Growing dahlias in a pot

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 2 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Growing dahlias in pots
Video: Growing dahlias in pots


Dahlias produce bright, beautiful flowers that come in a wide variety of colors. Due to their height and weight, many gardeners are skeptical of its suitability as a potted plant. Dahlias, however, thrive in large pots; tall varieties, however, often require a stick for extra support. With the right growing conditions and a little care, you will be able to enjoy these beautiful, showy flowers all summer long.

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Part 1 of 3: Providing the right growing conditions

  1. Select a type of dahlia that suits your space. Buy dahlia tubers from a local garden center (or possibly online). Dwarf plants and low growing varieties are best for growing in pots. Some varieties can grow up to 5 feet tall, so you will need a much larger pot if you choose a tall variety.
    • Small to medium varieties include Bednall Beauty, which grows up to 60 cm, and Bishop of Llandaff, which grows to 0.90 m. Larger varieties include Hadrian's Sunlight and Twyning's After Eight, which grow up to 1.2 m in height.
    • A single tuber will need about 1 to 2 feet of space, so you probably only need one per pot.
  2. Choose a pot of at least 12 by 12 inches. Choose a heavy pot of at least 30 cm deep with a diameter of at least 30 cm. Pots of this size usually hold about 19 to 26 liters of soil.
    • For the largest varieties, choose a 60 by 60 cm pot, which usually holds about 95 liters of soil.
  3. If you chose a large variety, choose a heavy pot. Varieties that grow to a height of 0.9 to 1.5 m can become top heavy, so a lightweight pot is not sturdy enough to support their weight. In addition, tall varieties require a stick, which will add even more weight.
    • Plastic pots are lightweight, so opt for sturdy ceramic or terracotta pots.
    • Keep in mind that terracotta and unglazed ceramic pots absorb water, so they can freeze and crack if left outside in the winter.
  4. Drill drainage holes if necessary. This step may not be necessary if the pot already has multiple drainage holes that allow the excess water to drain. However, if your pot has small holes or just a hole in the center, drill a few extra holes to improve drainage.
    • Dahlias grow best in well-drained environments. Although they do need a lot of water, their fine roots are susceptible to rot if the soil is too moist.
    • Fill the bottom with 2 inches of gravel for better drainage.
  5. Clean the jar with mild soap and warm water. A flower pot that is not clean can spread disease and hidden insect eggs can be waiting at the bottom of the pot. Remove these threats by cleaning the pot before planting. Mild soap and water are sufficient.
    • Make sure all soap residue is thoroughly rinsed away.
    • It is especially important to wash the flower pot if you have used it for other plants in the past.
  6. Choose a rich, well-draining potting mix. Standard potting soil in itself is too porous and can lead to poor bud formation. For a good potting mix, combine two parts potting soil with one part peat moss or well-mature manure.
    • Keep in mind that garden soil is not suitable for potted plants. Make sure to only buy potting soil.

Part 2 of 3: Planting your dahlias

  1. Plant your dahlia tubers in the middle of spring. Dahlias should be planted in the spring (April to early June in the Northern Hemisphere). They are sensitive to frost, so only place the pot outdoors if there is no danger of (night) frost.
    • If your area is prone to frost in the spring and you don't want to wait to plant, plant your dahlias indoors first and then move them outdoors.
  2. Line the bottom of the pot with a thin layer of gravel. Placing gravel at the bottom of your pot is also a good solution, as long as you don't make the layer deeper than 1/2 inch.
  3. Fill the pot with soil to 13-18 cm from the edge. Don't push the ground. Scoop it loosely into the jar. Remember that dahlias like loose, well-drained soil.
    • Plant your dahlia tuber about 10 to 15 cm deep, leaving an inch between the soil surface and the edge of the pot.
    • To meet these measurements, start by adding soil 13 to 18 cm from the edge.
  4. Water the soil lightly, but do not soak it. The soil should be moist, but not so wet that it is saturated. Use a watering can to moisten the soil instead of filling it with a garden hose.
  5. Mix the fertilizer with the top layer of the soil. Dahlias need a lot of nutrients, and mixing the fertilizer into the soil where the roots will develop gives your plant an edge. Use a slow-acting general purpose fertilizer, or choose an organic option, such as bone meal or seaweed fertilizer.
    • All fertilizers recommended for flowering plants or vegetables are suitable for dahlias.
    • You may be able to buy fertilizers with N-P-K numbers, which represent nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Good choices for dahlias are fertilizers numbered 5-10-15, 5-10-10-10, and 10-20-20.
    • Use a fertilizer with a higher nitrogen value earlier in the season and bring it back over time.
    • Read the instructions for your product and use it as directed.
  6. Place a stick in the flower pot to support large dahlia varieties. If you have selected a species that grows more than 3 ft. (0.91 m), then you will need to support it with a sturdy metal or wooden stake. Place the stake in the ground prior to planting the tuber. If you put the stake in the ground after planting, you run the risk of damaging the tuber and root system.
    • Stick the stick in the ground next to where you place the tuber. Choose a stick that touches the bottom of the pot and rises at least 3 feet (0.9 m) above the soil surface.
    • For a pot of 30 cm, a stick of 1.2 m is sufficient.
    • Tie the stem loosely to the stake as it grows.
  7. Plant the tuber in the ground on its side. Place the tuber horizontally with the eye in the center of the pot.The eye is where the stem will sprout, so position the tuber at a slight angle so the eye is facing up.
    • The eye looks like a bud and is located on the opposite side of the tuber roots.
  8. Cover the tuber with about an inch of moist soil. Don't bury the tuber with a lot of soil just yet. Instead, cover the tuber with an inch thick layer of moist soil to give the stem plenty of room to grow.
  9. Give new shoots some water, but be careful not to drown them. Put a finger in the ground to test it. If it feels damp, don't add more water. When it is dry, give it just enough warm water to moisten the surface.
    • You don't want the soil to dry out completely, but the young tuber will rot if you soak it.
    • Unless you live in a warm climate, you may not need to water at all until the first shoots and leaves emerge from the ground.
  10. Add small amounts of soil as the stem grows. Do this carefully to avoid damaging the young stem, as it is still fragile at this stage. Cover the new stem with a little soil up to the top of the leaves; make sure they stay above the ground.
    • As the stem grows, add small amounts of soil, leaving an inch of free space between the top of the soil and the edge of the pot.
    • Dahlias grow quickly and you will see many leaves within two weeks. The flowers usually appear about eight weeks after planting.

