Grooming a Yorkshire terrier's coat

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Grooming Guide - Full Grooming Yorkshire Terier #44
Video: Grooming Guide - Full Grooming Yorkshire Terier #44


Yorkshire terriers are known for their beautiful silky, wavy coat. But these long, beautiful coats need daily care to keep them from tangling. Regular brushing is an essential part of coat care and you will also need to wash and trim your dog to keep his coat in top condition. Effectively grooming your Yorkshire Terrier will keep him feeling comfortable and looking healthy and happy.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Brushing your Yorkshire Terrier

  1. Feed your dog's coat. If your Yorkie's coat is dry or he has a skin condition that needs hydration, buy an aerosol can of conditioner to use before brushing. This helps to strengthen the coat and prevent damage from splitting or tearing hair. If your Yorkie's coat is naturally oily, you can skip the conditioner as it will only make his coat heavier.
    • You can also make your own conditioner. Mix 5 parts water and 1 part dog conditioner in a spray bottle.
  2. Brush parts of your dog's coat. Use a pen brush with a rubber pad that contains metal pens with a plastic tip. Separate part of your dog's coat into sections and brush from root to tip with the growth of hair. Brushing against hair growth is unpleasant and can lead to tangles. Good brushing will condition your dog's hair by spreading its natural oils over the coat.
    • A rubber pad brush will help grip the hair and hold the sections.
    • It is best to start in an area like the shoulder, where your dog is less sensitive and ticklish.
  3. Remove any knots. If you find small knots, work them away with your fingers by pulling the knot apart. If it is a stubborn knot that cannot be worked out, use a comb and tuck it between the base of the knot and the skin. Place scissors above the comb and cut away the knot. The comb protects the skin and ensures that you do not accidentally cut it when the knot is held up.
    • Look for knots in areas where the fur rubs together, such as the armpits, crotch, and behind the ears.
    • Check under the tail and make sure there is no fecal contamination around the anus. If there is, consider bathing your dog, or cutting the soiled hair if it is heavily soiled.
  4. Comb around your dog's face and ears. Use a comb to gently comb out the fur around the dog's face and ears. Work slowly and watch if your dog starts to move so you don't accidentally poke his eye with the comb.
    • You can also clean any discharge around the edges of his eyes with eye wipes. Be careful not to get your eye on the cloth, which could sting.

Part 2 of 4: Bathing your Yorkshire Terrier

  1. Prepare to bathe your dog. Remove any accessories your dog is wearing, such as a collar, bow ties, or dog clothes. Place it in a comfortable place on the floor or the grooming table. If you're using the floor, lay out a large, soft towel. This will also keep hair out of the way. When using the grooming table, never leave it unattended, in case it gets startled and jumps to the ground, which could lead to injury.
    • Make sure your dog is properly brushed before you bathe it. Use a pin brush to brush your Yorkie all over, then use a comb to brush him all over again. This will prevent tangles.
  2. Wet your dog and shampoo it. Start on top of your Yorkie's head and wet it all over. Do not let water get directly into his eyes. Make sure to wet it all the way to the tip of its tail. Squirt some shampoo into your hands and lather it from your dog's neck to the tip of his tail. Wash the outside of the ears, the legs, the chest, the belly, the feathering (the fringe or longer hair), and the rest of the body. To wash the head, start on top and work your way down to the muzzle.
    • Choose a creamy dog ​​shampoo that will leave your Yorkie's coat silky and soft. Choose a non-sting shampoo, especially if used on the head. Avoid using shampoo formulated for humans, the pH balance is different and can irritate your dog's skin.
  3. Rinse out the shampoo. Use warm, clean water and rinse the shampoo from your Yorkie's coat for at least three minutes. Keep rinsing until all of the foam is gone and the rinsed water is clear. If you don't get all of the shampoo out, the soap residue can irritate your dog's skin.
    • It may be easier to wash your dog in a sink. If your dog is bigger, you can also put him in the bath to rinse, but he may get anxious from the larger space.
  4. Feed your dog's coat. If you are using conditioner, spray a little into your hands. Spread the conditioner all over the dog's body, from the top of the neck, and then on to the tip of the tail. Do the outside of the ears, the legs, the chest, the belly, the feathering, and the rest of the body. Leave the conditioner on for 5 to 10 minutes before rinsing it out.
    • Rinse the conditioner for 2 to 5 minutes.
  5. Brush and dry your dog. Let your dog shake out first. This can help remove about half of the water in his coat. Grab a towel and gently rub the dog's entire body for 20 seconds. At this point your dog will still be damp, but no longer dripping wet. You can now take a pen brush and brush out your dog's coat. Repeat with a comb, but pay extra attention to the feathering, ears and tail. Comb them out so that they are straight.
    • You can also use your dog's or your own hair dryer on the coldest setting possible (keep it at least 25 cm away from the dog and keep moving). Blow-dry your Yorkie while combing it so that the hair hangs straight.

