Complimenting a woman

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Compliments That Make Women Melt
Video: 5 Compliments That Make Women Melt


Complimenting a woman can be a simple yet effective method of making her feel special, showing her how much you love her. Unfortunately, all too many guys don't know how to compliment the right way. They either express something obvious or use compliments over and over until they sound empty and no longer have any meaning.The art of giving compliments is one that, if mastered, can make you appear stylish and romantic to the women.

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Part 1 of 3: Finding compliments

  1. Find out what they themselves consider important. First, think about what the woman likes about herself. Go beyond clothes and make-up, as she may be doing it more for others than for herself. Try to think of something that is really important to her. For example, she may be very proud of her ability to play a musical instrument. Or maybe she strives to be a good mother one day and you find she gets along really well with children. These are good things to compliment.
    • For example, say something like, “You are so nice and kind to everyone, even if they don't make it easy for you. That is beautiful. I wish there would be more people like him. ” Just make sure it doesn't sound like you're stalking her.
  2. Look at the things she values ​​in others. Think about how she talks about other people. You've probably noticed that she complimented someone or talked about a person she admires. Look out for keywords like, "I wish I ..." as this makes it clear what she wants for herself. Now think about those moments in her daily life when she showed that particular quality herself. At least from time to time, many women display the qualities they admire, but think they don't have. By showing her that she can be the person she wants to be, you can score a ton of points.
    • For example, say something like, “I think it's funny that you don't feel as smart as he is. I mean, I could never have completed that report last year without your help. ”
    • You can also say something like, “Don't worry about being as patient as Gina. You are not only patient, but also very understanding. Take, for example, the way you solved the incident with Frank! ”
  3. Know what she would like to improve in. Look for character flaws and bad habits that you know she is working hard to correct, and then compliment her when she succeeds. It's probably not okay to list it as something she has to work hard on, but complimenting her on her acting when she does can make her feel really good. You know how hard it is to make yourself a better person!
    • For example, say something like, “You did well in the meeting. I admire that ... I don't know if I could have done that, ”if she has remained calm (despite a history of sarcasm and resistance) while the boss is putting everyone on fire.
  4. Look beyond beauty. Complimenting looks is daring. Many women do like to receive compliments about this! But it can have many negative consequences for both of you. She's probably used to people saying how beautiful she is just to get what they want from her. It can also have long-term consequences, in that she may start to think you like her just because of her looks (which she won't always be, as the years go by, which can make her question herself. ). Only use compliments on her beauty sparingly, and then do so in a context that makes sense when you are together on a special occasion.
    • For example, say something like, "Andrea may be the bride, but to me you are the prettiest woman in the room."
  5. Compliment something new. Complimenting something new about her shows that you care enough for her to notice. In general, men are not expected to notice anything like a different hairstyle or a pair of earrings, so if you do, you will have a home run right away. This of course means that you will actually have to pay attention.
    • For example, say something like, "I'm not a shoe connoisseur, but there's something about those shoes that makes me feel like you're going to be the center of attention today."
  6. Make sure your compliments come across naturally. Compliments are much more meaningful when they sound natural - when you say exactly what you think, in response to the specific situation you are in. This is because you convey to her that you didn't have time to plan it or that you got a ready compliment from some decorator website. It shows her that you are honest. When you see her saying or doing something you admire, just tell her.
    • This can of course be a bit dangerous. You will have to think about how this compliment is going to sound in her ears. Just take half a second and try to see the compliment from her point of view. Does it emphasize that she just did something wrong? Does it make her weak, stupid, or anything negative? Learning how to really respect her can help keep it from screwing up in situations like this.

