Being a good son

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be A Good Son
Video: How To Be A Good Son


Being a good son isn't always easy. For example, sometimes you've gone wrong and can't find a way to make it right. Other times, you fundamentally disagree with your parents and just don't know how to approach them without it ending in a fight. While being a son has its challenges, remember that parenthood has them too. The best thing you can do is show your parents that you love and support them. After all, nothing will please your parents more than watching their son develop into a happy and responsible adult man.

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Part 1 of 3: Showing your love

  1. Spend time with your parents. One of the best ways you can show your parents how much you love them is to simply spend time with them. While you may already be quite busy with school, your friends, and your personal life, you should always spend time with your parents as often as you can. For example, you can eat together every night, organize a game night every week, watch TV together, or just chill at home instead of going straight to your friends every time. You can't imagine how your parents cherish the time you spend with them. Mothers love it when their son loves them.
    • If you're spending time with your parents, don't roll your eyes. Don't act like you see it as an obligation. Instead, look forward to the special time you two have together.
    • Make sure to meet regularly, such as on Sunday or Monday evenings. Then you don't have to free up time in your busy schedule, but plan that time in advance for quality time with your parents.
  2. Tell your parents what's going on in your life. Your parents love you and want to know what's going on in your life. While they probably don't need to know everything about the friend dramas in your social circles or the ins and outs of the football games you watched with friends, they would love to know what's on your mind - from subjects you find difficult to major problems you have with friends. They really care and want to know what's going on in your life, even if they can't always help you. Your parents will hate it when they feel left out.
    • Try to leave your bedroom door open as much as possible so that your parents can start a conversation with you when they feel like it. Don't make them feel like you don't want anything to do with them.
    • Do not hesitate to ask them for advice. Believe it or not, your parents were once the same age as you are now. They have been through the same problems as you now. They will appreciate that you appreciate their opinion and you can learn a lot from it.
  3. Express your gratitude. It's incredibly easy to take your parents for granted. After all, there was a time when they did everything, anything, for you - from washing you to making sure you were adequately fed and rested. As you get older, you may just forget how much time and effort your parents have put into your care and care. It is therefore important to thank them for everything they do for you. Whether you say “thank you” verbally, write them thank-you notes, call them, or return the favor every time your parents do something nice for you, doesn't matter. It is important to let your parents know how much you value them.
    • Don't think it's pointless to write your parents a letter or card just because you live in the same house. They will love the gesture.
    • When you say "thank you", look your parents in the eye to show that you really mean it; that you don't say it just because you feel obliged to do so.
  4. Teach your parents things. It could be that your parents may not be very familiar with computers, or they may not know much about certain things that are happening in the modern world. If your mom wants to know how to get her new iPhone working or your dad wants to create a Facebook account, be there to help them overcome these modern challenges. Don't laugh at them or make them feel guilty for not knowing things like this. Rather help them learn new skills, and don't forget that all too often they taught you how to do certain things.
    • Teaching your parents will make the bond between you feel less one-sided. You won't feel like you can learn from them alone, and your time together could be a lot more interesting.
    • If you offer your parents your help, don't sigh or complain. Show your parents that you enjoy serving them.
  5. Do activities to strengthen the bond with your parents. In addition to spending quality time with your parents in and around the house, you can also show that you care about your parents by organizing activities outside the home. For example, you can go fishing, hiking or camping with your father, or go cycling, go to the cinema or go out for dinner with your mother. Don't think that all son activities should be done with your dad, and make sure that you hang out with your mom as often and as much as you do with your dad - whether that's cooking, walking the dog, or an afternoon. go to the library with her.
    • Go on camping holidays with the family a few times a year.
    • Cook together during the holidays.
    • Start a DIY project with your mom and / or dad. For example, tile a bathroom, polish old furniture, or make a bookshelf yourself.
    • Find a television show that you can watch with your parents and make it a weekly ritual.
    • Try volunteering with your parents at a nearby library or park.
    • Go to the games of your favorite sports team with your mom and dad.
  6. Don't put your parents against each other. If you want to be a good son, you should help keep the relationship between your mom and dad strong (if your parents are still together, anyway). Relationships in themselves are difficult enough, so don't try to force a wedge between your mom and dad. Instead of playing with the more lenient parent to get what you want, accept your parent's rules as a unified mandate. Do your best to keep the relationship between your parents strong. At the very least, it will make you happier to see your parents happy together.
    • If you tell your mom something like, "But Dad says it's fine!", If she doesn't give you permission for something, you're just creating friction between your parents by turning them on against each other.
  7. Take the time to listen. You may think that the relationship with your parents is one-sided, and that they should listen to you and your problems, that they should give you advice, and that it is so good. But sometimes you also need to listen to your parents. This can be the case, for example, if they have a bit of trouble with your sibling, are going through a difficult period at work, or are a little in conflict with your grandparents. Maybe they don't have a problem at all, they just want to share with you something interesting that happened to them at work or that they read. Most importantly, you are there to listen, instead of acting like you are too busy. It's also disrespectful if you only half listen and check your phone every ten seconds.Give them the time they need to tell you what's going on; they deserve that.
    • Give your parents your undivided attention when they talk to you. Don't be fidgety or look desperately at your bedroom. Never make your parents feel like you have something better to do than talk to them.

