Be chill

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
More Than Survive - Be More Chill ANIMATIC
Video: More Than Survive - Be More Chill ANIMATIC


If you're planning on getting chillier, chances are you're the type to worry about things that don't really matter. You may even get furious if someone cuts you off in traffic or if you have a disagreement with one of your friends. You may not be able to sleep the night before if you have a test or job interview the next day. Or you know people who are chill, who don't stress about anything and everything, and who don't dwell on things for long. If you want to be as chill as them, it doesn't mean you don't care. It's about finding a way to deal with your stress and approaching life calmly and rationally.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Change your perspective

  1. Enable yourself to change what you can change. Part of being chill is that you can change something that eats you. If you get annoyed by a colleague and don't open your mouth about it, well… Then you probably won't be able to relax at work. If the closet door is causing you headaches but you don't do anything to fix it, you won't be able to feel chill for long. Most importantly, you approach things you can change calmly and purposefully.
    • Ask yourself what's preventing you from being chill. Try to find a way to deal with that problem so that you can learn to deal with it.
  2. Don't stress about the things you can't change. Changing the things you can do isn't the only important thing. It is just as important to learn to live with the things you cannot change. You can talk to an annoying colleague about his behavior, but you can't do anything about the bad climate. Just as little as your annoying sisters. Learn to recognize when you cannot influence the situation. Do your best to accept it.
    • Suppose your boss is driving you crazy, but you really like your job. If you try to clear the air but fail, then you need to learn to focus on the job you love so much. Despite your annoying boss.
  3. Don't hold a grudge. If you're the type who can't forgive and forget, you're guaranteed to be less chill. If one of your friends or family has really upset you, try to talk about it. Sand over it, even if you haven't been able to forgive him / her completely yet. If you hold a grudge, you are guaranteed to remain angry and annoyed. Rather, try to face life calmly and peacefully.
    • If you're obsessed with being mad at people who rejected or hurt you, you'll never be able to chill.
    • Of course it can help to talk it over with the person who hurt you. But if you keep talking about it, you will only drive yourself crazy.
  4. Keep a diary. Keeping a journal can help you feel connected to your feelings. It can make you ready to face new challenges. You also build a healthy routine with it, and you give yourself the time to take it easy. It teaches you to accept what life has thrown at you. If you don't take a moment to breathe or relax while writing out your thoughts, you won't get chill in the foreseeable future.
    • Use your journal as a place where you can be honest and hold back your judgment for a while. Write down what you think and feel. Do that without fear or lies, and you will soon feel a lot more peaceful.
  5. Learn to take it step by step. Many people are not chill because they are always busy. Because they try to play out life like a game of chess. Suppose you are a writer and you are not sure yet whether you want to work in the library or continue studying. Instead of planning the next ten years of your life and asking yourself if you will ever be able to publish a book, choose to do what feels right now. Concentrate on what you are doing now and start thinking about your next step. Don't worry about the next ten steps just yet.
    • Live in the present, and fully focus on what you are doing right now. That way, the chances of success are much higher than if you were constantly worried about where the next step will take you.

Part 2 of 3: Taking action

  1. Take a 15-minute walk every day. Walking has been proven to relieve stress. It can keep you from worrying so much about the things you're struggling with. If you take a 15-minute walk or two every day, you can get some fresh air, get some vitamin D, and try to break out of your routine or rut. If you feel overwhelmed or angry and don't know exactly how to proceed now, take a walk. A nice walk can clear your mind for a while. It can have a positive effect on your mental health.
    • Sometimes you just have to change your environment. Get out into the open air, watch the trees, watch other people. Seeing how they seem to spend their days carefree can have a calming effect on you.
  2. Move more. Exercise can also make you more chilled out and make you feel more connected to your body and mind. Try to move for 30 minutes every day or as often as you can. In this way you develop a lifestyle that leads to more peace and tranquility. Any kind of exercise can help you focus more on your body and get rid of negative energy. It is impossible to say which form of movement is most suitable for you. For example, some people swear by yoga, others by cycling.
    • You can also move more in daily life. This is especially helpful if you don't have that much time. Instead of taking the car to the supermarket, you can, for example, choose to walk for 15 minutes. Choose the stairs more often than the elevator. These little things will quickly pile up. You're on your 30 minutes faster than you thought possible.
  3. Spend more time in nature. Spending time outdoors can help you unwind and calm. It can make you realize that your problems aren't really that bad at all. When you're under the trees, forests, and hills, it gets a lot harder to worry about your job interview or new project. If you live in the city, go to a park to get a taste of nature. It's more important than you think, especially if you want to be more relaxed.
    • Maybe you can find a buddy to go cycling, swimming, or walking with you. That way you have an extra incentive to spend more time in nature.
  4. Listen to calming music. Listening to music that calms you - classical music, jazz, whatever - can have a huge impact on your inner and outer condition. Try to listen to death metal (or other music that pumps you up) as little as possible. Instead, opt for calming tunes. You can attend concerts, or listen at home or in the car - especially if you are under a lot of stress.
    • You only need to listen to calming music for a few minutes. You will notice that your body and mind will be able to relax more easily. If you find yourself in the middle of a heated argument, you can even excuse yourself: listen to some calming music for a moment, then return.
  5. Rest with eyes closed to calm down. Sometimes you just need a time out. If you feel really overwhelmed, and not exactly chill, sit or lie down for a while. Close your eyes and try not to move your body for a few minutes. Turn off your brain for a moment and focus on the sounds around you. See if you can get some light sleep. Try to keep it up for 15-20 minutes. You don't want to let your naps last longer than an hour, as it can make you feel even worse than before.
    • If you are worried about being fatigued and you don't feel like you can face your problems, opt for a power nap. Try to make power naps part of your daily routine, and you'll be a lot chillier in no time.
  6. Laugh more. Making laughter an important part of your routine will definitely make you more relaxed and comfortable - and therefore more chilled out. You may think you don't have time to laugh, or that laughter isn't "serious" enough, but try really hard. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh, watch comedy shows, try to let go of your inhibitions every now and then. Get crazy with your friends, put on bizarre costumes, dance for no reason, run around in the rain, whatever. Do something so that you can get away from the stress for a while and have a good time.
    • You can start with this today. For example, watch some nice cat videos on YouTube, that will get you on your way.
  7. Use less caffeine. It is well known that caffeine can make you more anxious and restless. While drinking coffee, tea, or soda can give you the much-needed energy boost you're looking for, it can also make you feel more rushed. A lot less chill than you envision. Check how much caffeine you drink and try to cut that amount in half gradually. It's even better if you don't drink caffeine at all.
    • It goes without saying that if you want to get chillier, you avoid energy drinks at all costs. They give you a quick high, but they knock you down just as hard, making you worried.

