Decorating a house with toilet paper

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
EASY DIY Room Decor with TOILET PAPER ROLLS! 🧻 *Looks Super Expensive*
Video: EASY DIY Room Decor with TOILET PAPER ROLLS! 🧻 *Looks Super Expensive*


Ever wanted to play a good joke on one of your friends? Or wanted to get someone back for being mean to you? Wrapping something in toilet paper for fun is fun and harmless and will stay with you for years to come. An evening when you are armed to the teeth with toilet paper rolls can become very memorable. Think carefully about the possible risks, be careful and make sure that it remains a harmless joke so that you don't get into trouble afterwards. See Step 1 for more information.

To step

Method 1 of 5: Plan your joke

  1. Select your goal. Maybe one of your friends has been a little too out of touch lately. Maybe you woke up too early from the neighbour's car too often last month. Perhaps your coach has simply earned it. Find a "victim" who appreciates and deserves a good toilet paper joke, ensuring a thunderous laugh afterwards.
    • Find a suitable person, but don't be too lazy in your choice. It's easy to joke with the neighbors after they haven't returned your ball, but it will be obvious who the culprit is. If you want to take someone back, wait a few weeks so that it doesn't stand out too much.
    • Decorating someone's house and yard with toilet paper can be a fun and harmless joke, but only if you know the person well enough. Playing the joke with strangers can go pretty bad. Make sure you find someone who can appreciate the joke. If you play the toilet paper joke with strangers, you're more likely to get into trouble. Keep it fun and keep it harmless.
  2. Assemble your team. Toilet paper team collect you! You want to have enough kids on your team to have fun and create chaos, but not too many to make it too flashy. A good team consists of more than two people, but less than five or six.
    • The toilet paper joke is an ideal way to promote cooperation in the team and to share a fun experience with each other. Classmates, friends from school or the sports club will be good members of the team. Staying up late together and playing a good-natured joke will strengthen mutual friendship.
    • Plan to do the toilet paper joke during a sleepover so that all members of the team are in one place, or make sure that the members all live in the same neighborhood. In that case, select a house that is easily accessible for everyone.
    • No bad apples. Don't invite anyone who can ruin the evening with a bad mood or someone who is likely to have doubts. If you want to invite a close friend, but you know he doesn't like mischief, don't invite him.
  3. Collect a large amount of good quality toilet paper. Decorating a house with toilet paper will cost you a lot, you could buy toilet paper made from recycled materials.Go big! Go for double-ply toilet paper, otherwise you might as well not play the joke. You definitely need a number of roles per person. The more the better.
    • The best toilet paper is the double rolls. It lasts longer and you can normally throw it four to five times over a tree. The heaviness makes it easier to cast accurately. A small cheap roll will only give you two to three throws.
    • Stock up on supplies before nightfall and buy the toilet paper from several supermarkets. Buying a large amount of toilet paper around 22:00 with a group of ten hooded children is too flashy. It is best for everyone to purchase a quantity of toilet paper individually. This is the safest way and will not be too obvious.
  4. Arrange a time together to meet and perform the joke. It should be late enough to avoid suspicion, but not so late as to be noticed. Around 7.30 pm is not a good plan, the neighbors will still be awake or will take the dog out. Find out what time the neighbors usually go to bed. This information can come in handy and can help you avoid an embarrassing situation. You do not want to arrive at the conscious house with bags full of toilet paper and then be immediately caught. Around 00.30 or 1.00 is the perfect time to play the joke.
    • In many villages and towns, minors are no longer allowed to be out on the street after a certain period of time. Find out if your hometown also has a curfew and try to stay around the time limit if it does, or run the risk of getting into extra trouble if you get caught. This is often a reason why the police intervene when it comes to simple mischief.
    • Pick a weekday in case it's summer. Most adults will go to bed early. Pick up an evening for a day off during the other three seasons. The day before the spring break or the day before King's Day are ideal days to strike.
  5. Explore. During the day, walk around the area of ​​the house you want to decorate with toilet paper. Make sure there are no surveillance cameras or barking dogs to worry about. It is better to discover this in advance and not in the middle of the night when you are standing in front of the house with a bag full of toilet paper and shaving cream. In that case, take the time to select a different target.
  6. Plan to make a mess of it, but keep it limited to a temporary mess. Decorating something with toilet paper is a fun and harmless joke, but vandalism is a crime. Don't cross the line to avoid getting into serious trouble. This means that you should leave the eggs and spray cans at home.
    • Do not mark the house in question with offensive texts. A good toilet paper joke should be fun and possibly slightly embarrassing for the victim, but it should not be malicious.
  7. Be aware of the risks and potential problems. There is officially no law against decorating someone's home with toilet paper, but making a mess, entering private property and vandalism is prohibited. Decorating the wrong house can cause problems for the resident and the police.
    • Sneaking into someone's garden in the middle of the night to play the joke can wake residents from their sleep. In the worst case, they can be armed if they feel that they are being broken into. Entering a private property is associated with great risks.

