Starting a conversation with the person you are in love with without being embarrassing

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 12 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Avoid Awkward Silences With A Girl
Video: How To Avoid Awkward Silences With A Girl


Having a conversation that isn't embarrassing with the person you are in love with is possible, and can even be so much fun that it leads to more contact. Learn how to talk to your loved one as if he or she were your friend, make playful comments, and ask him or her unexpected but easy questions that lead to a funny connection. Even if the conversation suddenly becomes embarrassing, have a good conversation that will make him or her want to talk to you more and more.

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Part 1 of 3: Before starting a conversation with your loved one

  1. Wait for the right time and place to start a conversation. You can avoid a lot of discomfort if you find a good time to talk to your loved one. A good time to start a conversation is before school, during lunch or break, or after school or an event. Use your free time as an opportunity to start a conversation. A good place to talk can be at a bus stop, on a bus or public transport, in a lunch room, at a dance party or another party.
    • Make sure you have enough time for a conversation of at least a few minutes. Some free time moments are too short for a conversation. An example of a bad time to talk to someone is right before class starts. This is probably not the best time to try to start a conversation, because if you are interrupted, you will feel stupid for trying to start a conversation at the time.
    • Do not start a conversation in line or while you wait.
    • Think about how your schedule and that of your loved one overlap. Schedule your interview when you are both free.
    • Are there any events soon? Think about whether there will be parties, dances or school events soon where you can start a conversation with him or her.
  2. Talk to your loved one as if you already know him or her. One way conversations can become embarrassing is when someone is too stiff at the other; treat him or her as a stranger. Instead, treat your loved one as if you were already friends with him or her. Even if it is true that you don't know your loved one very well, you should still speak to him or her with warmth and a friendly tone. You can even start an introductory conversation in a familiar and warm tone by saying something like, “Hi, I don't know if I've introduced myself yet. I'm Tim, how are you? ”
    • When talking to your friends, try to notice your conversation tone, the hand gestures you use, and your facial expressions. When talking to your loved one, try to talk in the same natural and relaxed way.
    • Don't be as familiar with him or her as if you have a history together. For example, you shouldn't say, “Hey dude. How are you?"
  3. Think about what he or she finds interesting to talk about. If you know what his or her interests, life, friends, things he or she likes and dislikes, etc., use that knowledge to your advantage. You don't have to focus on those things in particular when you have a conversation, but you can talk about things related to his or her interests. If you know that he or she likes the beach, for example, you can talk about the last time you surfed. And you don't have to say you know he or she loves the beach. Just talk about it like you would with a friend who loves the beach.
    • An embarrassing conversation can happen when you pretend you know more about them than you do, as well as when you pretend you don't know anything about them when that's not true.
  4. Freshen your breath before starting a conversation. This is an easy way to feel confident and avoid discomfort. Buy a pack of sugar-free gum with xylitol that you take with you to school or wherever you have a date with your loved one. Sugar-free gum causes your mouth to produce saliva, making your breath smell better and making it easier for you to talk. Have one 5 minutes after a meal and a few minutes before starting the conversation with your loved one.
    • If you're going to a party or somewhere you might be close to him or her, you can rinse your mouth with mouthwash after brushing your teeth to freshen your breath.
    • Avoid foods that cause bad breath, such as onions or garlic.
    • Drink a glass of water, this will wash away any food residues and bacteria that cause bad breath.

Part 2 of 3: Starting and having the conversation

  1. Make a funny or playful comment about where you are or what you are doing. Use your comment as an icebreaker to start the conversation. Look around you and observe what is happening around you. Do you notice anything that is funny or interesting? For example, if it's lunch time and the food truck isn't there yet, you can say, "Are they going to give us some more water while we wait or do they want us to die of thirst?" When commenting on something simple, try to do it in a playful way. Even if you don't think you are a funny person, you can still be playful. And both boys and girls find playfulness attractive. Your playfulness makes conversation fun and helps keep the mood light.
    • Don't worry, the first few comments you make to your loved one won't determine the conversation. It's more important to just start the conversation. So don't worry too much about how to appear calm, and instead focus on continuing the conversation.
  2. Keep track of something he or she is doing, especially if you have something in common. Once you're in with an opening line, move on to something you can talk more about. For example, asking him or her for an update is a good question if you already know them a little or if you are taking the same class. It's a good idea to get comfortable with each other by talking about what you have in common. This makes the conversation less embarrassing and allows you to better understand what the other is doing with what you have in common. For example, if you are taking the same class, you can say, "How far along are you with your essay?"
    • You don't have to say you're in the same class unless you're not sure he or she knows. If you want to remind him or her, don't make a big point of it. Say "How far is your essay for English?" It is not surprising that you know that you are taking the same class. If he or she doesn't know, your comment about the English class will tip them off, and he or she will likely say sorry he or she didn't recognize you.
  3. Ask for his or her opinion on something that is easy to talk about. Conversation topics change quite quickly, so it's good to have some open and easy questions to ask your loved one. Start by telling him or her about something you do or know, and then ask his or her opinion about it. This question can also be asked in the context of where you are or what you are doing. For example, if you're eating an apple at lunch, you could say, "Personally, I know Granny Smith apples are the best apples in the world, but out of curiosity, what kind of apples is your favorite?" Again, playfulness is a great way to make your conversation less embarrassing and more enjoyable, especially when talking about simple topics and just trying to keep the conversation going.
    • Don't ask him or her for anything too controversial. Avoid sensitive topics such as politics or religion.
  4. Ask him or her something unexpected but easy to answer. You should try to create a unique bond based on your conversation and the person you are talking to. You can ask your loved one something unusual and funny. For example, you can ask him or her something like, "Is there a reputation that others or yourself think you look like?" These kinds of questions could make him or her laugh. When he or she tells you what celebrity he or she looks like, you can say whether you agree or not, and you can tell him or her what celebrity you look like (and you can be joking).
    • Avoid talking about small talk or introductory questions. Do not ask questions such as, "So where are you from?" Because you will only get an answer that he or she has used many times before.
    • These types of playful conversations help you to feel more comfortable with each other.
  5. Choose an opening line that comes to mind. If you have few opportunities to talk to your loved one and you come up with a good opening line, take your chance to talk to him or her and just do it, even if you haven't planned everything out. A little awkwardness is always part of being in love, and it can be the nice thing about it. So you don't have to think about it too much - just go for it.
    • Going for it is good because it helps you get over the barrier of first contact. And remember, it's not important how you start talking to them - the important thing is to keep the conversation going.
    • Sometimes using your intuition works best for your confidence.

