Get a baby soft face

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to get BABY SOFT SKIN!
Video: How to get BABY SOFT SKIN!


Babies are born with exceptionally soft and smooth skin. When we get older we expose our face to bad influences that make the skin less soft. Combining a healthy lifestyle with the right skincare routine can heal your skin and protect it from further damage.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Keep your skin healthy

  1. Protect your skin from sun damage. Use sunscreen, moisturizer, and makeup with a sun protection factor of 15 or higher to prevent premature skin aging. Contrary to popular belief, dark skin is also prone to sun damage, even though this skin type is less likely to burn than lighter skin. Always be careful no matter how light or dark your skin is.
  2. Stay hydrated. Drinking enough water will help keep your skin supple and smooth. As a woman, drink at least 2 liters of water per day. As a man, drink a little more than that, namely about 3 liters of water per day. Avoid coffee and alcohol as these drinks dry out your body. If you do want to drink coffee and alcohol, drink at least an extra glass of water for every cup of coffee and alcoholic drink.
  3. Provide a balanced diet. The skin is the body's largest organ and needs the right nutrients to stay soft and healthy. A diet rich in good fats such as omega 3 fatty acids ensures that your skin can produce moisturizing natural fats and prevents inflammation. The foods that contain the most omega 3 fatty acids include fish, eggs, nuts, dairy and Brussels sprouts. If your skin gets rough and you are prone to breakouts, you may have a mild allergy to a certain food.
  4. Improve air quality. The skin is constantly exposed to the air around us. Smoke damages the skin and dries it out. Because you breathe through your mouth and nose, these effects are even stronger in the case of your facial skin. Don't live and work in a smoke-filled environment. If you smoke tobacco, quitting smoking will almost instantly soften your skin and prevent premature skin aging.
    • Consider putting a humidifier in the bedroom during the winter months and when the air is dry. Dry air takes the moisture out of your skin and makes your skin rough.

Method 2 of 4: Wash your face

  1. Find the right facial cleanser. If you don't have anything else, you can use a bar of soap, but many types of soap can dry out your face. Your face is more sensitive than the rest of your body and needs a special product to stay soft and healthy. Choose a moisturizing cleanser if your skin dries particularly quickly. If you have oily skin, choose a cleanser designed for oily skin. Use makeup remover to get your makeup off your face.
  2. Wash your hands before starting. Your fingers are probably a lot dirtier than your face. Keep dirt and bacteria off your face by washing your hands quickly with soap and water. If your skin is particularly sensitive, you can also use a little facial cleanser.
  3. Apply the cleaner with your fingers. Apply a dollop of facial cleanser the size of a 2 cent coin to your fingertips. Massage the cleanser into your face in small circular motions. Concentrate on your T-zone, or your forehead, nose, and chin. If different, follow the directions on the package.
  4. Rinse your face with warm water. Splash lukewarm water on your face a few times to rinse away the cleanser. You don't clean your face properly with cold water. Hot water dries out your face and makes your skin less soft.
  5. Pat your skin dry with a towel. Use gentle up-and-down dabbing movements. Rubbing can irritate your skin. This will also help remove the rejuvenating ingredients from your cleanser that should be absorbed into your skin.
  6. Massage a little moisturizer into your skin. A moisturizer is especially important if your skin dries quickly. Just like with your facial cleanser, massage a 2-cent coin sized dollop of the product onto your face. Apply the lotion especially to the driest parts of your face.
  7. Wash your face twice a day. Wash your face after getting up and before going to sleep. If you use makeup, never go to sleep with your makeup still on your face.
    • Washing too often can irritate your skin and remove natural moisturizing oils.
    • Wash your face once more after you swim or sweat.

