Become a game streamer

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
6 Things EVERY NEW STREAMER NEEDS Before You Start Streaming!!
Video: 6 Things EVERY NEW STREAMER NEEDS Before You Start Streaming!!


If you have an enduring passion for video games, becoming a streamer can be a great way to take an active role in the global gamer community. Along the way you will have the opportunity to show your skills and personality, make new friends or even be approached for a paid collaboration, to make your hobby your job. All you need to get started is a suitable computer with a microphone and webcam, your favorite games, a good internet connection and a free user account on to stream your performances.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Sign up

  1. Sign up for a Twitch account. Go to and select the "Sign Up" option in the top right corner of the screen. Create a username and password, enter your date of birth and a valid email address to complete the registration process, and receive your six-digit stream code. Once registered, you can log in and start exploring the site's many running streams and features.
    • Alternatively, you can connect via your Facebook account to enter your personal information automatically.
    • A user account on Twitch is free, so you don't need to enter payment information unless you later decide to make a purchase.

    Tip: If you really want to make it as a streamer, consider signing up for Twitch Prime, the paid premium version of Twitch. With Twitch Prime, you can take advantage of a host of extra perks such as ad-free broadcasts, exclusive emojis and color schemes for your chat feed, and exclusive in-game content.

  2. Download the necessary streaming software. There are a handful of shows that Twitch streamers can use to broadcast their gaming sessions to the online video game community, including Open Broadcasting Software (OBS), XSplit, Gameshow Live, Wirecast, and Bebo. Each of these programs makes it possible to show the world the titles you are currently playing and your insane skills.
    • Each piece of streaming software has its own unique interface and its own strengths and weaknesses. It's a good idea to try out different programs (almost all of the big ones are free to use) to see which one you like best.
    • When you start up your streaming software for the first time, you will be asked to provide the inputs for the audiovisual devices you are working with. After that, going live is as easy as logging into your Twitch account and choosing the option to start a new stream!
  3. Make sure your computer can handle the streaming demands. To run all your streaming and gaming equipment at the same time, you need a computer that can keep up with the output. Twitch's technical experts recommend an installation with at least an Intel Core i5-4670 processor, with at least 8 GB of RAM and Windows 7 or later (or the macOS equivalent - you can also stream on Apple devices).
    • If you don't have your own computer, you can also stream directly from your favorite game console. If you're on an Xbox One or PS4, all you need is the Twitch app. To stream from a Nintendo Switch, you need to plug in a capture card, which you can buy for around $ 150.
    • When it comes to providing a seamless streaming experience, two computers are better than one. This is especially true if you plan to use fast paced games or games with hyper realistic graphics.
  4. Connect your computer to a broadband internet connection. Between each of the parts required to successfully broadcast a live game session, streamers have to deal with a lot of data. The faster your internet speed is, the better your stream will run on both ends. For most users, an upload speed of at least 3MB per second is sufficient. This is about the same speed as most standard home connections.
    • You can speed up your Internet connection by moving your modem to a place with clearer reception, limiting the number of devices on your network, and eliminating interference from other wireless devices and appliances.
    • A bad connection can lead to annoying issues such as freezes, hangs, or audiovisual interference.
  5. Invest in a good quality microphone and webcam. With your microphone you can add your own commentary and chat directly with your viewers. If you want them to be able to see you while you play, you should also connect a webcam to your computer. Good audio / video equipment makes your viewers feel like they are hanging out with a good friend, instead of watching an anonymous player running through levels without saying a word and unlocking rewards.
    • Don't worry if a new microphone just isn't in your budget. You can do fine with a regular gaming headset, although the sound quality may not be as clear as that of a separate microphone.
    • While not strictly necessary, a webcam will help you improve communication with your audience, which is crucial if you're hoping to build a dedicated following or make yourself attractive to sponsors.

Method 2 of 2: Grow your audience

  1. Make a regular streaming schedule. Agree with yourself to go live on the same thing every day, or when you have time to sit at your PC. You will be most visible to your followers if they can tune in to your feed at a specific time, just like they do with their favorite TV shows. Once you've decided when and how often to stream, stick to your schedule.
    • To determine the best time to stream, it can help to think about when to play the most. If you usually play an hour or two before work, make it a habit to log in early in the morning. If you'd rather relax after a long day, log in a little later to keep the night owls company.
    • Remind your audience what time you will go live at the start or end of each broadcast. That way, viewers who see you for the first time know when to expect you again.