Part 3 of 3: Keep the conversation going

  1. Ask questions about his or her interests, hobbies, or work. Once you have established a good relationship with your loved one, you should try to get to know him or her better. Start with something he or she was talking about or something you noticed in their interaction. For example: "You have a lot of books with you, what are you reading?" This is an easy question that shows your loved one that you are interested in him or her. Then ask follow-up questions.
    • For example, if he or she likes to talk about the books, ask more questions about those books. For example, “That's cool that you're reading that book. My favorite book by that author is… ”
    • Or if he or she doesn't like talking about those books, you can start on something else that is more of an open-ended question. Say something like, "Are you going to do fun things this week?"
    • Avoid topics of conversation that show that you already know what their interests are because that may make you feel uncomfortable. If you know he is in football, for example, don't bring it up right away. Don't say, "Tell me about your football season." Instead, let the conversation get there in a more natural way.
  2. Be an active listener in the conversation. Your loved one likes talking to you a lot more when you are a good listener. Once you have started the conversation, you should sit or stand opposite each other so that you can see their face and hear them clearly. Another important part of active listening is to make consistent (but not constant) eye contact during your conversation.
    • Avoid distractions. Don't text or check your phone while you're talking. This makes it seem like you're not interested and can keep you from actually hearing what your loved one is saying.
    • Repeat the central idea of ​​what your loved one is saying. This lets him or her know that you are listening and gives him or her the opportunity to clarify something if necessary. Repeat the most important things what he or she says. For example, you can say, "So you say you've never painted before, but it feels like you've always done it?" This will make him or she feel more connected to you as you show that you understand important things about him or her.
    • Do not interrupt him or her in the conversation. It's easy to like to say something and interrupt him or her during the conversation. But resist that temptation and wait until he or she has finished talking, then show your enthusiasm about what he or she is saying.
    • Be empathetic. If your loved one is talking about something difficult that he or she is going through, make sure you don't skip the conversation about his or her feelings. When he or she talks about failing a test, you can answer something like, "I can understand why it is so extremely frustrating to retake that test."
  3. Show him or her that you enjoy the conversation. One way to make a conversation friendly and natural is to show that you enjoy talking to him or her. One way to show this is by making eye contact, smiling often, leaning forward slightly when talking, and using open body language. Use natural gestures when you talk, keep your arms open and not crossed.
    • Lifting your head to one side is another great way to show kindness / playfulness when talking and flirting.
  4. Make another appointment and / or ask for his or her number. If things seem to be going well, ask your loved one to meet again or ask for their number. It's good to do this about three-quarters of your call. It's a good idea to suggest getting together or asking for his or her number after you've built a strong bond, and before the conversation gets tough or weary. Before starting the conversation, think about a few activities that are good for both of you. Say something like, "I think you are cool, do you want to do something"? Then suggest some things you can do together and ask for his or her number.
    • Or if you prefer to play it a bit safer, you can just ask “Hey, can I have your song? I really enjoyed talking to you ”.
    • If you feel like the conversation just went like this, you can always wait for some subsequent chat messages or face-to-face conversations before asking them to do something.
  5. Trace the conversation back to something you've talked about before. You may want to talk about something your loved one was talking about at the beginning of the conversation. For example, you could say, "So how long do you think it will take you to complete your essay?" And then for the rest of the conversation you can talk about the talking points that you have already started.
    • You can joke about what you guys talked about before. For example, you can say, "Well, now that we've survived this lunch without water, I believe we can handle anything together."
    • Joking around can make your bond even closer, and it's a great way to take your relationship past the first conversation.
  6. End the conversation on a positive note. When you feel good and have just been laughed at about something, you should politely end your conversation so that you leave your loved one with a good impression of yourself. Make sure to tell him or her that you enjoyed talking to him or her.
    • You can keep the end of the conversation casual. You can say something like, "I actually have to go home, but I really enjoyed talking to you."
    • If you see your loved one again soon, say something about it. Say, "I'd love to see you in class to hear about your essay."
    • After a few days, send a message to say hello and ask how the things you talked about are going.