Strengthen pheromones

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Increase your pheromones
Video: How to Increase your pheromones


Pheromones are chemicals that simple insects use to indicate actions such as mating, eating, running, or other clear orders by smell. Science has shown that some animals give off scents to attract mates, and while these aren't technically pheromones, humans also produce natural scents through the bacteria growth on our skin - but whether or not your scent makes you more attractive to potential mates. hotly debated. Still, it doesn't hurt to try out techniques to improve your romantic life and attract a partner. If you want to experiment with enhancing your natural scent, there are natural remedies to try, as well as pheromone-containing products to choose from.

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Method 1 of 2: Using scent as a benefit

  1. Wear a perfume or cologne that contains pheromones. Look for scents that contain pheromones. Many scent companies say they put pheromones in their products, but these usually come from pigs or deer - which won't do anything for humans. It is very doubtful that these fragrances will work, however, so don't spend too much money on them.
    • A popular pheromone perfume for women is Pherazone Perfume. This costs about € 5 per millimeter - around € 90 per bottle.
    • Other brands that use pheromones include Scent of Eros, Primal Instinct, Realm, Alter Ego, The Edhe, Impi, Pheromol Factor, Pheromax, Lure, Yes for Men, Chikara, NPA, Perfception Spray, WAGG, Rogue Male, Silent Seduction , and more.
  2. Leave your underarms natural. It might not seem like a good idea to amplify your stench when you're trying to attract a partner, but pheromones supposedly come out through sweat - especially from your underarms. Try to be all natural by avoiding deodorant, or at least by using a natural, non-scented antiperspirant with no added deodorant. Let your natural scent come through for a boost of pheromones.
  3. Shower or bathe, but skip soap. Stay hygienic by showering or bathing with hot water, but avoid harsh soaps. Feel free to add some sandalwood essential oil to your shower routine instead. It's okay to stay clean, but don't scrub away all of your natural body odors.
    • If you don't smell, don't worry. Pheromones themselves do not have a noticeable odor.

Method 2 of 2: Make lifestyle changes

  1. Sleep at least 8 hours at night. Stay well rested by sleeping 7-9 hours a night. This can help increase your pheromone levels. Try these techniques to sleep well and maintain a healthy sleep schedule:
    • Set a regular bedtime for yourself.
    • Exercise regularly (but not within 3 hours of your bedtime, so that exercise doesn't keep you awake).
    • Avoid caffeine after 4:00 PM.
    • Relax before bed with a warm bath or read through.
    • Don't take too many naps during the day.
    • Sleep in a cool, dark room.
  2. Exercise regularly with weights. Stick to a regular fitness routine that includes lifting weights. Target large muscle groups and lift heavier weights with fewer reps. It may have an effect on your pheromones when you increase your testosterone.
    • However, it is also possible that pheromones increase testosterone, and not the other way around.
  3. Eat foods that contain androstenone and androstenol. These two chemicals are thought of as human pheromones, and it's possible you can boost your pheromones by eating foods that contain them - or at least increase your arousal, which then triggers chemical signals that can make you more attractive to potential mates. This has not been scientifically proven, but it doesn't hurt to try these three foods:
    • Celery
    • Parsnip
    • Truffles


  • While humans do release pheromones that affect women's menstrual cycles, indicate when we are scared, and recall babies to their mothers, no scientific research has found human pheromones that enhance attraction to potential mates.