Identifying a Persian cat

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Identify Types of Persian Cats
Video: How to Identify Types of Persian Cats


Identifying a cat breed can be tricky because of the many variations a breed can have. If you're looking for a purebred Persian cat, it can be even more difficult to find a breeder who can verify the cat's genetics. However, Persian cats are quite distinct, both in appearance and attitude. Knowing what a Persian looks like and behaves can help simplify the search for your new feline friend.

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Method 1 of 3: Identifying a Persian cat by physical characteristics

  1. Recognize the face of a Persian. Persian cats generally have a very round face with full, chubby cheeks. The nose is usually a bit flattened, so it is not very prominent. The eyes are usually large and expressive, and can be blue, amber or a combination of these. Furthermore, the ears are usually quite small with rounded tips.
    • While many Persian cats have flat faces, there are variations. Some Perses have a rounder face, which breeders refer to as a doll face, or doll-faced Pers.
  2. Check out the length and texture of the coat. The coat of a Persian is usually very special. Persian cats generally have a long coat with a silky texture. The coat should be combed daily to prevent tangles, and may need to be thinned occasionally.
    • Most Presses need to be groomed for at least 10-15 minutes daily, and should have one hour grooming session every week.
  3. Check the coat color. While many people envision a white cat when they think of a Persian, these cats come in a variety of colors. Some of the most common colors are white, red, cream, black, brown, blue gray, chocolate brown, lilac, silver, gold, tortoiseshell, blue-cream, calico, and seal (usually a mixture of cream and blue / black).
  4. Examine the coat pattern. There are several variations in the coat pattern of a Persian. Breeders who breed Perses for competitions have divided the first common coat patterns into seven categories, called divisions, to make it easier to identify what kind of Pers you are adopting or buying.
    • Solid division - this category means that the cat has a single, uniform coat color. Most massifs have copper-colored eyes, but white presses can have copper, blue, or one-colored eyes.
    • Silver and Gold Division - Presses in this category have either a chinchilla (sparkling white with fine black tips) coat or a faded silver or gold coat. Golden Presses have a warm, creamy coat with black tips and silver ones are generally black on the back with even replacement on the flanks.
    • Faded and Smoke Division - Presses with a faded coat usually have a tortoiseshell coat or faded caeo coat, usually with a white undercoat and red, cream, black or blue-cream tips. Presses with a smoky coat appear to have a single-colored coat, but a white undercoat is seen on closer examination.
    • Tabby division - tabby presses have a classic, mackerel or lapped tabby pattern. Classic tabbies have a visor pattern along the sides and mackerel tabbies have thin lines that appear to be drawn all over the body.
    • Multi-colored division - this category includes Presses with a tortoiseshell coat, chocolate tortoiseshell coat, blue-cream coat and lilac-cream coat. These coats are usually uniform in color (usually black or cream) with red patches.
    • Calico and two-tone division - this category includes patterns and two-tone coats. All cats in this division have copper colored eyes, with the exception of silver tabbies, which may have green or light brown eyes.
    • Himalayan division - These Persians usually have a white or cream colored body, with colored dots on the head and limbs. Cats in this division always have blue eyes.
  5. Watch the tail. Persian cats usually have a separate state. It is usually short and slightly raised. The tail is generally straight with little to no bend. In addition, Perses usually keep their tail at an angle under the back.
  6. Check the cat's body shape. Presses have a distinctive short, wiry body shape. They are often slightly heavier than the average cat, although their body remains somewhat compact.
    • A Persian's legs have heavy bones that support the medium to large body.
    • The shoulders are generally broad, with an overall thick and compact body. The neck is also short and thick.
    • Female Presses typically weigh 3.5-5.5 kg. Males usually weigh more than 5.5 kg.
  7. Order a home DNA test. Find a test set on a reputable website, such as one associated with a university. You swab a cotton swab over your cat's cheek a few times and send the samples to a lab, where sciences conduct DNA tests to determine which breed your cat belongs to. The test is 90% accurate and can be a good way to confirm if you have a purebred Persian.