Part 3 of 3: Adopt a more relaxed lifestyle

  1. Hang out with more relaxed people. One way to make your life acutely chillier is to hang out with people who are also chill. Quiet people can also calm you down and make you feel more peaceful. Find people who are more Zen and try to copy their behavior. If you are close to them, ask them what drives them mad. Discuss how they view life. While chances are slim that you can suddenly start acting exactly like her, you might be able to pick up some tips and tricks. In any case, you will become a lot chillier by hanging out with chill people.
    • Also try to avoid people who cause you unnecessary stress or worry. Of course, you don't have to immediately dump your friends who are having a hard time, but try to avoid the people who are freaking out.
    • That said, you should realize that "chill" and "indifferent" don't exactly mean the same thing. If you have friends who don't seem to care about anything because they don't have that much ambition or purpose in their lives, it doesn't necessarily mean they're chill. It is important to be motivated and to want to achieve something in life. Even if happy or inner peace is the only thing you want. Being chill means that you feel good physically and mentally; not that you don't care about anything.
  2. Keep your space clean. Another way to get chillier is to pay more attention to how you maintain your space. Make sure your desk is tidy, that you make your bed, and that your room is not a mess. This can have a positive impact on your mental condition. Take a moment every day to put things in order, even if you only do it for 10-15 minutes. It can ensure that you approach the next day a lot more positively, and that you look differently at what life offers you. Do your best to keep your space tidy. You will be amazed at how chill you will feel.
    • Of course it is not nice when you wake up and your desk is littered with junk, or if you have to spend half an hour looking for the shirt you want to wear. Keep your space clean. This way you ensure that your life is better balanced.
    • You may think you don't have time to keep your space clean. If you set aside 10-15 every day to do so, it will even save you time. After all, you no longer have to look for things that have been lost because of the mess.
  3. Make sure you don't have to rush. Another thing that chilled out people are good at is not worrying about the time. They don't worry about getting anywhere late or having to hurry. Try to learn to plan your time better, so that you have plenty of time to move from one place to another. Leave early enough so you don't have to worry about being late. If you show up late, you will be out of bed, have no time to update your appearance, and most likely forget something. These things all contribute to your stress. From now on, leave home about ten minutes earlier and see how good it will make you feel. After all, you no longer have to rush from place to place if you have enough time.
    • Expect the unexpected. If you arrive at school or work twenty minutes early, it is still better than being late when there is a traffic jam. If you plan your life in this way, you will feel a lot more relaxed.
  4. Keep a reasonable schedule. Make sure that there is hardly any in your schedule. If you want to be chill, you can't keep eight balls in the air at the same time. Try to find a way that gives you enough time to move from one place to another and doesn't feel overwhelmed by what life is doing for you. It is important to make time for your friends, but not so much that you run out of time for yourself. It is great to get involved in various projects, from pottery to yoga, but be careful not to take on too much hay.
    • Take a look at your schedule. Can you drop something without really missing it? Think about how much rest you will get in your head if instead of boxing 5-6 times, you only go 2-3 times a week.
    • Make sure you always keep a few hours for yourself. Everyone needs a certain amount of time to themselves. Figure out how much time you need for yourself, and never fill that time with other things.
  5. Practice yoga. Yoga brings endless benefits. It ensures that you relax inwardly, and also contributes to a tighter body. Try yoga a few times a week, and you will soon feel more relaxed and calm. You will also get more in touch with your body and soul. On the yoga mat, the idea is that you leave all distractions for what they are, and that you focus on your breathing and your movements - all your other troubles you leave for a while. However, yoga is not only a way to forget the stress for a while. It also helps you create a plan to deal with that stress.
    • At best, you should be doing yoga at least 5-6 a week. This may sound like a lot, but you don't necessarily have to go to a studio to practice it. You can easily do it at home, as long as you have enough space.
  6. Meditate. Meditation is also a way to relax and to shake off the daily hassle. To meditate, find a quiet place where you can relax for at least 10-15 minutes. Learn to relax your body, part by part. Close your eyes, and focus on the breath entering and leaving your body. If you open your eyes and feel alert again, you will be able to cope with what life is offering you a lot better.
    • Best of all, you'll be able to face the challenges a lot more calmly. You can always return to the place you have reached during meditation.


  • Listening to music is a great way to stay calm and clear your mind.
  • Take a walk when you are tired from work.
  • Letting go is an important part of being chill. Let go of the things that make you depressed.
  • Take it easy! You are not the ONLY one who has problems. Some people, even now, have it a lot harder than you have it.
  • Exercise and sports keep your body in shape. It also promotes your relaxed condition.


  • It may take a while before you are completely relaxed. But once you become that, the whole world will be a "palace of happiness." So keep doing your best to be chill.