Confuse Cleverbot

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 2 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Cleverbot is an English-language online program that uses complex programming code to conduct text-based conversations with human readers. While Cleverbot is great at having simple conversations, it's not perfect. With a few tricks, it is not that difficult to push the boundaries of Cleverbot programming. Whether you're trying to run the Turing Test (a test used to find out if an artificial intelligence can "pass for a human") or if you just want to have a laugh, go to to get started!

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Method 1 of 2: Confuse Cleverbot with specific tricks

  1. Type in lyrics. Compared to other computer programs, Cleverbot is an exceptionally good conversation partner. However, Cleverbot knows nothing about the joys of music. If you type in a few lines of your favorite lyrics, in most cases Cleverbot will interpret the lyrics literally or give a nonsensical response, even if the lyrics of the song are very well known.
    • Certain songs have that very be famous, can (and will) Cleverbot rave the lyrics as you start typing them. For example, try entering the opening line of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody": "Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?"
  2. Dish Cleverbot presents a logical paradox. A paradox is a proposition, question or idea with an answer that you cannot understand in a logical way. Since some of the world's greatest thinkers have struggled to unravel logical paradoxes, it's safe to say that Cleverbot will be completely lost on most of them. What's more, Cleverbot can't even handle it properly when you start talking about topics that may contain a paradox, such as time travel. Try some of the paradoxes below, or use a search engine to find your own - there are literally hundreds of them.
    • "If this statement is true, then Santa exists."
    • "Since we have not been visited by people from the future, does that mean time travel will never be possible?"
    • "What would happen if Pinocchio says," My nose is going to grow right now? "
  3. Ask Cleverbot to play a game with you. Cleverbot is not very playful. For example, if you ask it to play chess or checkers together, it will say "OK", but if you then say, "You can start," you will get a nonsensical answer. This is probably because Cleverbot doesn't really have the ability to play games - it knows it wants to play chess with you, but has no idea how to actually do it.
    • However, Cleverbot can play rock paper scissors (rock, paper, scissors). Try it out - say "Let's play rock paper scissors" then say "Rock", "Paper" or "Scissors".
  4. Type in a sugary romantic dialogue for Cleverbot. Sooner or later, almost anyone trying some things with Cleverbot will get the idea of ​​giving the program a declaration of love for fun, or telling how attractive the program is. While Cleverbot can handle standard love intros such as "I love you" and "Marry me", it is not very good at interpreting subtle romantic notes or embellishments. For people who develop a love for the program, the direct approach is apparently best.
    • Give it a try - enter Cleverbot catch phrases like "I don't have a library card, but do you mind if I check you out?" The response you will get will usually (at best) be a bit of confusion (if you use the library phrase, you will see, "I can say anything.")
  5. Ask Cleverbot to solve math problems. You may think, because it is a computer program, that Cleverbot is capable of quickly solving math problems. In fact, for some reason, Cleverbot is very bad at math, even when presented with very simple exercises. It will not take long to elicit a confused response from Cleverbot with this strategy.
    • Sometimes you even get different answers if instead of typing in numbers, you type them in as words. For example, ask "What is 200 times 2?" and you get the answer "4," and when you ask "What is two hundred times two?" then you get the answer, "A number."
  6. Talk to Cleverbot about supernatural matters. Cleverbot doesn't have good old common sense, so it doesn't exactly have a sense of what's real and what's not. If you talk to Cleverbot about monsters, aliens, ghosts and other supernatural phenomena, it will likely get confused. You can also confuse it by raising religious or spiritual topics, even if they are very familiar.
    • You can't even use topics from modern ghost stories for the same reason. For example, if you say, "Have you ever been visited by Slenderman?", Cleverbot will reply, "My life is a lie ?!"
  7. Talk to Cleverbot about famous people. Cleverbot knows nothing about politics or celebrity gossip. Asking Cleverbot what his opinion is on a famous person or famous person will almost always confuse it. For example, if you ask "What do you think about Brad Pitt?" then you get the answer, "I think he si (sic) a great president, he'll change the states."
    • You can also try to talk about the different things that famous people have have done - Cleverbot is not very smart when it comes to these kinds of things. For example, would you type, "What do you think about the president's social policies?" then you get, "I think he isn't the president anymore."
  8. Talk to Cleverbot about other websites. Cleverbot knows nothing about other websites and will respond with something strange. Talk about wikiHow and see what happens.

Method 2 of 2: Confuse Cleverbot with general strategies

  1. Talk with a lot of emotion. Cleverbot cannot do much with the emotional context required to understand human communication. Most of the time, it will take everything you say literally. That's why Cleverbot isn't too "smart" when it comes to emotional questions and outbursts. Just type in an angry insult, or tearfully ask Cleverbot for forgiveness for an imagined mistake - usually the response will make no sense.
  2. Make gibberish. A very sure method to cause a short circuit in Cleverbot is by typing in text that is also not understandable for humans. Typing gibberish, whether by deliberately misspelling words, making up new words, or just typing random keys, can produce funny results. Try out the following texts:
    • "Asuerycbasuircanys" (random gibberish)
    • "What is your opinion on the tornalions in reffriddo?" (Made up words)
    • "Wut arr ewe dewing laiter this eavning?" (misspelled words)
  3. Use a lot of slang (slang). Cleverbot does not have the brain to decipher sentences that use slang - certainly not modern slang. Using lots of everyday expressions and "street" language in your sentences can usually make Cleverbot's metaphorical head spin. The more slang you use, the better, because even the rather literal Cleverbot set simple phrases like "What's up, dog?" can unravel. Start with one of the following examples:
    • "h0w 4r3 y0u d01n6, cl3v3rb07?" (1337speak)
    • "Yo, what's up, bro? Lemme ask you a question, broseph - how are you doing today, broheim?" (Bro-y slang)
    • "Well, sorry, it's about time we saddle up, hit that old dusty trail, and high-tail it out of here." (Cowboy snake)
  4. Type in long texts. The longer and more complex the things you serve Cleverbot are, the more unlikely it will be able to respond to them properly. By typing in disjointed, meandering messages (or even entire conversations) you can elicit some funny responses from Cleverbot. Don't be afraid to stop with one sentence and start another - you can place periods, question marks and exclamation marks in the middle of your text.
    • For example, you can type in the same kind of meaningless gossip that you can have with a friend. You can try something like, "Cleverbot, how are you? I was just thinking about you. I hope you're doing well. I had a great weekend - I went hiking up on Castle Rock on Saturday. Beautiful views from the top. Have you ever been up there? We should go sometime. Anyway, I just wanted to know what you were up to. "
  5. Try to have a long conversation. The longer you ask questions along a particular line, the more likely it is that Cleverbot will "go wild". By the time you are 10 to 12 comments further down the conversation, Cleverbot has forgotten what you were talking about in principle, and just literally answer any question or comment to the best of its ability. This can lead to very bizarre conversations, especially if Cleverbot misinterprets what you type.
    • You can try clicking the "Think For Me!" on to use for this. This button allows Cleverbot to come up with a response to its own message to you. Since Cleverbot is actually communicating with itself, using this button can quickly turn the conversation into nonsense, even if you only use it a few times.


  • If Cleverbot spells a word wrong, tell it it is. The program will be completely confused as a result.
  • Emoticons can also confuse the program.
  • If you want to take this to the extreme, you can try saying the same thing to Cleverbot over and over again. This will give you completely random answers that are hilarious to decipher! You will be in a crack when you see that if you keep saying "Hello", it responds with something like "Crackle crackle went the clock"! Show it to friends and you won't stop laughing!