Performing the Heimlich grip on yourself

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver (Abdominal Thrusts)
Video: How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver (Abdominal Thrusts)


A person chokes when a foreign object (usually food) gets stuck in his or her throat, preventing normal breathing. Asphyxiation can result in brain damage or death, and serious damage can be done in minutes. The Heimlich grip is the most commonly used method to save someone choking. If there is no one around to help you, you can save yourself. Follow a few simple steps to learn how to perform the Heimlich grip on yourself.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Preparing the Heimlich grip

  1. Try to cough up the foreign object. If you feel like something is stuck in your throat, try to cough it up. If you manage to cough vigorously enough to remove the object, then you do not need to perform the Heimlich grip. If you can't cough up the object and gasp for air, you need to act quickly, especially if you are alone.
    • You have to get the obstruction out before you lose consciousness.
    • Continue to cough consciously during the performance of the Heimlich grip.
  2. Clench a fist. To prepare yourself for the performance of the Heimlich grip, you must first put your hands in the correct position. Clench your strongest hand into a fist. Place it just above your belly button and below your rib cage on your abdomen.
    • You should make sure your hand is in the right place to make sure you don't hurt your ribs and make sure your hand is where you have the best chance of getting the object out of you .
    • The place where the fist is placed is the same place as with the traditional Heimlich grip.
  3. Hold the fist with your other hand. Once you have put your fist in the right place, start using your other hand as leverage. Open your other hand and place it on the fist on your stomach. You need to make sure the fist is in the palm of your hand.
    • This allows you to press harder when you start the Heimlich grip.

Part 2 of 2: Performing the Heimlich grip on yourself

  1. Drive your fist in and up. To try to free the foreign object, push your fist and hand into your diaphragm, or your diaphragm. Use a quick j-shape motion inward and then upward. Repeat several times.
    • If this does not remove the foreign object very quickly, you should try to apply more force using a motionless object.
  2. Apply more force by using a large, heavy object. You have to find a motionless object in your immediate vicinity, which is approximately up to your waist and over which you can bend yourself. A chair, table, or counter works well. Bend over the chair, table, counter, or any other large object, with your hands still clasped in front of you. Lock your fists between the chair and your abdomen and push your body hard against the heavy object.
    • This will greatly increase the force you apply to your diaphragm, which will help more effectively loosen tightly trapped foreign objects.
  3. Repeat. You may not be able to free the object on the first attempt. You have to keep pushing yourself against the motionless object in quick succession until the stuck object is removed. You should start breathing normally once it is removed.
    • It is better if you stay calm, even if the situation is very alarming. Your heart rate will only go up, and therefore the demand for air, if you panic. Which only makes your situation worse.
    • Once you've loosened the object, sit down and catch your breath.
    • If you're not feeling well or your throat hurts, it might be a good idea to see your doctor.
    • Call 112 if you cannot release the object.