Method 2 of 5: Be professional

  1. Agree among themselves to remain silent. Before playing the joke, agree on who on the team is responsible for choosing the position in the yard, who will carry the various supplies, and how long it will take for you to run. Plan the joke in advance as well as possible, so that you don't have to speak to each other at the location. Speak little upon arrival and proceed as quickly as possible.
    • Use nicknames or codes if you do need to communicate with each other. It has sometimes happened that children are recognized because they used the real names among themselves. No wonder, because the residents often know the people who are playing the joke.
    • Mute your phone and never take it out of your pocket. You don't want your alarm to go off at an extremely awkward moment or for the light from your display to illuminate the entire garden. If possible, leave your phone at home.
    • Don't worry if someone on the team sneezes or trips over a stick. No one will get out of bed in the middle of the night for such a noise. However, they will start to check if the sound is persistent. So try to be extremely quiet again as soon as possible and do not run away if there is no good reason to do so.
  2. Wear a dark layer of clothing with a lighter layer underneath. A black sweater with a hood may be the ideal attire, but think further than just camouflage. If you need to run away, you can dive around a corner and take off your jersey. Then hide it. The new lighter clothing will mislead any pursuers.
    • Wear dark blue clothes and shoes instead of black. You can also choose dark green, brown or gray. Someone dressed in black can look pretty suspicious, so don't wear clothes that make it look like you're going to rob a bank. So no balaclavas for example.
  3. Wear sports shoes. They are not called sneakers for nothing. You need decent sports shoes for running on a paved road. Leave the sandals and slippers at home. Most residents who unexpectedly have to go outside at night are unlikely to be wearing shoes. This gives you a good chance of escaping via the paved road.
  4. Switch to stealth mode. Stay silent, move without making noise and be fast. Better to go to the house on foot. Only go by car if the target is too far away. In that case, park around the corner and approach the house from different directions. A group of teenagers dressed in black will immediately look suspicious to any local resident who looks out the window.

Method 3 of 5: Throwing technique

  1. Unroll a yard of paper from the roll. You didn't think you were just going to throw some rolls into the garden, did you? To ensure that a large amount of paper from the roll ends up in the trees as quickly as possible, you have to unroll about a meter of paper. Hold this rolled end tight with the hand you are not going to throw with. Hold the roll in the hand you are going to throw with.
    • You could also unroll the roll a little further and hold the end in place by standing on it.
    • You can also choose not to hold the end of the roll at all. There is then a risk that the roll does not unwind completely, so that the paper does not spread or hardly spreads.
  2. Spin the reel, don't throw too simple. Precious time will be wasted if you don't cast the roll correctly. The scroll should fly like a football and not like a dead bird. Hold the roll end to one side, swing your arm back and cast so that the roll rolls past your fingertips. With the end in your other hand or under your foot, the roll will unroll in your chosen tree.
  3. Aim slightly above your actual goal. Start with a tree with decent branches. Cast the roll over the branches you want to decorate so that it sails over the branches and lands on the ground on the other side of the tree.
    • Aim high and low. If the branches are too high or too thick, there is a chance that the roll will get stuck. Don't worry too much about this, but focus your next role on an easier goal.
    • The toilet paper can be easily removed if you only decorate the low branches. You want the decoration to hang for a few days, don't you? So get creative.
  4. Pick up the reel and roll again. Continue toss around the tree until the roll runs out. The best decoration with toilet paper resembles a spider web, as it were. So spread it over several trees and the resident's car. Use as much paper from each roll as possible and do not leave any roll unused. Grab that tree!
  5. Work together. You don't actually have to run after each roll and unroll it completely. If one of your friends' roll lands right in front of you, throw it back to keep the momentum going. The result of the joke will appear less organized and more chaotic. That is the desired outcome.