Part 2 of 3: Developing a strong character

  1. Help in the household without having to be asked. Maybe there is a list of chores to do, or everyone assumes you will help your parents when needed. Whatever the rules in your family, you must take the initiative to help your parents - before they even have to ask you to. This means that you wash your own dishes, do your own laundry, mow the lawn or go shopping. Do your best to lend a hand without being forced to do so and without expecting anything in return - that's one of your duties as a son.
    • Cleaning up your own mess is the least you can do. Therefore, wash your own plates and glasses, wash your own clothes and tidy up your own room. Do your best to take on other duties as well. For example, help scrub the bathroom floor, take out the trash or clean the refrigerator.
  2. Do your best at school. Your parents don't expect you to become a nuclear scientist or go to Harvard. However, it would make them happy if you respect your teachers, do your homework and get the highest grades you can. If you need help with your homework, you can ask your parents or teachers for help. Prioritize studying over socializing. This will not only set you up for success in your future career, but will also make your parents' life a lot easier.
    • The best thing you can do is respect your learning situation, instead of skipping school or complaining all the time. Your parents shouldn't have to force you to see the usefulness and value of your education.
  3. Manifest your independence. As you get older, you will see that you cannot expect your parents to do everything for you. Your parents will appreciate that you are independent and willing to do things on your own, although of course they still love and want to take care of you. If you are about ten or twelve years old, you can probably consider cleaning up the mess you make yourself. Start thinking a little more for yourself. This will help you develop strong character and make you a better son.
    • Your parents will appreciate it when you learn to do things for yourself - from preparing your own meals to cleaning yourself up. Your foresight will be of great help to your parents.
    • Don't be afraid to be different from your parents. They don't expect you to become some sort of clone of them.
  4. Be nice to your brothers and sisters. Being nice to your brothers and sisters is one of the best ways to be a good son and brother. It is not always easy to get along with your siblings, regardless of whether they are older or younger than you, but you should at least try to build a good relationship with them. Encourage them instead of competing with them all the time. Nobody benefits from a relationship characterized by strife and envy; make sure you have a good relationship with each other. Not only will this help you set a good example for your brothers and / or sisters, but it will also be a lot nicer for your parents.
    • You can also be a good son by helping your siblings with their homework, cleaning up, or learning basic skills. This will give your parents a little more time to relax.
  5. Know when to agree that you disagree. As you get older and develop your own personality and ideals, you may find that you and your parents completely disagree on a lot of things. Maybe your parents are devout Catholics while you don't believe in a higher power. Maybe your parents vote for GroenLinks, but you support the VVD. It's important to know that you don't always have to agree with what your parents believe, but at least respectfully disagree with them. There's no point in arguing about every little disagreement over and over again.
    • If your parents want you to do something you don't want to do yourself, such as going to church on Sundays, try to explain why it's not right for you. Don't refuse it firmly, but try to keep a cool head when explaining your own views. If your parents don't comply, try to keep it civil and friendly. Whenever possible, try to avoid arguing topics.
  6. Learn to see your parents as human beings. As you get older, you should begin to see your parents as more than just “dad” and “mom”. Your parents have busy lives, friendships, relationships with their own parents, careers they may or may not be happy with, and at least one child to take care of. Take some time to think about how busy and overwhelming life can be for your parents at times, and think about how certain situations can affect them before arguing or protesting.
    • It takes character to put yourself in the shoes of someone else. The next time you get into an argument with one of your parents, try to see the situation from his / her perspective. See if that helps you better understand why he / she disagrees with you. This can help strengthen your relationship and will provide you with a broader understanding of who your parents really are.
    • To see them as people, ask them questions about their friends, their job, their childhood, or anything else that can tell you more about who your parents really are.
  7. Apologize if you made a mistake. As a son, it is not bad at all to make mistakes and your parents will not expect you to be perfect. However, they will assume that you take responsibility for your mistakes, and the best thing you can do is apologize if you made a mistake. If you've done something wrong, no matter how big or small, it's important to start a conversation with your parents. Look them in the eye and admit that you went wrong. It's also important to really do your best to avoid hitting the same stone in the future - avoid making the same mistakes again in the future and learn from your mistakes.
    • Make sure they know you really mean it, and that you don't just say it to make sure they won't be mad at you anymore.
    • If you've upset your brother or sister, it's just as important to apologize to them too.

