Washing baseball pants

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How to Make Baseball Pants White Again
Video: How to Make Baseball Pants White Again


Those gorgeous white baseball pants usually don't keep looking that good for long. If you've done countless sliders and slidings to get to last base, your pants are really dirty. It can be annoying to get grass and mud stains out of light-colored fabrics, but it doesn't have to be. With the right means, you can get even the dirtiest pants spotless again. You only need a few special cleaning products and some muscle strength to remove stubborn stains properly.

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Part 1 of 3: Preparing stains

  1. Brush the excess dirt off the fabric. Use a stiff brush or a dry sponge to remove as much dirt as possible from the pants that are still dry. Use long sweeping strokes, being careful not to rub dirt on clean areas. Shake the pants well when you are done.
    • Brush the pants outside so that you don't make a mess in the house.
    • It is important to treat stains as soon as possible so that they do not soak into the fabric for as long.
  2. Mix hydrogen peroxide with a mild dish soap in a spray bottle. Put about two parts hydrogen peroxide and one part liquid dish soap in a spray bottle and shake to mix. Both products contain ingredients that remove stains and help to remove most of the stains before you put the pants in the washing machine.
    • Always have a spray bottle with hydrogen peroxide and washing up liquid on hand so that you have a supply and can use the mixture right away to treat your dirty kit after a game.
  3. Spray the mixture on the pants. Spray the pants generously on both sides with the mixture, focusing on the areas that are the most dirty and discolored. Then use your brush to massage the mixture further into the fibers of the pants where it can get into the stains.
    • After brushing the stains, apply a fresh amount of the mixture.
    • For large, obvious stains, turn the pants inside out and brush and spray the other side of the fabric as well.
  4. Leave the mixture on for 20-30 minutes. Allow time for the mixture to take effect before using other deep cleaning methods. You may be surprised how well the first treatment can work to remove dirt, grass and blood stains that have settled into the fabric.
    • Leave the pants on a flat, dry surface, such as a counter or ironing board.
    • The longer you let the mixture work, the better the result will be.

Part 2 of 3: Soak the pants

  1. Fill a large sink with warm water. Allow enough water to run into the sink to fully submerge the pants. It is important to use warm or hot water instead of cold water, as warm water works better at removing the most stubborn stains.
    • You can also soak the pants in the bathtub if your sink isn't big enough.
    • If necessary, use a small, heavy object to weigh down the pants and keep them underwater.
  2. Add a cleaner with oxygen bleach. Add about 250 ml of a cleaner with oxygen bleach as Vanish Oxi Action in the sink. Stir the water to thoroughly mix both ingredients. Oxygen bleach cleaners are specially formulated to remove stubborn stains by lightly bleaching them naturally. So there is no need to scrub the fabric a lot.
    • For best results, look for products specifically designed for white clothing.
    • It's a good idea to wear cleaning gloves when working with products that contain bleach and other harsh chemicals.
  3. Let the pants soak for several hours. Put the pants in the sink with the mixture of warm water and the cleaner with oxygen bleach. Ideally, leave the pants in the mixture for 2-3 hours. If necessary, let the pants soak overnight so that the mixture has enough time to take effect.
    • If you're short on time, use a little more cleaner and slowly move the pants up and down in the water with your hand.
    • Soaking is an essential step in removing stains from white fabrics.
  4. Rinse the pants with clean water. Remove the pants from the sink and squeeze out the excess moisture. Drain the mixture from the sink and run a stream of clean, warm water over the pants. This helps to rinse away loosened dirt particles and dirty water.
    • After rinsing, squeeze all the water out of the pants.
    • Then wash the pants in the washing machine with a normal washing program, even if the stains have largely disappeared.

Part 3 of 3: Washing the pants in the washing machine

  1. Put the pants in the washing machine. After you have soaked the pants well, it is important to wash them immediately before they can dry. Make sure you only wash your kit pants together with other white items. If the rest of your kit also needs to be washed, you can put everything in the washing machine together.
    • When stains that you have let soak dry up again, they will be even more difficult to remove.
    • If you're washing your kit with brightly colored garments that tend to run and run off quickly, you may have to remove a lot of new, tough stains.
  2. Pour strong detergent into the washing machine. Pour the detergent onto the clothes themselves instead of the detergent dispenser. It is best to use a detergent designed for white clothes that dissolves stains.
    • Use a full cap of detergent to clean the pants as best as possible.
  3. Wash the pants. Set the washing machine to a normal washing program. Use warm water. The stains remaining in the pants after the first two stages of the cleaning process should be thoroughly removed during washing in the washing machine.
    • Add 250ml of distilled white vinegar during the rinse cycle (if you have a top loading) or put the vinegar in the appropriate compartment of the detergent dispenser (if you have a front loading). Vinegar can bleach and soften light fabrics. That makes vinegar an excellent way to finish the cleaning job.
    • You may have to wash particularly dirty pants with a more intensive washing program.
  4. Hang the pants on the clothesline to dry. The intense heat in the tumble dryer can shrink cotton and cotton blend pants. To prevent shrinkage, hang the pants to dry overnight in a well-ventilated area. Your pants will then be clean and ready to put on so that you look your best again at the next game.
    • Pants made of polyester and other synthetic fabrics can usually be dried safely in the dryer.
    • If the pants are wrinkled after drying, iron them on a low heat setting.


  • To keep your kit in the best possible condition, treat stains as soon as possible after they get into the fabric.
  • Cleaning your baseball pants can take a while if you have to treat stains, soak the pants, and dry them. Try to clean the pants in time so that you have enough time before you have to wear them again.
  • Use a clean toothbrush to remove stubborn stains after injecting them with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Buy a second kit so you always have a clean kit and one to wear during matches.
  • Look for stain removers specially formulated for removing stains from sports uniforms.


  • Always work in a well-ventilated area when using bleach-based cleaners. Avoid inhaling the fumes and wear gloves.
  • Certain types of stains, such as those caused by red clay, are particularly stubborn and you may not be able to remove them completely. In this case, you may have no choice but to buy a new pair of pants.


  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Mild liquid dish soap
  • Cleaner with oxygen bleach (e.g. Vanish Oxi Action)
  • Detergent that removes stains
  • Hard brush or sponge
  • Atomizer
  • Distilled white vinegar (optional)