Part 3 of 4: Grooming a Yorkie's teeth, nails, and ears

  1. Prepare to brush your dog's teeth. Choose a toothbrush and toothpaste made for dogs. You can also purchase a small plastic-bristled finger toothbrush (available at pet stores, online, or your vet) that may be easier to use than a toothbrush. Clean the toothbrush or small fingerbrush by holding it under hot water for a few seconds, then rinse it under a cold tap. Do this before using it in your dog's mouth.
    • Do not use human toothpaste, as the high content of fluoride can make your Yorkie sick if he swallows it.
  2. Brush your dog's teeth daily. Squeeze a pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto the toothbrush. Gently lift your dog's lip so you can see the teeth. Rub the toothpaste on the teeth and don't worry about rinsing as dog toothpastes are made to let your dog lick it away.
    • Yorkies are prone to plaque buildup on their teeth. This build-up can lead to gum recession and eventually loosening of the teeth. Brushing is important to avoid plaque and painful, expensive dental surgery.
  3. Trim your dog's nails. Take a pair of dog tongs and hold your dog's paw firmly in your hand. Pay attention to the shape of the nails and look for life. Life is a blood vessel and nerve that looks dark. Avoid cutting this. Instead, cut only the tip of the nail. If you are not sure where life is or how far back to cut, try filing the tip of the nail with a coarse nail file.
    • If you do accidentally cut life, it may bleed heavily, but it will not be fatal. You can stop the bleeding by covering it with some styptic powder.
    • If it is your first time to trim your Yorkie's nails, you may want to have an experienced person show you how to trim the nails. Or, it can be useful if the person wants to hold your dog while you trim.
  4. Pluck the inside of your dog's ears. Grab your tweezers and gently pluck the hair on the inside of the ear. This is optional, as some claim it sensitizes the ears and inflames the skin causing infection. Others believe that plucking promotes air circulation in the ear canal and thereby prevents infections.
    • Many vets recommend a middle ground and that is to not pick the ears unless your dog gets ear infections on a regular basis. In this case, plucking can help push ear drops deeper into the ear canal.
  5. Clean the inside of your dog's ears. If you see wax, usually brown or black, you will need ear wipes or an ear cleaner to remove it. Do not put water in your dog's ear as it softens the skin and can lead to infection. Instead, squeeze a cleaner into your dog's ear and rub it in a circular motion. Place a cotton ball just below the flap and tilt your dog's head in that direction so that the solution runs out. Wipe off any remaining solution with a clean cotton ball.
    • Never puncture the ear canal, not even a cotton swab. However, don't be too afraid to clean your dog's ears. It's nearly impossible to hit a dog's eardrum, let alone break it with routine cleaning. Dogs have ear canals shaped like a L., so as long as you clean straight down in the ear canal, the eardrum is not accessible.

Part 4 of 4: Cutting your Yorkshire Terrier

  1. Trim the hair on your dog's paws. Choose hairdressing scissors with a blunt end. This will keep you from piercing your dog if he moves unexpectedly while you are clipping. Hold your dog's front paw softly but firmly and trim the extra hair from between the pads. Cut the hair on the front of the leg in a semicircle, leaving the hair on top of the legs alone.
    • Using other scissors can thin your dog's hair too much or create split ends.
    • Since the hair on your dog's paws grows quickly, check the length every month to make sure it doesn't drag and get in the way of walking your dog.
  2. Trim your dog's feathering. Try to cut all feathering to an equal length, including the beard. You should trim the feathering every now and then, even if you're trying to grow your Yorkie's coat. Just make sure not to cut too much, if so.
    • Cutting your dog's feathering is entirely up to your personal preference. You can search for photos for reference or models you like. For example, a popular model is it puppy model, cutting the top third short so that the ears are raised and the hair cut straight along the jawline.
  3. Groom your dog's hair bun. To do this, brush the hair thoroughly so that there are no tangles in the hair. Pull a strand of hair on the top of your dog's head as if to make a ponytail. Secure it with a comfortable hair tie and backcomb the pinned hair to make it appear more. Gather it back on top of the head and secure with another strap, clip or bow.
    • You can add a few drops of gel to keep the hair in place.
    • If your Yorkie is a show dog then you will need to update his hair bun.
  4. Have your dog groomed by a professional groomer every year. It's a good idea to take your dog to the groomer three or four times a year to keep it looking its best. If your dog is a show dog, he will need a more complicated trim that will require his hair to hang down to the floor.
    • A show dog should be professionally trimmed every few months.


  • If your dog is a show dog, then no traces of substances other than water should remain after washing.
  • If your dog's coat is static, you can spray an anti-static spray a little over the coat (most dry shampoos are anti-static). Then comb your dog.
  • Wash your Yorkshire Terrier every few weeks. More frequent shampooing can strip the coat of natural sebum, which causes skin problems.