Induce labor yourself at home

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Tips on How to INDUCE LABOR ON YOUR OWN | NATURAL Ways to INDUCE Labor | Birth Doula | Lamaze
Video: 10 Tips on How to INDUCE LABOR ON YOUR OWN | NATURAL Ways to INDUCE Labor | Birth Doula | Lamaze


Your expected due date is usually in the fortieth week of your pregnancy. You may be uncomfortable, impatient and looking forward to delivery if you have been pregnant for more than 40 weeks. Before seeking medical help to induce labor, try some natural ways to induce labor yourself at home.

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Method 1 of 6: Eat certain foods

  1. Eat pineapple. Pineapple is one of the fruits that can help labor because it contains bromelain, which can soften and "ripen" the cervix. This is an important stage in initiating labor.
    • Eat the fruit like that, drink pineapple juice or make a fruit smoothie with pineapple.
  2. Eat licorice. Black licorice can induce labor. Buy natural licorice that contains less sugar. You can also buy licorice pills. Licorice has a laxative effect and can therefore cause intestinal cramps, which in turn can help to cause cramps in the uterus.
  3. Get plenty of fiber. Fiber-rich foods keep you from getting constipated. When you are constipated, your bowels and rectum are full and take up space that the baby may need to sink into your body. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables during the last weeks of your pregnancy. Eating plums, dates, and other dried fruits can also help.
  4. Drink raspberry leaf tea. This tea can strengthen and tighten your uterus and cause muscles to contract. Prepare a cup of tea by pouring 200 ml of boiling water over a tea bag and letting the tea steep for three minutes. Let the tea cool and drink it.
    • In the summer you can make raspberry leaf iced tea as a refreshing drink.

Method 2 of 6: Ensure correct body posture

  1. Support yourself on your hands and feet. Supporting on your hands and feet can help the baby to lie in the correct position. When the baby's head exerts downward pressure on the cervix, the cervix becomes softer, shorter and thinner. By resting on your hands and feet for ten minutes at a time several times a day, you can ensure that the baby's head moves into the optimal position.
  2. Don't lean back on the couch. During this final stage of your pregnancy, you are likely to be very tired and just want to take it easy.However, leaning back or hanging on the couch does not ensure that the baby is in the correct position for delivery. Instead, lie on your left side on the couch and roll forward slightly. Place pillows under your body to make yourself comfortable.
  3. Bounce on a birth ball. A birth or pregnancy ball is a large gym ball (such a ball is also used in fitness) that can help you to sit comfortably during the latter part of your pregnancy. You can also use the ball during labor. By sitting or bouncing with your legs wide on the ball, you can cause the baby to move down.

Method 3 of 6: Prepare your body for delivery

  1. Take a walk. Walking can help your baby move downward in your body. When your baby's head puts pressure on the cervix, it won't be long before labor begins. Walk for 15-20 minutes. A little fresh air can also be good for you.
    • Try to walk up a steep hill. As a result, you have to tilt your body forward. Leaning your body forward at an angle of 40-45 degrees allows the baby to move down in the correct direction.
  2. Have sex. Having sex with a partner can release prostaglandins, which are similar to the hormones in your body. Prostaglandins can help initiate labor. Semen entering the vagina through ejaculation can help soften and dilate the cervix, preparing the body for labor.
    • Orgasm also releases prostaglandins. So if you don't feel like having sex, you can also make sure that you have an orgasm.
    • Do not have sex if your membranes have already broken as you risk infection.
  3. Stimulate your nipples. Stimulating your nipples is another way to make the uterus contract. Roll your nipple between your thumb and index finger for two minutes. Then stop for three minutes. Continue this for about 20 minutes. If you don't feel contractions, roll your nipples between your fingers for three minutes and then wait two minutes.
    • To avoid irritation, spread olive oil on your fingers.
  4. Take castor oil. Swallowing castor oil causes stomach cramps and stimulates the intestines. Because the intestines and intestinal muscles contract, the uterus can also contract. This method causes diarrhea, which can be very uncomfortable for you.
    • Pour 60 ml of castor oil into a glass of fruit juice and mix well. Drink the glass in one go.
    • You can also try giving yourself an enema. Only use this method once and be very careful. You can empty your bowels with it, which can cause you to become very dehydrated and suffer from discomfort.