Method 2 of 3: Recognizing a Persian cat's behavior

  1. Look for a playful but reserved personality. While each cat is unique, Persians often have a distinctive personality. They are playful in their own way, but also reserved and largely docile. Unlike other cat breeds, Persen isn't really known for jumping and climbing.
    • Presses often prefer to sit on someone's lap or in the sun, rather than more physical activities.
    • They are usually undemanding to people's affection. Sitting or lying on someone's lap is usually sufficient for most Persen.
    • Presses often become anxious or irritated by loud noises and / or children who are misbehaving.
  2. Anticipate a relatively quiet cat. Presses are usually not very vocal. They sometimes greet people with a soft meow, but will not meow or howl persistently unless they are in need. If a Persian is vocal, he usually does so in short, melodic sessions.
  3. Keep the environment of a Persian familiar. Persian cats are usually not very fond of surprises. Therefore, it can be unpleasant and irritating to your cat if you take it to an unfamiliar environment. If you plan to go away for a few days, it would be better for your Persian to have someone come to your home to take care of him, rather than take him to an unfamiliar holiday address.
    • If you plan to make changes to your home, such as new furniture, it will be better for your cat if you introduce the new furniture gradually, rather than replacing it all at once.
    • If you move, have some of your old furniture in it before you bring your cat there. This can make the transition easier for a Persian.
  4. Identify common Persen health problems. Like many purebred cats, Perses are susceptible to certain health problems in their lives. Some may not be significant, but others can be quite serious. Some of the most common health problems in Persian cats are:
    • Basal cell carcinoma
    • Cataracts
    • Deafness (especially with blue-eyed Persians)
    • Cryptorchidism
    • Entropion
    • Facial fold dermatitis
    • Lysosomal storage disease
    • Peritoneopericardial hernia
    • Polycystic kidney disease
    • Progressive retinal atrophy
    • Systemic lupus
    • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
    • Portosystemic shunt
    • Gingivitis
    • Cornea sequester
    • Hip dysplasia
    • Strabismus / nystagmus
    • Dermatophytosis

Method 3 of 3: Find a reputable breeder or seller

  1. Find a respectable breeder. If you want a Persian kitten, you may need to find a breeder. However, it is important that you work with respectable breeders. This helps to ensure your cat's health and purebred identity. In addition, it reduces the possibilities of illegal and indecent breeders.
    • A reputable breeder will be able to provide health certificates proving the cat has been checked for genetic health problems.
    • Respectable breeder will typically offer kittens when they are 12 to 16 weeks old. Kitten sold before 12 weeks of age may not have been vaccinated and lack the physical and social strength to adapt to a new environment.
    • Ask if you can view the facilities. A respectable breeder should allow this. Look for signs of sick animals and unsanitary / unhealthy living conditions.
    • Ask your vet for a list of reputable breeders in your area. If a veterinarian recommends a breeder, chances are that the breeder will follow acceptable practices.
  2. Watch for the warning signs of a bad breeder. If you choose to work with a breeder, make sure you know what to look out for. In addition to providing the health certificates and a public facility, a respectable breeder should have limits on the number and variety of kittens available at any given time. A respectable breeder will also be specific about your cat's payment, once you have an agreement and you have chosen a kitten.
    • Alarm bells should ring for a breeder who continuously has kittens available or has multiple litters. Anyone who sells kittens under 12 weeks of age may also be an indecent breeder.
    • Ask the breeder if he or she sells to pet stores and wholesalers. Respectable breeders are provided by a code of ethics prohibiting this practice, and any breeder making such sales cannot be trusted.
    • If the breeder allows you to pay with a credit card online, then he may be a scammer or an indecent breeder. Most breeders want you to pay in person, usually with cash or check.
  3. Try to adopt a Persian from a shelter or shelter. Persian kittens are extremely rare in a shelter or shelter, but adult Persians are often available for adoption. If you look at a few different shelters or shelters, you will find both crosses and purebred Persen looking for a new home.
    • You can try to visit shelters and shelters in your area, or you can search online through search engines like Petfinder or Adopt-a-Pet. Some online search engines allow you to search for a specific breed, which can help make your search for a Press easier.
    • You can also search the Internet for breed-specific Persen shelter groups in your area. These groups specialize in finding homes for a specific breed and can be a great help in finding and adopting your own Persian cat.


  • If you decide to go with a breeder, ask the vet for a recommendation for a Persen licensed breeder. Also, have your vet examine the cat right after you adopt or buy it, as purebred cats are often susceptible to genetic diseases and complications.
  • You may have to search to find a Persian cat. Kittens are usually difficult to find in shelters and shelters, but adult cats can often be found and adopted this way.