Part 2 of 3: Say the right things

  1. Be specific. Don't compliment her on something really generic ("Your hair is nice", "You have beautiful eyes"). Being specific is your friend, because it makes it clear to her that you're not using a standard compliment, but really want to say something positive. Instead of those misses, you can say something like, "Your eyes make your face glow and look happy" or "I love it when you put your hair up like this because I can see a lot more of your beautiful face."
  2. Compliment her that is unique to her. Try to be creative in this. It's okay to compliment her on things like her eyes and hair, if you do this properly as noted above, but it's still a compliment that is all too often given. You're probably not the first person to tell her she has beautiful hair, you know that, right? Get creative with your compliments to really show her that she's the one you're paying attention to, and that you're not just chasing just any girl.
    • Try it with compliments like “I love listening to you because your voice sounds like home to me” or “You're so elegant, you remind me of Audrey Hepburn”.
  3. Compliment her on things she has control over. Compliment her on things she can control, because things she can't control can lead to tension and uncertainty in the future. Imagine what it is like for a woman who has only received the compliment “You are beautiful” in her life: at that moment she will be proud and happy, but in the end a large part of her value is linked to “beautiful” to be. With age, it will be seen less and less as a traditional beauty and can start to suffer from a feeling of inferiority. That's not what you want!
    • Examples of things she can control: education, determination, skills, achievements, personality, and interacting with other people.
    • Examples of things she has no control over: eyes, skin color, everything related to age and beauty in general.
    • Other than that, giving a compliment to a woman she can't control is like complimenting someone on their neighbor's new job. You had nothing to do with it so it's harder to be happy or honored.
  4. Do not make sexual comments to a woman you are not in a relationship with. Do not. Just don't. The odds are roughly equal to zero that say something like, "Hey hot girl, are you in the mood for it?" your business is going to help. Even "classy" sexual comments are no good. Just avoid any compliment or comment implying you want to sleep with her when she's not your girlfriend. Women find themselves in the unfortunate position of constantly having to wonder if any guy who starts making sexual comments is just trying to do his best or is a potential rapist. Don't leave this question open in her mind when it comes to you.
  5. Avoid cheap compliments. Cheap compliments are quickly seen as not very original and as if you are trying too hard. This is because these kinds of compliments, usually comparing the lady in question to a rose or the moon (for example), are not sincere. They are made to be effective, not because they have anything to do with the woman who is so special to you.
    • You may be able to get away with a chewed compliment like “Your smile is like a summer day,” provided it fits the context and you really mean it. In general, you should avoid any compliments that sound like they come from a novel or from a guy in some dingy bar. It's hard to make these kinds of compliments work.
  6. Beware of condescending language. Be careful about giving compliments that are meant to put others down. While these kinds of compliments can be flattering to her, they say something about your personality that you might not mean. When a woman gets compliments that put others down, especially when it comes to people she cares about, she will start to think that you are trying to build yourself up at the expense of others ... and she will wonder if she is next.
    • For example, don't say something like, “Don't worry that all the guys are chasing Becky. I think you are much more beautiful than they. ”
    • Rather say something like, “I know you feel like Becky is getting all the boys, but I wouldn't be too concerned about that. You have everything a nice guy is looking for ... just give yourself the chance to show it off! ”
  7. Make her feel like she matters. No one wants to feel like nothing more than a drop in the ocean, and on a planet of billions, that quickly becomes the case. Complimenting her that makes her feel unique or important, in a way that makes her feel like she matters, really warms her heart. In principle, this can be one of the most effective compliments. Of course, who she is will influence what you say, so you really have to think about this.
    • For example, if she's done a lot of volunteer work, say something like, “Have you ever heard of Pay It Forward? You probably don't give yourself enough credit for it, but every positive difference you make radiates out to your environment and creates more wonderful things in the world. I think what you do is really fantastic. ”
  8. Be careful when you talk about weight. You may be tempted to compliment a woman you know for losing weight, but this can be very risky. Many women are very sensitive about their weight (as are men!) And some women may lose weight for reasons that are not positive. You know a lot, she could have cancer. Only compliment her on losing weight if you are sure that she has put herself into it. Now when it comes to choosing the right words:
    • DO NOT compliment her comparing her to how she looked before (eg, "You look so much better now!").
    • Try to compliment her on the wider effect the weight loss has had. This can take the form of "You look healthy and energetic today" or something like "You look much happier and more confident these days."
    • The best route is to compliment her on the effort she has made to become healthier. This is what she did that really deserves admiration. Say something like, “You inspire me to make positive changes in my own life too. I hope I can be as determined and dedicated as you! ”
  9. Don't get the idea that you have to compliment her to get anywhere. Of course you hope that your compliment has a positive outcome for you. A date, sex ... or just a better relationship. But it is good for you to realize that sometimes a compliment is not the best way to achieve what you want to achieve. In fact, surveys have shown that only half of the women somewhere in the distance can appreciate such a compliment as you just gave her. Many women have negative associations with certain types of compliments given in specific situations, because they are so often harassed on the street. Sometimes any compliment can go wrong (if you're going to talk to an unknown girl on the subway!). A sincere conversation can then take you much further. Just talk to her the way you would talk to anyone and let her show off your amazing personality instead of your words.