Method 4 of 6: Relax your body

  1. Take a warm bath. Taking a warm bath can help you relax your body and release tension in your muscles.
    • Make sure the bath water is not so hot that you get red skin. The baby should not be endangered by excessive heat.
  2. Make use of visualization. Sit down, meditate and imagine the start of labor. Take a deep breath and imagine your contractions starting. Visualize the cervix opening. Imagine your baby descending in your body towards the birth canal.
    • Search the internet for sound files of meditation exercises to help start labor. You can often download them in the form of MP3s. You may also be able to find good meditation exercises if you search for "hypnobirthing", which use similar techniques to help you throughout the natural delivery.
  3. Have a good cry. Crying can release all tension from your body, which can help relax your body enough to kick-start labor. This stage of your pregnancy can be very stressful for you, so have a good cry.
    • Get a box of tissues and watch a very sad movie to cry.
  4. Get a massage. A relaxing massage can be very good for your body to stay relaxed and calm. Make sure the masseur is experienced in giving pregnancy massages. For the massage, lie on your left side and place a pillow between your knees to support your body.

Method 5 of 6: Know what to expect from a doctor

  1. Know when a doctor is inducing labor. If you would like to give birth at home, it is important that a doctor or midwife is present. Most doctors do not induce labor quickly unless there are special circumstances, such as:
    • Your water has broken, but you are not having contractions.
    • You are two weeks late.
    • You have an infection in your uterus.
    • You have gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, or not enough amniotic fluid.
    • There is a problem with the placenta, location, or growth of the baby.
  2. Expect the doctor to be the first to remove the amniotic sac membrane. The doctor inserts a gloved hand into the cervix and rubs the membrane of the amniotic sac until it separates from the uterine wall. Naturally released hormones then ensure that labor begins.
  3. Expect the doctor as possible your membranes break manually. Also referred to as an amniotomy in a medical term, this is a procedure in which the doctor uses a thin hook to open the amniotic sac. This almost always ensures that the delivery starts within a few hours.
    • The procedure is short, but it can be painful and uncomfortable.
  4. Expect to be prescribed prostaglandin, which is a natural hormone. The hormone can be placed in the vagina or taken orally. This is usually done in the hospital, and it thins the cervix to prepare it for delivery.
    • This often causes severe cramps and some pain.
  5. Expect to receive oxytocin through an IV in the hospital. This is usually done when labor is very slow and dilation is not progressing. In an emergency, as described above, oxytocin can also help stimulate labor.
    • When labor is started with oxytocin, you usually have more problems with contractions.
  6. Understand the risks of inducing labor. These treatments don't always work, especially if the body isn't quite ready to give birth. If you have tried to induce labor yourself and it does not work, it is important to go to the hospital. Be aware of the following risks and take precautions:
    • Infection (especially if the membranes are broken)
    • Cracks in the uterine wall
    • A premature baby (where labor begins prematurely)
    • Irregular contractions

Method 6 of 6: Know when to seek medical attention

  1. If your water breaks, go to the hospital. When labor gets underway, you must immediately go to the hospital. The rupture of the membranes is a clear sign that labor has started. If your water breaks, call your doctor and go to the hospital.
    • When your membranes break, your baby is exposed to the outside world and he or she is at risk of infection. Go straight to the hospital.
    • You should start to feel contractions after your water breaks. If not, you still need to go to the hospital to make sure everything is okay.
  2. If you fall or injure yourself, see your doctor. Physical activities such as walking and hopping are great for inducing labor naturally, but you can fall and injure yourself. If that happens, you should see your doctor as soon as possible to check that there is nothing wrong with your baby.
    • For a minor injury like a sprained ankle, you shouldn't need to seek medical attention, but call your doctor to make sure.
    • Don't panic if you fall on your stomach. Go to the hospital for a check-up. Stay calm so that your baby doesn't feel your stress.
  3. If you have an allergic reaction to herbal remedies, go to an emergency room. Even the mildest herbs can cause an allergic reaction in some people. Since you are pregnant, you should take extra precautions if you react poorly to any herbal remedy. If you have an allergic reaction, go straight to the hospital.
    • Even mild symptoms like hives, itchy eyes or blotchy skin can be bad for your baby.
    • Serious symptoms of an allergic reaction include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, low blood pressure, and wheezing as if you had asthma.
  4. Talk to your doctor if you have anxiety or depression. You may be worried about your delivery or feel sad about it. Your doctor can help you learn to cope with what lies ahead and support you in getting labor started. Don't keep your negative feelings to yourself, but contact your doctor and tell him or her what's going on.
    • Your doctor can refer you to a psychiatrist who can help you deal with your problems.
    • Depression is a common symptom in pregnancy, so you're certainly not alone in feeling this way.
    • Many symptoms of anxiety and depression disappear after you give birth.


  • Seek advice from your doctor or midwife before trying these methods.
  • Many of the above methods have not been scientifically proven to work.
  • Do not use these methods if you are not yet 40 weeks pregnant. None of these methods are guaranteed to work to induce labor, but allow as much time as possible before attempting to induce labor yourself.
  • Do not take magnesium supplements or laxatives to induce labor, as these may not be safe.