Perform the Bridge Pose

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 12 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Bridge Pose - Yoga With Adriene
Video: Bridge Pose - Yoga With Adriene


The Bridge Pose is a backward bend. It makes your core stronger in one go and increases your balance, all in one. In the normal bridge pose you have to move your hips towards the ceiling, while in the yoga bridge pose you bring your rib cage more forward. Whichever form of bridge exercise you choose, you will have a good workout for your hips, butt, core and hamstrings. If you want to know how to do the bridge exercise, see step 1 and start right away.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Performing the Bridge Pose

  1. Lie on your back. The use of a yoga mat is recommended for this exercise, but any soft floor surface will suffice. You don't want to injure yourself with the bridge pose on a hard surface. When you lie down, make sure you keep your knees bent, hip-width apart, and the soles of your feet firmly flat on the floor. Walk with your heels as close to your butt as possible. If that is easier, you can also slide your buttocks towards your heels. You need the strength in your feet and glutes to lift you.
  2. Rest your arms on the mat at the sides of your body. You can turn your elbows inward and place your hands palms up, a few inches from your hips, to help stabilize your core. Draw your shoulder blades together and down to the floor. You can also keep your hands and elbows facing down instead. This can give you a little more support and protect your wrists when you lift yourself.
  3. Lift your hips towards the ceiling. When doing this, be sure to tilt your pelvis and retract your belly button to allow your abs to help. Push your feet into the floor and lift your hips as far as possible, but still comfortably, towards the ceiling. Think of it as lifting your hips to the sky or the ceiling. When you lift your hips, squeeze your butt together to make them firmer, but don't make them too hard.
  4. Keep your knees and thighs parallel to each other at all times. Do not let them drop out or you could injure your knees or back. Keep your shoulders on the floor to protect your neck. Remember to push your shoulders into the mat as you lift your hips.
  5. Hold this position for 5 full breaths, then return to the starting position. Make sure to relax your rib cage when you do this. Lower your hips slowly, so slowly that you don't fall onto your back and neck. Slide your feet forward a little until you are comfortable on the floor.
  6. Make it an exercise. You can also alternate lifting and lowering your hips more often. Hold your hips in the highest position for a second and then lower them almost all the way down. Repeat this 25 times to get a good workout for your core and glutes. You can repeat this exercise three times for the best results from this workout. Alternatively, you can lift your hips all the way up and then bounce up and down there 25 times, before putting your hips down again, repeat this exercise two more times.
    • You can also combine them. First do 10 repetitions of the simple exercise, followed by 10 repetitions of the spring exercise.

Part 2 of 2: The bridge pose in yoga

  1. Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart. Your toes should point straight ahead and your arms should be at your sides, a few inches from your hips, palms down. Keep your chin off your sternum to avoid injuring your neck when you lift your hips off the floor.
  2. Push your weight into your feet. You will need the strength in your feet to help lift your hips off the floor. When doing this, relax your glutes (thigh muscles) instead of tightening them, this can be a challenge. When your hips rise, you need to push your shoulders and back more into the mat. When you lift your hips, you need to inhale to get more strength and energy.
  3. Collapse your hands as you raise your torso and lower back further. You should keep going up until your waist and upper back are level with your knees. You can apply force to the inner edge of your feet to make sure your knees and legs stay parallel to each other and so your legs don't fall out. As you lift your hands under your back, hold them together and use that pressure to get a good lift. You can push down and back towards your hands to get a nice deep stretch in your back.
    • As you move up, you can lift your chin off your sternum while raising your sternum. Try to make your shoulder blades as wide as possible, creating space at the base of your neck as you move up. Do everything as gently as possible to protect your neck; moving your chin directly affects the pressure on your neck.
  4. Let go gently. You should slowly lower yourself from the Bridge Pose as you exhale so that you don't injure your neck and back. Slowly roll your back down without straining your neck and let your feet drop out so you can rest with one hand on your heart and one hand on your stomach. You can repeat this exercise three times, holding the Bridge Pose for 10 breaths at a time, or you can adopt a Full Wheel Position, also known as the Bridge Pose.
    • As you come out of this pose, you can put your knees on your chest, hug them, and roll back and forth slightly to massage your back.
    • In yoga, the bridge pose is one of the last poses you do during a session, it helps you to relax and prepares you to enter shavasana, the last pose of a yoga session.


  • You can implement the bridge in various ways.
  • Try clapping your hands under your butt for an added challenge.
  • Sit on an exercise ball and walk your feet forward until your head and shoulders rest on the ball for a balance bridge. You can also extend each leg in this pose.
  • "Stand" on your toes and extend 1 leg parallel to the floor or up to the floor.
  • Lift one foot and extend your leg towards the ceiling. Collapse your hands under your hips and let your leg go out diagonally and then back to the center.
  • Lift 1 of your feet and keep your leg parallel to the floor. Hold for 5 breaths and then switch legs.


  • Yoga mat