Buy a good avocado

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Pick Perfect Avocado Every Single Time
Video: How To Pick Perfect Avocado Every Single Time


If you like a nice bowl of guacamole or a plate of avocado toast, then you know how delicious avocados can be. But the key to any recipe starts with good avocados. It's hard to pick the best fruit when you're at the supermarket or market, but once you know what to look for and how to determine the best degree of ripeness for what you're looking for, you can always come home a good avocado.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Testing avocados for ripeness

  1. Note the color of the avocado. The first thing you will probably notice about avocados in a store is their color. Ripe avocados are usually darker, almost black, with a hint of green when ripe. If you want to eat the avocado as soon as you get home, choose one that is slightly dark. If you don't want to use the fruit for a few days, choose one that is a bit greener.
    • Some varieties of avocado, such as the Fuerte Ettinger, Reed and Sharwill, remain green when ripe, so it is important to know the type of avocado.
    • Keep in mind that color isn't the only factor to consider when looking for a ripe avocado. Always test with your fingers too.
  2. Squeeze the avocados. If an avocado looks ripe, you should still test its ripeness by feeling. Hold it in the palm of your hand and squeeze gently. A ripe avocado should be able to withstand firm, yet gentle pressure, but should not feel overly soft or mushy.
    • If an avocado is firm or hard to the touch, it is not yet ripe. Only buy the fruit if you plan on using it a few days later.
    • If an avocado is soft to the touch and therefore overripe, then you should avoid it.
    • The harder the avocado, the longer it will likely take to ripen.
    • If you are buying multiple avocados, it is a good idea to choose them at different stages of ripeness. That way, some will be edible right away, while others can lie down for a few days, and others for four or five days.
  3. Check the skin of the avocado. In addition to the color of the avocado, the structure of the skin is also important. The skin should be slightly lumpy, but make sure there are no major dents that could indicate that the fruit has been bruised.
  4. Examine the stems of the avocados. To make sure the avocado you choose is ripe and creamy on the inside, peel the small stem or cap from the top. If the area underneath is green, then the avocado is a good buy. If the area is brown, the avocado is overripe and should be left out.
    • When checking the area around the stem, keep an eye out for mold. If the area is black or dark brown, the fruit is likely moldy.

Part 2 of 3: Choosing the right kind of avocado

  1. Select an avocado based on your taste preference. While all avocados have a similar flavor, there are subtle differences in their flavor that may allow you to prefer one variety over another. Some have a nutty flavor, while others have a lighter flavor. Choose an avocado based on which flavor works best for your recipe or application.
    • Hass, Lamb Hass, Gwen, Reed or Sharwil avocados have a creamy, nutty flavor.
    • Bacon and Zutano have a lighter taste.
  2. Choose an avocado based on its characteristics and how the fruit peels. Some avocados are easy to peel, while others require a little more effort to remove the skin. If you are in a hurry, buy avocados that are easier to peel to save some time. If you don't mind putting in a bit more work in peeling the fruit, you can choose any variety.
    • Pinkerton avocados are the easiest to peel, but Bacon, Fuerte, Hass and Gwen aren't too difficult either.
    • Zutano avocados are fairly easy to peel.
    • Ettinger avocados are the most difficult type to peel.
  3. Buy an avocado based on the fat percentage. Some varieties contain more oil than others, which means they have a higher fat content. If a healthy, low-fat diet is important to you, choose a variety with less oil.
    • Avocados with the highest oil content are Hass, Pinkerton, Sharwil and Fuerte.

Part 3 of 3: Store and ripen avocados at home

  1. Store unripe avocados in a paper bag. If you buy an avocado that is not yet ripened, you can let the fruit ripen at room temperature in four to five days. To ripen the fruits faster, put them in a brown paper bag with an apple or a banana, which produces ethylene gas that helps ripen the avocado in two to three days.
    • To avoid overripe, keep the paper bag of avocados out of direct sunlight.
    • When you take the avocados out of the bag, test their ripeness by gently pressing on the skin. It should feel soft but not mushy.
  2. Store whole, ripe avocados in the refrigerator. If you bought ripe avocados from the supermarket or ripened them in a paper bag, but don't plan to use them right away, you should leave them intact and not cut open. You can keep them in the fridge for up to three days.
    • Since the cold slows down ripening, you should never keep unripe avocados in the refrigerator.
  3. Drizzle ripe avocados with lemon juice before putting them in the fridge. If you are eating or using half of a ripe avocado and want to keep the rest, put the fruit in the refrigerator. However, it is important to squeeze a fresh lemon or lime over it to prevent the fruit from turning brown. Seal it airtight in plastic wrap or a plastic container, and keep it in the refrigerator, but no longer than a day.
    • Leave the pit in after cutting to reduce the chances of the avocado turning brown.


  • While buying a bag of avocados may seem like a great way to save money, all the fruits in the bag will likely be about the same ripeness. As a result, you probably won't be able to eat them all before they go bad. You are better off buying individual avocados so you can choose fruits that are already ripe for immediate use, that need to ripen and be ready in a few days, and that are not ripe and ready to use in four or five days .
  • Ripe avocados usually have a stronger odor than those that are not yet ripened, so you can also smell the fruit while selecting.