    Warning: If you go live at random times, your followers won't know when to go to your channel, with the result that your viewing audience will be severely limited.

  2. Focus on one game or series until you have a consistent following. Many "day out" game enthusiasts search Twitch for content related to a specific game. For this reason, picking just one or two titles can be a great way to build a strong fan base if you're just starting out. As you get more eyes on your channel, you can venture into other series or genres, to vary things a bit and offer your viewers something different.
    • Streaming gameplay from new and popular titles such as Fortnite, Forza Horizon 4 or Call of Duty is guaranteed to attract legions of viewers, young and old alike.
    • If the reason to start streaming is to show off your skills, go for the game that you do best. Otherwise, choose the title that you can enjoy the most. This will be more interesting to both you and your audience.
  3. Do something to differentiate yourself from other streamers. The fact that Twitch is a free and open platform means that there are a ton of active channels. In order not to be invisible from the crowd of other players, and to convince new viewers to hang around and see what you have to offer, you will have to learn to think like an entertainer. Maybe you speak in a funny voice, make bad puns, or dress up as your favorite character from the game you are playing. The important thing is that you do something that no one else does.
    • You don't have to be a master of impressions or an award-winning cosplay artist to set yourself apart from the crowd. Making yourself more recognizable can be as simple as getting a unique hairstyle, or placing an eye-catching object behind you on the screen.
    • Whatever quirks you incorporate into your broadcasts, your gimmick shouldn't be so distracting as to make it difficult for your audience to pay attention to what's going on in the game.
  4. Interact with your audience. One of the coolest features of Twitch is the live chat window, which is built right into your user interface. In this small window, viewers watching your broadcast can leave text comments, which you can read in real time while you play. Scan your chat window every now and then and take the time to respond to some of the comments there. Your followers will appreciate it, and so will you if your audience numbers go up.
    • Getting to know your audience also gives you the chance to make new friends. This is of course an advantage in itself, but it is also guaranteed to help other users get to know your channel through word of mouth.
    • Another way to engage your viewers in your channel is to do things that motivate them to take action, such as asking questions, trading fan theories, or even running giveaways.
  5. Use social media to promote yourself. Like it or not, social media is without a doubt the best way to reach a lot of people in a short amount of time. Go to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to advertise your channel and tell your followers when you go live. By doing this, you can increase your reach.
    • In addition to your personal social media accounts, consider uploading impressive in-game moments, outtakes, and other "best of" moments to YouTube.
    • Social media can also be useful for dropping reminders and special announcements, such as collaborations and playthroughs from obscure or unusual games.
  6. Be yourself. Fans may come to Twitch for the games, but they often stay for the personalities. It is no coincidence that the most followed streamers are often the most charismatic. It doesn't even matter what you play after you hit a certain level of fame - people will flock to your channel just to see you.
    • If you have a dashing, outgoing personality, feel free to go crazy, joke around and treat your viewers to some crazy antics along the way. If you're more of the silent type, start with some thought-provoking topics for discussion in your chat, or just let your in-game achievements do the talking.
  7. Have fun! No one is going to want to watch you do your thing if you don't look like you're having a good time. Gaming can be nerve-wracking, especially when hundreds or thousands of strangers are watching you, but try not to take it too seriously. At the end of the day, you stream for the same reason you started playing video games - because you like it.
    • Even the most famous streamers take a day off every now and then. If you just don't like it anymore, pick a less difficult title for some casual play, or host another user's channel on your feed to take your own attention and put friends more in the spotlight.
    • Remember, if you're not having a good time, your viewers aren't either.


  • Don't mind the haters and trolls who just make snide comments. Their negativity shouldn't discourage you from connecting with adoring fans and sharing your favorite pastime with the public.
  • Be patient. It can take many months or even years for your channel to get going. Fortunately, streaming is a fun, free hobby that you can keep doing well into the future.
  • If your goal is to eventually transition to full-time streaming, keep in mind that there is no one best way to attract sponsors and paid partners. If they like what they see, they will contact you.


  • Twitch Account
  • Streaming software
  • Computer
  • Fast, reliable internet connection
  • Own microphone and / or webcam
  • Gaming headset (optional)