Getting an adrenaline rush under control

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How Strong Can An Adrenaline Rush Make You?
Video: How Strong Can An Adrenaline Rush Make You?


An adrenaline rush occurs when your adrenal glands pump an enormous amount of adrenaline into your body in response to a lot of stress or anxiety. You may experience a variety of symptoms similar to a panic attack, such as a fast heart rate or a pounding heart, rapid breathing, or dizziness. While an adrenaline rush can be unpleasant and scary, it is not dangerous. By applying relaxation techniques or adjusting your lifestyle, you can reduce their number and intensity.

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Method 1 of 2: Practicing relaxation techniques

  1. Try to breathe deeply. Deep breathing, also called Pranayama, can naturally relieve stress and allow you to relax. Do a few exercises to learn to breathe deeply so that you can relax and regain concentration, and to reduce other symptoms of an adrenaline rush.
    • Deep breathing allows your body to distribute oxygen better, lowering the heart rate and returning it to normal. It can also help relax muscles that have been tense by the rush of adrenaline.
    • Breathe all the way in and out through your nose in a balanced way. For example, you can inhale for a count of four, then hold your breath for a count of two, and finally exhale for a count of four. The number of counts can vary depending on how well it goes.
    • To get the best deep breaths possible, sit upright with your shoulders back, feet flat on the floor, without collapsing. Place your hands on your stomach and make sure that your stomach expands against your hands as you inhale. As you exhale, tighten your abs and blow the air between your compressed lips. Feel your diaphragm move up and down as you breathe.
  2. Count to 10 - or 20. If you feel tense, anxious, or experiencing an adrenaline rush, take a step back from the situation you are in and count to ten. By counting you can focus your thoughts on something other than the situation.
    • If you focus on anything other than the stressful situation, your body may stop producing adrenaline.
    • If necessary, count to twenty and repeat this procedure as many times as necessary.
  3. Practice progressive muscle relaxation. If you find yourself having stress or anxiety that gives you an adrenaline rush, learn to calm your body. Lie down on the floor or sit down and start contracting and relaxing each muscle in your body. Start with your feet:
    • Tighten each muscle in your body for five seconds, starting with your feet. Then slowly release the muscles and relax. After 10 seconds, tighten and relax your calf muscles for five seconds.
    • Then repeat this with all your muscles until you get all the way to your head.
    • Continue with your leg muscles. Do the same with each muscle group, slowly working your way up towards your head.
  4. Learn to think positively. Negativity can exacerbate stress, tension and anxiety, which can make you more likely to get an adrenaline rush. By handling each situation in a more positive way, you can better control adrenaline rushes or panic attacks.
    • Framing is a technique that allows you to tackle specific situations by writing a positive scenario for yourself.
    • Suppose you are dealing with an angry customer at work. Imagine that the best possible outcome is that the customer has become happier because you have solved the problem. This can help you get through the situation in the most positive way possible, thus preventing a panic attack.
    • Another way to use visualization of a positive outcome is to imagine a very peaceful scene, such as a field of flowers, and put yourself in this scene.
    • You can practice mindfulness meditation. You learn to recognize what you think and how you feel at that moment, without judging.
  5. See the humor and positivity in every situation. Most difficult situations also have positive and funny moments. While they may not be immediately apparent to you, you can relax and avoid an adrenaline rush if you learn to recognize them and laugh about them.
    • Some studies have shown that positivity clearly contributes to happiness.
    • For example, if you fall and hurt your elbow, don't focus on the scrape or tear in your clothing. Laugh at your own clumsiness or something funny about the situation.

