Cleaning an electric toothbrush

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How To Clean Your Electric Toothbrush
Video: How To Clean Your Electric Toothbrush


An electric toothbrush works great for keeping your teeth clean and radiantly white, but the bristles will eventually get dirty and the plastic handle will become dull. Fortunately, you can clean an electric toothbrush very easily. You only need a few items that you probably already have around the house, such as bleach and a clean cloth. When you're done, your electric toothbrush will be disinfected and will look like new again.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Cleaning the toothbrush head

  1. Make a mixture of bleach and water. Once a month, thoroughly clean your toothbrush with bleach and water. Mix one part bleach with ten parts water in a glass or something small. Make sure the glass is large enough to fully submerge the toothbrush head.
    • Wear gloves when working with bleach.
  2. Do not submerge the bottom part of your toothbrush in water. Never immerse the bottom part of your electric toothbrush in hot water. This can be dangerous as it can give you a shock. It can also damage the toothbrush, so you will have to buy a new one. Only clean the bottom part of your electric toothbrush with a cloth, paper towel or cotton ball.

Part 3 of 3: Keeping your toothbrush clean

  1. Rinse the head of your toothbrush after use. Every time you've used your electric toothbrush, rinse the head under the tap. Rinse all traces of toothpaste from the brush after use. This way your toothbrush stays nice and clean.
  2. Do not soak your toothbrush in any disinfectant. Some people recommend keeping your toothbrush in mouthwash or another disinfectant. However, this is not necessary and can also lead to contamination if several people keep their toothbrush in the same product. Instead, keep your toothbrush on a stand or in an empty glass.
  3. Replace the head of your toothbrush regularly. The head of an electric toothbrush is interchangeable. Replace the head of your toothbrush every three to four months. Even if you clean the head regularly, you will need to replace it from time to time.
    • When the bristles on the toothbrush start to look worn and separate, it is time to replace the toothbrush head.
  4. Store the toothbrush in an open container. Do not put your toothbrush in a closed container or container. It is therefore not protected against bacteria. The higher humidity can even expose your toothbrush to more bacteria. Instead, keep your toothbrush in an open container in the bathroom, such as in a glass.