Do the abdominal vacuum exercise

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Do A Stomach Vacuum Properly (STRENGTHEN YOUR CORE!)
Video: How To Do A Stomach Vacuum Properly (STRENGTHEN YOUR CORE!)


The abdominal vacuum exercise is a great way to strengthen your abs and also help improve your posture while protecting your organs at the same time. You can do this exercise in almost any position, including standing, sitting, and kneeling. Simply blow all the air out of your body as you draw in your stomach to do the exercise. Make sure to hold this position for at least 5 seconds.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Perform the exercise

  1. Start by standing upright with your feet shoulder-width apart. There are many ways you can position yourself for this exercise, but standing upright is an easy way to start. Keep your back straight and your shoulders back so that you are not slumped, but do not stand in an uncomfortable position.
    • You can also do this exercise on your back, on your stomach, sitting or kneeling.
  2. Slowly inhale through your nose. Take a deep breath and fill your lungs with air. Take it slowly and inhale for about 3-5 seconds.
    • If your nose is blocked, breathe in slowly through your mouth.
  3. Exhale through your mouth so that there is no more air in your lungs. Slowly exhale while pulling your abs in and hold until you are ready to inhale again. Then relax your muscles. It's super important that you let the air out through your mouth rather than your nose as this gives you more control over your breathing. Exhale slowly until you have run out of air in your body.
    • It can help you try to exhale all the air in about 3-5 seconds as well, helping you time your breath.
    • You can release more air from your body by exhaling from your mouth.
    • You can also lift your pelvic floor as you tighten your abs.
  4. Retract your belly button as far as possible. When you exhale, pull your stomach in as far as you can. To visualize what your belly should look like, imagine putting your belly button flat against your spine.
    • If you can't retract your belly that far, that's fine! This step takes practice and will get better over time.
  5. Hold this position for about 20 seconds as you continue to inhale and exhale. If you are just learning this exercise, you may only be able to hold it for 5-10 seconds. It is important to continue to breathe normally during the exercise, so do not hold your breath.
    • Doing this exercise regularly will help you extend the time you can hold your breath and stomach, and eventually reach 60 seconds.
    • Some people hold their breath all the time when they hold this position, while others try to breathe normally. Don't relax your abs.
  6. Inhale while releasing your belly to repeat the process. Relax your muscles and take a good breath. Relax your abdomen back to its original position and let it expand as your lungs fill with air. Start over with a new abdominal vacuum as you exhale and retract your abdomen.
    • Make sure to breathe normally during this exercise.
    • Remember to do this slowly and carefully, keeping an eye on your breathing.
  7. Do this exercise 5 times before taking a break. People with more experience with this exercise can do it 10 times before stopping, but start with 5 times. Take a deep breath in and a deep breath out each time, counting the seconds of how long you can hold your stomach.
    • You may need to break up the abdominal vacuums, doing two, then taking a 1 to 2 minute break before doing 3 more.

Method 2 of 2: Pick a position

  1. Practice standing to make sure you have correct posture. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and make sure they are both flat on the floor. Keep your back straight as you inhale.
    • You can do this while standing in line in the store or while cooking in the kitchen.
  2. Do abdominal vacuum exercises while sitting for convenience. If you are in the car or at work, you can still do these exercises to make your body stronger. Sit straight in your chair and put your hands next to your thighs (if possible). Relax your shoulders, keep them down and pulled back a little. Start breathing in slowly and expelling all the air from your lungs before pulling in your abdomen and holding the position.
    • When you sit, it is especially important that you have good posture while doing this exercise.
  3. Lie on your back for controlled abdominal vacuum exercises. With your back flat on the floor, bend your knees and put your feet flat on the floor as well. Place your hands on either side of you and begin deep breathing to begin the exercise.
    • There is no one place where your feet should be - as long as your body is comfortable on the floor, you are in the correct position.
    • You can also round your body forward a bit to make this exercise more effective.
  4. Knee on the floor for a stable training position. Place your hands with your palms flat on the floor just below your shoulders. Your knees are also on the floor so your legs are at a 90 degree angle to the ground. Bend your feet so that your toes are on the floor and your heels are off the floor. Take a deep breath and pull in your stomach while holding this position.
    • Look down at your hands as you hold this position.
    • Try not to bulge your back.


  • It takes some training to do this exercise successfully, so don't get discouraged if you can't do it perfectly the first few times.