered furniture.
    • Soak hair care products such as combs, brushes, hair ties, and barrettes in rubbing alcohol or medicated shampoo for an hour.
  2. Apply aloe vera to soften sunburned areas. During the first sunny summer days you can easily burn your scalp. When the sunburnt skin starts to heal, you often get itchy. Use a shampoo or conditioner with aloe vera to soothe the itchiness.
    • Put on a cap or apply sunscreen to your scalp if you know you're going to be out in the sun for more than an hour.
  3. Dry your hair completely after taking a shower or bath. If you have long hair, don't light it up while it's still wet. Let your hair dry completely before putting it up or in a ponytail. Otherwise, you will get itchy because your wet hair will be pressed against your scalp all day long.
    • You may also need to dry your hair and scalp after spending hours in the sun. If you spend a long time in the sun and your scalp starts to sweat, your scalp can become itchy due to the sweat that is produced.
  4. Apply topical to get rid of scalp psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic condition in which skin cells grow unnaturally fast and turn into red, raised patches. This build-up of extra skin cells can cause itching and discomfort. Psoriasis can usually be treated with a topical ointment or a medicated shampoo containing salicylic acid.
    • If you think you have this condition, see your doctor or dermatologist. Your doctor should be able to give you a prescription for a medicated ointment or shampoo, or recommend an over-the-counter remedy.
  5. If you continue to feel itchy, see a dermatologist. If the itching does not go away and you continue to experience it, it could be a sign of a more serious medical condition such as shingles, a fungal infection such as Tinea amiantacea (scalp) or Lichen planopilaris, eczema and ringworm. Almost all of these conditions cause a flaky scalp, pus on the scalp and visible rashes.
    • See your doctor. He or she can make a diagnosis and prescribe you the right medications.

Method 3 of 3: Make lifestyle changes

  1. Give your scalp time to air out. Your scalp must be able to breathe to stay healthy, just like the rest of your skin. If you always wear a cap or have a wig on regularly, air cannot get to your scalp, which can make your scalp itchy.
    • If you notice that your scalp itches more when wearing a cap or wig, stop wearing it for a while and let your scalp air out.
  2. Stay well hydrated. If your body is dehydrated it will affect your skin. Skin that does not contain enough water becomes dry and itchy. It's important to keep your hair hydrated by using a non-drying moisturizing shampoo, but you can actually help your scalp by not letting your body dry out.
    • Ask your doctor how much fluids you should drink per day based on your age and weight. The average adult man should drink at least 3 liters of water per day and the average adult woman 2.2 liters.
  3. Reduce stress and anxiety on a daily basis to reduce itching. Anxiety can damage your body and can also affect your skin. If you don't have a rash, but you do have itching on your face and neck, then stress can be the main cause of these symptoms. Easy ways to reduce stress and anxiety include:
    • Relax more often with your family and friends.
    • Talk to a close friend or a therapist about your stress or anxiety.
    • Use relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation.
    • An hour before you go to sleep, stop looking at screens such as those on your telephone, computer, television and tablet.


  • Don't scratch your itchy scalp, no matter how tempting that may be. Scratching will only make the problem worse.
  • Make sure to keep your nails clean as you may scratch your scalp in your sleep.