Part 3 of 3: Communicate the compliment

  1. Save your compliments. If you constantly compliment her, that “special” feeling may eventually fade. How often is too often is hard to estimate, but in general, you should try to save praise for special moments and events when you feel like it really matters. You know the feeling that your heart is almost overflowing with thoughts of how wonderful it is? Now is a good time to compliment her. When she's clearly concerned about something? That may be a good time to indicate that she has strong qualities that will get her through.
    • The point of a compliment is to make her feel better; not collecting points. That means that compliments should be saved for those times when it's really important to make her feel good about herself.
  2. Be completely sincere. Women almost always notice when you don't mean a compliment sincerely. This is why things often go wrong when you're trying to compliment a girl you've never met before: you don't really know her yet, so you don't know anything worth complimenting. Whatever your compliment is, you really have to mean it. You will have to honestly believe that it is good. Your honest belief will come across and, even if it's a little cheap, she'll still feel honored.
    • This is why we feel really good when kids compliment us. It may not always have the right words and a compliment can be given on something strange, but children have not yet learned how to flatter people to get what they want. When they give a compliment, they mean it and it is very heartwarming, even if it is presented so badly.
  3. Be respectful. Now you might get the advice you're more likely to score with a girl if you compliment her which is at the same time a little offensive, making her think a guy like (who "doesn't" care about her "flaws") you her only chance. If this works for a woman, it will be one with very little self-confidence. This is not the kind of woman you want to deal with. When you compliment her, it is better to be respectful.
    • As a rule of thumb, don't say anything to her that you wouldn't say to your mom or sister. If your mother gets a blow to your ears when you say that, then you shouldn't say that to another woman either.
  4. Compliment her at the right time and in the right place. Immediately after giving an important presentation is a bad time to complement your colleague with her dress; this indicates to her that you haven't noticed all the work she's put into it, and all you can think about is what she looks like (even if that's true). This is a great example of the principle of choosing when complimenting a woman. Any compliment on any topic will have to come at a time when she can't get the impression that you just want something from her (to a stranger at the station, to your wife when you just got into bed, to your coworker right before you ask her to do a project). Also pay attention to the context. The wrong topic at the wrong time can completely nullify a compliment, as shown in our example.
  5. Show her instead of telling her. Show her how much you care or admire her through actions rather than trying to make up a compliment. Actions show that you really mean it and may save you in those situations where you have gone completely wrong. If you're worried that you're going to mess up with a compliment or that your words might offend her, show your appreciation through your actions.
    • For example, if you see her buying a sandwich for someone who is homeless, put her on a chair and cook her dinner (or take her out to a nice restaurant). You don't have to do these things every time she does something great: just like with verbal compliments, save it for those times when it really matters.


  • If giving less compliments means doing something fun in itself, like cooking for example, then do it and give one unique compliment because she already knows what you think of her through the gesture you made.
  • Develop a good relationship with her before bombarding her with compliments.


  • Find the right time to compliment a woman. Like a moment when you know she's feeling insecure.
  • Again, don't compliment too often.