Finding a job where you can travel

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 27 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to find a remote job so you can TRAVEL and live freely | work remotely 2021
Video: How to find a remote job so you can TRAVEL and live freely | work remotely 2021


If you don't fancy a 9 to 5 job where you are stuck at your desk all day, consider a job that allows you to travel. There are several ways you can travel for work, such as working in the travel industry, for an international organization, or teaching abroad. Think about your skills and choose something that suits your interests to find a job that will help you earn money while you travel!

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Method 1 of 3: Working in the travel industry

  1. Become a flight attendant or flight attendant and fly all over the world for your work. Flight attendants often travel during the day, and can then spend the evening in an exotic location, earning good earnings, as well as discounts on flights. Service or customer service experience can help if you want to become a flight attendant.
    • The requirements to become a flight attendant vary by airline. In general, you should be in good physical health, be able to stand for a long time and reach the luggage compartments above the seats.
    • Many airlines have vacancies posted on their website. Search the internet for companies that operate from airports near you.
    • It is important to know that as a flight attendant you often work changing shifts and that, especially when you are just starting out, you usually cannot choose your destinations.

    Tip: Other skills, such as speaking different languages, being able to perform CPR and providing first aid are also very useful if you want to become a flight attendant.

  2. Work on a cruise ship so you can sail around the world. If you work on a cruise ship, you can travel full time while earning money and receiving free room and board on the ship. Search the internet for cruise ship jobs to see if there are any options that match your experience and interests.
    • Cruise ships are like floating cities, so you can find all kinds of jobs there. From waiter to entertainer, people from all different backgrounds on a cruise ship are always in demand.
    • Know that working on a cruise ship isn't always fun. The days are long and the shifts irregular. But you will be rewarded with stops in ports around the world so you can explore.
    • Of course, cruise ships depart from major ports, so if you don't live in a port city, you'll need to travel there before you can start work.
  3. Become a travel agent to receive a discount on your travel and accommodation. If you've already traveled a lot, you can start a successful career as a travel agent. Travel agents give their clients good advice on accommodation, entertainment, dining and other places of interest.
    • While a travel agent doesn't actually get paid to travel, they often get discounts on hotels and tours so they can recommend them to their customers. If you work as a travel agent you will also learn how to find the cheapest flights to different places in the world.
    • With the abundance of booking and comparison websites, the work of the travel agent has become less important in recent years. Yet there are still many people who prefer to book through a travel agent, because they have the most experience and expertise.
  4. Become a tour guide if you can work well with people and have a lot of knowledge of certain places. Apply for a job with a major travel company that organizes trips to a variety of destinations. Another option is to travel yourself and look for a job as a tour guide on the spot, if you like it somewhere.
    • You must have knowledge of the location, such as the history of the place, to become a successful tour guide. If you don't know much about the destination yet, do your homework and get to know the place well first.
    • Remember that a job as a tour guide is often seasonal work. You will find it easier to find a job as a tour guide in high season.
    • You have to be able to handle large groups of people and engage them on the tours if you want to be successful as a tour guide.

Method 2 of 3: Working for an international organization

  1. Look for a job or internship with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' development cooperation. Development cooperation helps to reduce poverty in the world. Check this website for vacancies.
    • Remember that working for development cooperation is usually the opposite of luxury travel. You are often placed in remote areas, where the infrastructure is very limited. Also, don't expect to make a lot of money, it's more about doing something good for the world than making you rich.
    • If you have worked for development cooperation, this offers other opportunities when you are back in the Netherlands. You can then possibly work as a diplomat or consular assistant abroad.
  2. Become a consular service provider to represent the Netherlands abroad. As a consular service provider you live abroad and you represent your own country in matters such as immigration, diplomacy and international aid. Check the internet to see if there are currently any vacancies as a consular service provider.
    • You will first have to take a qualification test to prove that you are suitable to represent the Netherlands, before choosing a career in consular services.
    • You can find various vacancies on this website.
  3. Join an NGO to travel around the world and provide humanitarian assistance. There are many private organizations and international non-profits you can work for if you would like to help with issues such as human rights violations and disasters. Different organizations are looking for people from diverse backgrounds, so do your research first to find an organization that is right for you.
    • Examples of NGOs are Doctors Without Borders, the Red Cross and Oxfam Novib.
    • It is useful if you have a medical background, or if you have worked in services, if you want a job with an NGO. Doctors without borders, for example, hire doctors or medical students to provide medical assistance in remote places or in disaster areas.


    Working abroad for an aid organization can be physically and emotionally very demanding. You will often be confronted with the harsh reality of things like war and disease, and will be sent to areas where only the basics are available. However, if you can withstand it, you can mean a lot to people all over the world.

Method 3 of 3: Other types of jobs

  1. Work as an au pair if you love children. An au pair is an international babysitter who lives with a family abroad and takes care of the children. There are all kinds of websites where au pairs and host families can be found together.
    • The payment of an au pair differs considerably, depending on the country where you are. In any case, you will receive room and board, and a small amount for personal expenses.
    • An advantage of being an au pair is that the family sometimes takes you with them when they travel so that you can look after the children. You can also use your free time on the weekends to see more of the country where you work, or even visit countries in the area.
  2. Start teaching English if your English is good enough. Get a certificate as an ESL teacher from an organization such as TEFL or TESOL to increase your job prospects. Teachers of English are requested in many countries in the world, so there are many opportunities to travel.
    • In Asian countries such as Korea and Japan you will be paid well, and you will even be offered housing if you come to teach English. So consider these countries if you want a rewarding experience.
    • If you have a Bachelor's Degree and teaching experience, you will likely earn more by teaching English.
  3. Become a translator if you are fluent in more than one language. You can look for a job as a translator if you like to travel and help people communicate. If you have good computer skills and business acumen, as well as two languages, you can become a translator.
    • Countries with the most language service providers are the United Kingdom, the US, France, China, Italy, Japan, Sweden, Luxembourg and the Czech Republic.
  4. Become a travel journalist if you are passionate about travel and writing. The easiest way to work as a travel journalist is as a freelancer. Many magazines and websites pay you for an article about how great and "off-the-beaten-track" a new travel destination is.
    • To work as a freelance travel writer, you can search for information on the websites of well-known magazines such as the New York Times and National Geographic.
    • Travel journalist jobs are coveted and provide irregular income. You often work on a project basis and will need to have some savings to finance your travels in the beginning.

    Tip: Another option is to start your own travel blog and make money from ads and affiliate links on your blog.