Write the date in French

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 19 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to read, write and say dates in French
Video: How to read, write and say dates in French


Writing a date in French is not difficult. The names of the months and days are not written in capital letters as in English.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Writing and pronouncing the dates in French

  1. Learn the names of the months.
    • January: janvier
    • February: février
    • March: Mars
    • April: avril
    • May: mai
    • June: juin
    • July: juillet
    • August: août
    • September: septembre
    • October: octobre
    • November: novembre
    • December: décembre
  2. Learn how to write the date. In French, the date is written in the order "day month year" not separated by commas. Remember that the months are not capitalized. Below a number of examples (plus the contraction):
    • August 4, 1789
    • 15 March 2015
  3. Say the date out loud. To say the date out loud, add le to the beginning of the date and read all dates as cardinal numbers ("five" instead of "fifth"). Here are the aforementioned examples written as you would pronounce them.
    • "le quatre août mille sept cent quatre-vingt-neuf"
    • "le quinze mars deux mille quatorze"
    • Each month is a masculine noun, so the article is always le.
  4. Learn the exception for the first of the month. When talking about the first of the month, use "1er" in writing, and say "prime minister" when speaking out loud. These are the only dates where ordinal numbers are used ("first") instead of the cardinal number ("one"). For instance:
    • 1er avril, statement "le premier avril"

Method 2 of 3: Write and pronounce the days of the week

  1. Learn the days of the week. To learn the days of the week in French and how they are pronounced, see the list above. Note that the days of the week are not capitalized in French.
    • Monday: lundi
    • Tuesday: mardi
    • Wednesday: mercredi
    • Thursday: jeudi
    • Friday: vendredi
    • Saturday: samedi
    • Sunday: dimanche
  2. Write and say the date, including the day of the week. This is the same as the date in writing, with the day of the week placed at the beginning of the sentence. See an example here:
    • Dutch: Wednesday June 5
    • French (formal script): mercredi, le 5 juin 2001
    • French (normal script): mercredi 5 juin 2001
    • French (in speech): mercredi cinq juin deux mille un
    • French (a specific day, in speech): le mercredi cinq juin deux mille un
  3. Know when to use articles. Each day of the week is a masculine noun, so it becomes the article le used. For example, "Le samedi est le sixième jour." means "Saturday is the sixth day." However, be aware of the difference le samedi and samedi if you are talking about an event that takes place on a specific day:
    • Samedi, your dîne au restaurant.= On Saturday I eat in a restaurant. (one-time event.)
    • Le samedi, your dîne au restaurant.= Every Saturday I eat in a restaurant. (recurring event.)

Method 3 of 3: Using data in sentences

  1. Ask for today's date. Ask someone today's date by saying or writing Quelle est la date aujourd’hui?
    • Aujourd’hui means "today". Optionally, you can use d’aujourd’hui ("of today") to use the word as a noun instead of an adverb. Both are widely used.
  2. Ask for the day of the week. To ask about the day of the week, you say Quel jour sommes-nous aujourd’hui? or Quel jour est-on aujourd’hui?
  3. Include today's date in a sentence. When someone asks you any of the questions above, be prepared to answer:
    • To reply with "Today is Monday, November 15," write "Aujourd’hui, c’est le lundi November 15th..
    • To answer "today is Sunday," say Aujourd’hui, c’est dimanche. or simply C’est dimanche.
  4. use the preposition and. Use this word to write "in July" (and July), "in 1950" (and 1950), "in April 2011" (and April 2011), and so on. This sentence can be at the beginning or the end of a sentence. For instance:
    • J'ai un rendezvous chez le médecin en mars.= I have an appointment with the doctor in March.
    • J'ai vécu à Paris en 1990.= I lived in Paris in 1990.