Method 4 of 5: Spread the decoration

  1. Select different goals. The trees in the garden are the first, best and most obvious targets. Do not exclude any target and try to hit as many targets as possible with one roll or try to wrap a target completely with a large amount of rolls.
  2. Pack a car completely. Waking up to the image of a few trees decorated with toilet paper is not a big deal and will only take the residents a few minutes to clear it up again. Waking up and then discovering a fully wrapped car has a bigger impact. That sounds more like the real thing.
    • If possible, bring a water spray or water bottle, wet the side of the car before packing. Roll the toilet paper roll under and over the car. The wet undercoat will have a wet and tacky effect. However, this will not cause permanent damage.
  3. Pack fencing, fences, figurines and shrubs. Attach the end of the roll to the fence, then weave the roll through the fence. As a result, each bar is packed separately. Do the same with the shrubs in the garden.
  4. Tear off sheets from the toilet roll and then spread them around the garden. A whole load of sheets of toilet paper scattered all over the garden is no fun for the residents.
  5. Spell words using toilet paper. Five letters or less. Familiar exclamations are preferred. For example, think of "Loser" or something similar to "DUDE."
    • Not something mean or intimidating. It must remain a joke, not vandalism. Something mean or intimidating can appear threatening and can be seen as a threat, so that problems with the police cannot be ruled out.
  6. Save the best for the end. The culmination of the toilet paper joke is decorating the house. This must absolutely be done at the end, as the noise from the rollers on the roof can awaken the residents. Be on the lookout and make sure the best pitcher takes on this task. You could also throw with the whole team to see who has the best throw in the house. Then quickly take off on foot.

Method 5 of 5: Make a mess of it

  1. Consider using shaving cream. Bring some cheap canisters of shaving cream to spray the garden underneath or use it to stick toilet paper on the trees. It does involve a certain risk, as the buses can make a lot of noise. If you do it quickly, you can get away with it. Spray smiling faces on the grass or bushes with the foam.
    • Make a lot of toilet paper in combination with shaving cream in the middle of the garden. No one will like to clean up this sticky mess.
    • Never spray shaving cream on cars, the house, windows or driveways. The stains can leave permanent damage. This can be seen as vandalism. So don't do this.
  2. Bring a wide range of garbage with you. Collect the garbage on the eve of the planned prank instead of throwing it in the designated bin. Throw it in the middle of the garden. Think of banana peels, cores and packaging material. It will be a big job for the residents to clean this up.
    • Make sure there is nothing in the garbage that can serve as evidence, making it easy for residents to identify the culprits. Think of a printout of a telephone or bank account. Do not leave anything with your name on it.
  3. Drag and reposition garden furniture. Stack everything or put them all facing the street. Pack the garden gnomes and other figurines and then place them on the patio after you have provided them with a mustache of shaving cream.
  4. The joke with the forks. This is an old school joke (popular during Homecoming in America). Stick a number of forks into the grass, so that it looks as if kitchen utensils have suddenly emerged by the moonlight. You can opt for plastic forks, but you can also buy cheap forks from a discount store a few weeks before the execution of the joke.
    • Designate one person from your team who will perform the joke with the forks if you choose to add it. The implementation will take some time. Try to distribute the forks as evenly as possible over the lawn to achieve the desired effect.
  5. Call the door. Are you brave enough to ring the bell at the end of the night? If so, get the rest of the group to hide around the corner, then send the bravest team member to the front door. If this is done properly, it is the crowning glory of your work.


  • Never forget to bring all your supplies. If you get caught, try to pack all your things and then perhaps try again. Leave this to the fastest member of your team.
  • Move in two or more groups so as not to be alone.
  • Pack the fence or fence completely!
  • Keep a close eye on the house. Are the lights still on? Are there still windows open? You can still play the toilet paper joke in such a case, but you have to be more careful.
  • Buy normal tissues and spread them all over the lawn. You can also use the tissues for spelling the words.
  • Don't forget to take a picture of the result. Then immediately leave the garden, as the flash of the camera could wake the residents. Do not share the photos on the internet, because you could still be caught afterwards.
  • Do not throw eggs at the house or cars, or smear peanut butter or the garage doors. The eggs are very bad for the paint of the car.
  • Act quickly, but don't forget to admire the result. Always stay on your guard.
  • Never brag about the pulled joke, as it could still get you in trouble.


  • Entering private property, making a mess and vandalism are illegal activities. They can get you in serious trouble with law enforcement. Get the toilet paper joke at your own risk.


  • Backpack or garbage bag
  • Observe place
  • Place to hide the toilet paper
  • Dark clothes
  • Toilet paper
  • A flag to celebrate the victory
  • Forks to poke in the front yard