Method 3 of 4: Exfoliate your skin

  1. Find an exfoliator that's right for your skin. As with facial cleansers, there are many different exfoliating products available for different skin types. You will probably have to experiment to find the right remedy. If your skin is oily, look for exfoliants that promise to deeply cleanse your skin. If you have dry skin, choose one that is mild and moisturizing.
  2. Massage the product into your skin with your fingers. Slowly cover your face, making small circles with your fingertips.
    • Instead of massaging the product into your skin with your hands, you can also use a microfibre towel with a light exfoliating effect. Many drugstores and beauty salons even sell exfoliating gloves made from this material to make it easier to care for your skin.
    • Electric scrubbers are also popular. You can buy cheap variants of these devices at many drugstores.
  3. Rinse off your face and pat your skin dry. Use warm water. Do not rub your face with a towel as this can irritate and damage your skin. Your skin may be more sensitive after exfoliating.
  4. Hydrate your face. It's especially important to treat your skin with a moisturizer after exfoliating, as exfoliating often removes the skin's natural moisturizing oils. By exfoliating you also remove the top protective layer of your skin. Dead dry skin makes your skin feel rough, but also acts as a protective layer for the more sensitive skin underneath.
  5. Exfoliate your skin twice a week before going to bed. Exfoliating regularly helps to keep your skin soft and free of impurities. You can exfoliate your skin less often if your skin gets oilier and if your skin is less prone to flaking. If your skin is very sensitive, exfoliating can irritate your skin and make it even drier. Try to find a balance here that works for you.

Method 4 of 4: Shave your face

  1. Make sure your razor is sharp before you start. Shaving with a blunt razor irritates the skin and causes razor bumps.
    • Even women with no visible facial hair can benefit from the soothing effects of shaving. Don't worry that shaving makes the frizzy, light hair thicker and darker, because that's a myth. Dermaplaning is a popular form of exfoliation where the top layer of dead skin is removed from the face with a sharp knife.
  2. Apply a generous amount of shaving cream. Make sure to massage the product into your skin to shave the hair as close to the skin as possible. There are five types of shaving cream:
    • Shaving cream can be lathered with the help of your fingers or a shaving brush. Shaving cream is most popular with hairdressers.
    • Shaving gel is similar to shaving cream, but is a bit easier to apply.
    • Shaving cream is seen by most people as a shaving cream. This product comes ready-to-use from an aerosol and you do not have to let it foam.
    • Shaving soap is a bar of soap and can be lathered with the help of a shaving brush.
    • You can use shaving oil on its own or under shaving cream. Oil is best for people with sensitive and dry skin.
  3. Rinse your razor after each stroke. Your razor will actually get dull when it is full of hairs. A clogged razor is less effective and can cause razor bumps. Heat can also make a razor dull more quickly.
  4. Rinse your face with cool water. Cold water prevents the skin from being irritated. The cold will close the pores in your skin and protect it from the negative effects of your aftershave. Cold water also tightens your skin so you don't get ingrown hairs.
  5. Dab an alcohol-free aftershave on your face. Apply the aftershave to your freshly shaved skin with your fingertips. After shave lotions and gels have a moisturizing effect to replenish the moisture deficiency in your skin and keep your skin soft. Some lotions also contain ingredients that soothe irritated skin.
    • A traditional alcohol-based aftershave dries out your skin, which can leave your face rough.


  • Wash your face before shaving. Do not dry your face as the water will make shaving easier.
  • Your skin can be damaged by too much washing and exfoliating and applying too many skin care products. Do this less often if your skin is less soft than it was before starting this skincare routine.
  • Plastic micro-bead exfoliants are harmful to the environment. Because these granules are so small, they cannot be removed from the water when the water is purified. Products with jojoba granules are considered a safe alternative because they are made from biodegradable vegetable wax.
  • Always test a new skin care product on a small area of ​​skin a day or two in advance before using the product. Choose an area that is normally covered by your clothing. By waiting you can see if your skin may react to the medicine later on. If your skin starts to itch and turns red, it is better not to use the product. This is especially important if you have allergies and sensitive skin.
  • When looking for skin care products like moisturizers, avoid using fragrances and perfumes. Even natural fragrances can cause irritation. They can irritate your skin. When looking for products to buy, choose products that do not contain fragrances and perfumes. Unscented simply means that a fragrance has been added that you cannot smell to prevent the product from smelling.