Part 3 of 3: Taking care of your plants

  1. Keep the pot in full sun. Dahlias grow best in six to eight hours of direct sunlight. For best results, choose a spot that receives full sun from morning to afternoon. Try to find a spot that also provides partial shade in intense afternoon light, especially if you live in a warm climate.
    • If you keep your dahlia indoors, supplement the sunlight with fluorescent plant lights.
    • You also need additional lighting if you start planting indoors in early spring. Place the light about 6 inches above the top edge of the pot when it comes to newly potted tubers and move the light higher as the plants grow.
  2. Water the tubers deeply as soon as the stem rises above the rim of the pot. Give them a fair amount of water two to three times a week. Dahlias growing in hot, dry climates may require daily water. While you should water the soil well and keep it moist, the soil should not be soggy or soggy.
  3. Tie the stem to the stick when it is 12 inches high. Use twine or nylon cord to attach the stem to the stick. As the stem grows, tie it to the stake at intervals of 12 inches.
  4. Fertilize the flowers once every two weeks throughout the blooming season. Choose a liquid fertilizer with higher concentrations of phosphorus and potassium. Good N-P-K combinations include 8-24-16 and 0-20-20.
    • Higher amounts of phosphorus promote blood production and potassium promotes root development.
    • Apply your product according to the instructions on the label.
  5. Prune and remove dead flowers regularly to promote healthy growth. The flowers last for four to six days, then fade and die. Cut the faded flowers as soon as you notice them to further stimulate flower production. Remove the lower leaves by mid-summer (around mid-July in the Northern Hemisphere).
    • Pinch off the tips before flower buds form when the plant is about 4 ft. (0.4 m) tall, to encourage shrub growth.
    • Removing the lower leaves improves air circulation, which reduces the risk of mildew.
  6. Spray your dahlia with fungicide or insecticide, if necessary. Dahlias are susceptible to a number of pests, including fungi, earwigs, snails, spider mites, aphids and cucumber beetles. To prevent pests and infestation, use a combination insecticide and miticide every seven to 10 days when the plant grows to a height of 6 inches.
    • Find a chemical insecticide and miticide for flowering plants at a garden center. Apply your product as directed.
    • For a more natural approach, use organic insecticides, such as horticultural soap or essential oil.
  7. Store the tuber in a cool, dry place in the winter. The first frost kills the leaves and stem of the plant. If this happens, cut the stem to a height of 15 cm. Let the tuber harden in the flower pot for two weeks and then carefully dig it out of the pot. Rinse the tuber, let it air dry for a day, then wrap it in paper, sawdust or perlite.
    • Store the tuber in a dry, dark place at 4 to 10 ° C in winter and replant it in the spring.


  • When using dahlias as cut flowers, run the ends of the flowers through hot water on the cutting area only. This helps the moisture to solidify, making your cut flowers last longer.


  • Dahlia tubers
  • Large, heavy flower pot
  • Garden trowel
  • Potting mix
  • Fertilizer
  • Metal or wooden stick
  • Rope
  • Pruning shears