Method 2 of 2: Adjusting habits in your lifestyle

  1. Control factors in your life that cause stress. Many things are beyond your control, but there are certain things (namely, your own actions and decisions) that you can control. If you learn how to handle or reduce certain situations that cause you stress or anxiety, you can reduce or relieve adrenaline rushes.
    • Make a list of things that trigger an adrenaline rush. Read the list and see what you can actively control.
    • You may often get an adrenaline rush at a meeting. Then take steps to minimize your anxiety in these situations, such as being thoroughly prepared, meditating five minutes before the start, or sitting next to positive people.
    • If a friend is stressing you out because they often exaggerate things, spend a little less time with that friend. Remember: you can't control your friend's behavior, but you can control how you respond to them and how much time you spend with them.
  2. Exercise most days of the week. There is evidence that aerobic and cardiovascular activities have a positive effect on your mood and that it calms you down. Consult with your doctor before starting a new exercise program.
    • Even just 10 minutes of exercise will help you relax and regain your focus. A 10 minute walk relaxes you and gives you the chance to think about the positive things in your life.
    • Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins and serotonin, substances that improve your mood, help you sleep better, and reduce or relieve adrenaline rushes.
    • Any kind of exercise is good. Think of walking, swimming, rowing or running.
    • It is recommended that you exercise for 30 minutes five days a week.
  3. Try relaxing yoga. Doing some gentle yoga exercises will stretch your tense muscles and relax your body. Even if you only stay in the dog-head-down dog for ten breaths, you will become more relaxed and better manage fears and adrenaline rushes.
    • Do a form of yoga that is gentle on your body. This will stretch your tense muscles and allow you to relax better. Restorative and Yin yoga are two good practices if you are experiencing adrenaline rushes.
    • If you don't have time to do a full yoga session, do the head-down dog, holding the pose for 10 breaths in and out. This is an important basic posture in yoga that not only relaxes and calms you, but also stretches your tense muscles.
    • Before starting a new yoga routine, talk to your doctor to make sure you are healthy enough to practice it.
  4. Eat a balanced and healthy diet. A bad diet can deplete your energy levels and cause anxiety and stress, stimulating adrenaline rushes. Eating healthy foods and snacks will not only help your general health, but reduce stress, anxiety and adrenaline rushes.
    • Foods like asparagus contain nutrients that are good for mood and can reduce stress.
    • Foods high in B vitamins can also minimize stress and anxiety. Avocados and bananas are good choices if you are looking for foods rich in vitamin B.
    • A glass of warm milk can help with insomnia and anxiety, reducing adrenaline rushes.
  5. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and drugs. It is recommended to avoid all types of recreational drugs and to limit the use of alcohol and caffeine. These substances can reinforce fears, making you more likely to suffer from an adrenaline rush.
    • Most adults can tolerate up to 400mg of caffeine per day. This means four cups of coffee, two cans of cola or two energy drinks. If you often experience an adrenaline rush, drink less caffeine.
    • Do not drink more than one alcoholic drink per day. Examples of a drink are 350 ml beer, 150 ml wine or 45 ml spirits.
  6. Take regular breaks to refresh and regain your concentration. Divide tasks, chores or unpleasant situations into smaller pieces, so that you have a manageable time on them. Taking a break can refresh and relax your body and mind. A break also helps to control or get rid of an adrenaline rush.
    • Reading a book, watching a movie, taking a bath, walking your dog, or talking to your or partner can all help clear your mind from the stress of the day.
    • Do something you enjoy during your break. A short walk is an excellent way to plan your break. You are away from your task for a while, you stimulate your blood circulation, you provide more oxygen in your brain, you can clear your thoughts and it relaxes you.
    • It's also important to set aside time to think or worry. Give yourself time every day to deal with problems or to do nothing at all. These kinds of breaks in which you can recharge yourself are just as important as the little breaks in between tasks.
    • Just as important as taking breaks is to go on vacation at least once a year, which allows you to relax and get away from everyday life for a while.
  7. Get a massage regularly. Tension, anxiety and panic attacks can be tough on your body. Pamper yourself with a nice massage that can keep your adrenaline rushes under control. A professional masseur feels and removes the tension in your muscles.
    • Research shows that massage can relieve tension in the muscles.
    • There are all kinds of massage. Choose one that you like best. With every massage, your body produces oxytocin, which allows you to relax and release stress.
    • You can find a good massage therapist on the Internet or you can ask your doctor for recommendations.
    • If you can't get a professional massage, try massaging yourself. By massaging your own shoulders, face or even ear lobes you can reduce a lot of stress.
  8. Make sure you sleep well. Everyone needs sleep to stay physically and mentally healthy and to relax. Try to get 7-9 hours of sleep per night so that you can recharge and relax, which will help keep your adrenaline rushes under control.
    • Have a good sleep routine, which means that you get up and go to bed around the same time every day, that you make your room suitable for a good night's sleep and that you don't get too many stimuli around bedtime.
    • Stress, anxiety and panic attacks can arise from lack of sleep.
    • Taking a short nap of 20-30 minutes during the day may also help you feel better.
  9. Join a support group. By joining a support group with others who also experience anxiety or panic attacks, you can gain support from people who understand what you are going through. It can also give you helpful tips on how to deal with your adrenaline rushes.
    • If there is no support group in your area, consider confiding in a close friend or family member about what you are experiencing. You may find that the stress and anxiety decreases just by talking about it. It is often easier for someone from the outside to see a logical solution to deal with the situation properly than someone in the middle of it.
  10. See a doctor. If you find that the adrenaline rushes are controlling your life or that they are so severe that the physical symptoms are unbearable, see your doctor. Your doctor can draw up a treatment plan, including psychotherapy, medication or other lifestyle changes.
    • For example, if you have anxiety, your doctor can prescribe benzodiazepines or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Alternative drugs for adrenaline rushes include kava kava or valerian.
    • See your doctor or consider seeing a psychiatrist.
    • If you don't treat it, adrenaline rushes or panic attacks can seriously diminish the quality of your life.


  • Don't be afraid to get help. If you're going through something that's causing you a lot of stress, talk to someone about it.