Part 3 of 3: Being a good son as a grown man

  1. Communicate with your parents as much as possible. When you leave the family home, whether you are moving into college or emigrating for a new job, it is important to stay in touch with your parents. Call them at least once or twice a week, email them when you think about them, and try to visit them on holidays, if you have a long weekend, or just as often as you can. They will appreciate the time you give them and the effort you put in to visit them will make them feel loved and cared for.
    • Remember birthdays and anniversaries. It's important to send your parents a card or gift when it's their birthday or anniversary, and also when it's Mother's Day or Father's Day (if you do, anyway). This way you show that you are thinking about them, even when you are not around.
  2. Be happy - and reassure your parents if you aren't. Research shows that parents themselves are happiest when their adult children are happy. This doesn't mean you have to live a perfect life or feel bad when things go wrong, but it does mean that you have to do your best to live a meaningful and fulfilling life. If you always complain about your job, love life, or life situation when you talk to your parents, they will start to think they have failed as parents. They will blame themselves for your "bad" life. Tell them about the positive things in your life and try to mitigate any problems where possible - unless that makes you feel unfair.
    • With this in mind, you should know that your happiness is a lot more important to your parents than a million salary, a house in a chic neighborhood or being married to Miss Netherlands. It is more important to make the most of your life than it is to pursue an unattainable version of happiness.
  3. Ask for and accept help if you need it. You may think that your parents will be disappointed if you ask for financial or even emotional help as an adult, but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, research shows that parents are only happy when they can help or support their children. They like that they can still be of service to you, so it's no shame to ask your parents for help every now and then. This will keep the relationship strong and allow you to grow.
    • While it is important to be independent from your parents as an adult, to have your own vision of the world, and to follow your own path, you should ask your parents for help from time to time.
  4. Don't try to educate your parents. As you get older, you may be tempted to tell your parents how they should live their lives. While they may need your support as they get older, especially if they are struggling to take care of themselves, don't belittle them. Don't make them feel like they're completely helpless without you. Provide them with the help they need without pretending to be the schoolteacher or pretending they have no right to speak up. If you can, they will be very grateful for it.
    • Don't be condescending, don't be difficult, and don't complain if they want to do something their own way. Even if your way is faster or more efficient, they may just prefer to stick to their own routine, and you shouldn't blame them.
    • Be patient. As they get older, many things will take a little longer than before. However, that doesn't give you a license to get frustrated.
  5. Treat them like fellow adults. As you grow older, there is one more thing you can do to keep the bond strong and close: treat them like fellow adults instead of always like "mom" or "dad". This will help you discuss issues such as finances or parenting as equals, and can lead to great advice. While it's important not to be condescending when you think you need to nurture your parents, seeing your parents as fellow adults can add a dynamic element to your bond.
    • Seeing your parents as fellow adults allows you to be honest with them, rather than simply telling them what they would like to hear from an exemplary son. They will appreciate your candor.


  • Think before you say anything! Every word that rolls across your tongue affects your parents. So be careful.
  • Cuddling your parents in the morning when they get up and come back from the office will help you build a very strong bond.
  • Do your parents a favor every now and then. They will appreciate that.
  • Know what your parents like. Everyone has their own style, their own feeling, their own hobbies and other things. If you want to get closer to your parents, it can be helpful to know about what they like and don't like.
  • Remember that you can (usually) rely on your parents. So talk to them if anything is bothering you. Who knows, they can help you.
  • You should let your parents know that you value family, even if you prefer to hang out with your friends now.
  • During dinner time you can share interesting things or jokes with your parents.
  • If your parents don't feel like doing anything with you, wait until they feel like it.


  • Never try to boss your parents around.
  • Don't try to lie to your parents.
  • If your parents are wrong, don't correct them right away.
  • Never curse your parents.
  • Never try to prove your parents wrong.