Treating sensitive skin due to fever

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Treat Skin Sensitivity Associated With Fever
Video: Treat Skin Sensitivity Associated With Fever


A fever is a sign that your body is trying to fight off something bad, such as a virus or infection. It is usually a symptom of some condition or illness, such as the flu, heat exhaustion, sunburn, some inflammatory diseases, drug reactions, and more. The fever you have or the underlying condition causing the fever can cause sensitive skin. There are several things you can do to relieve this type of skin sensitivity so that you feel more comfortable while you recover.

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Part 1 of 3: Treating sensitive skin

  1. Dress comfortably and wear soft and light fabrics. This also applies to the sheets and blankets you use when you sleep or rest. Try to use as few layers as possible.
  2. Turn the heating down. If it's winter and you have the heat on, consider turning the thermostat down temporarily to keep your home cool during the recovery period.
    • If it's not winter and you can't turn the thermostat down, try using a fan instead. It also feels nice to occasionally spray some water on yourself while sitting in front of the fan.
  3. Take a lukewarm bath or shower. Water with a temperature of 30 ° C is considered lukewarm water. Taking a bath is better than taking a shower because you can completely immerse yourself in the water. However, it's okay to take a shower if you don't have a bath.
    • Do not take an ice cold bath or shower.
    • Do not use (disinfectant) alcohol to try to cool your skin.
  4. Put cold washcloths or ice bags on your neck. There are several ways you can make something cold enough to put on your forehead, face, or neck. You can hold a washcloth under a cold running tap, put an ice bag or ice cubes in a washcloth or towel (it stays cold longer), or wet a washcloth and put it in the freezer before use. Try making a rice bag and putting it in the freezer. You can buy a ready-made rice bag or make your own using a cloth bag and dry rice.
  5. Go to sleep with wet socks on. Before going to sleep, soak your feet in warm water. Then wet a pair of cotton socks with cold water and put them on. Put on a pair of thicker socks over your wet socks. Go to sleep.
    • This is not recommended for diabetics. People with diabetes do not have good blood circulation and less feeling in their feet.
    • Some skincare manufacturers make mint products for the feet. When you apply such an agent to your feet, it will make your skin feel cold. Spread such a lotion, cream or gel on your feet during your day to help cool you down.

Part 2 of 3: Treating the fever

  1. Take over-the-counter medications. Doctors usually recommend that adults with a fever take acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin. Follow the instructions on the package to determine the correct dose and find out how often to take it.
  2. Take prescription medications. Because your fever is likely a symptom of another underlying condition, your doctor may prescribe a medication to treat that underlying condition, such as an antibiotic. Only take prescription medications that have been prescribed for you and are intended for your situation. Also take the dose prescribed by your doctor and do this as often as your doctor has determined. This information is also stated on the packaging of the medicine.
  3. Drink lots of fluids. A fever can cause your body to become dehydrated, but to keep your body strong to fight the disease you have, you need to keep your body hydrated. Drink as much water or juice as possible, and do this as often as possible.
    • Broth can also help, as it contains salt. Salt can prevent dehydration.
    • An alternative to drinking liquids is to chew on ice shavings or popsicles. Since you have a fever and are probably very hot, this may help to cool down a bit, even if only temporarily.
  4. Get plenty of rest. You have a fever because something is wrong. Your body needs all of its energy to fight the disease, instead of doing other unnecessary things. Activities that require energy also cause your body temperature to rise, and you certainly cannot use that in a situation like this. Stay in bed or on the couch and don't go to work or school. Do not go shopping unless absolutely necessary. Also, don't worry about chores until you feel better.

Part 3 of 3: Preventing your fever again

  1. Wash your hands. You can never wash your hands too often. You should especially wash your hands after going to the bathroom and before eating. It also helps to get into the habit of washing your hands after going somewhere or touching door handles, elevator knobs, or handrails in a public place.
  2. Don't touch your face. Your hands are your connection to the world. That means they can be covered in dirt, oil, bacteria and other things you don't want to think about, especially before you wash them.
  3. Do not share bottles, cups or cutlery with others. This is especially important if you yourself are currently ill, or if the other person is. To be on the safe side, it is best not to share items with others, especially items that touch your mouth. Indeed, many illnesses can be contagious when the person is not showing symptoms.
  4. Make sure you get all regular vaccinations and vaccinations. Make sure your vaccinations and vaccinations are still valid. If you can't remember when you last had a shot, talk to your doctor. In some cases, it is better to get an injection too early than not to do it at all. These vaccinations help prevent many illnesses that are symptomatic of a fever, including the flu and measles.
    • Know that it is not uncommon for a vaccination with an active virus to cause temporary symptoms, including a fever, for several days afterward. Make sure you are aware of these possible side effects by speaking with your doctor.


  • Normal body temperature is 37 ° C. If this is a baby with a fever, contact your doctor if (a) your child is one to three months old and has a body temperature greater than 38 ° C, (b) your child is three to six months old and has a body temperature greater than 38.9 ° C or (c) your child is 6 to 24 months old and has a body temperature greater than 38.9 ° C for more than one day. If the child is over two years old, contact your doctor if your child has a fever and other symptoms in addition. For adults, you should contact your doctor if you have a fever with a body temperature above 39.4 ° C for more than three days.
  • See your doctor if you are concerned, regardless of how high your body temperature is.