Be charming

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be Charming In Any Conversation
Video: How To Be Charming In Any Conversation


To be charming is to have an attractive personality. Some people are charming from the moment they step into a room, while others don't turn out to be charming until you get to know them better. While everyone is born with a different degree of charm, you can also learn a lot from practice. Read on to learn how to use your attitude and body language to be charming.

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Method 1 of 3: A charming pose

  1. Be genuinely interested in people. You don't have to love everyone, but you should be curious or fascinated by people in some way. Charming people walk into a room full of people to spend time with others; they don't lean against a wall and wait until they can finally go home. What interests you in other people? If you are empathetic, you may be interested in how others feel. You may like to know what they love to do or what they know a lot about. Use your interest as a basis for getting to know people.
    • Learn how to ask questions, based on your interests, while remaining polite, and others will feel interesting.
    • Continue with more questions to keep showing your interest; the person you are talking to should not feel that you are trying to end the conversation.
  2. Remember the name when you first meet someone. This is very difficult for many people, but it is really worth it if you want to be charming. Repeat the name if you just heard it. For example: "Hi John, I'm Wendy". Then continue with a chat and use that person's name a few times. Repeat the name one last time when you say goodbye.
    • Repeating someone's name isn't just good for remembering them. The more you mention the name, the more that person feels that you like him / her, and that he / she likes you too.
    • If someone joins you during the conversation, introduce the two people.
  3. Pretend you know each other. Talk to strangers or someone you just know in a friendly way, as if that person is a friend or family member you haven't seen in a long time. This prevents an uncomfortable feeling when you meet new people. People will quickly feel at ease with you.
    • Kindness combined with respect makes others feel loved and you care about them. This is a powerful tool for interaction.
  4. Talk about topics that interest the people you are with. If you're with a sporting group of people, talk about last night's game, or how a particular club finished high in the league. If you are in a group with a common hobby, ask about that hobby, and make appropriate comments about fishing, knitting, hiking, movies, and so on.
    • Nobody expects you to be an expert. Sometimes you can build rapport just by asking questions, so you shouldn't mind looking naive. There are plenty of people who enjoy sharing their interests and explaining things while you just listen to them. Your level of interest and willingness to talk about topics makes you an interesting person to associate with.
    • Practice an open attitude. Let others explain. If someone accidentally thinks you know more about the topic, be honest and say that your knowledge about it is limited, but you'd like to learn more about it.
  5. Tell something about yourself. If you don't say anything about yourself, you may seem distant. When you share as much about yourself as you ask others to, you build mutual trust. The other person feels special because you want to talk about their life, and before you know it you have new friends.

Method 2 of 3: Physical charm

  1. Make eye contact. By looking people directly in the eye, you gain a certain power over them. It radiates self-confidence and you make the other person feel that you are interested. Maintain eye contact throughout the conversation. That makes you a lot more charming.
  2. Smile with your eyes. Researchers have discovered more than 50 types of smiles, and research suggests that the Duchenne laugh - a smile in which the eyes join in - is the most sincere smile. The reason it is fairer is because the muscles that make the eyes smile don't work voluntarily; they only participate with a real smile, not with a polite smile. If you look at someone and then smile, it will immediately charm the other.
  3. Firmly press the other's hand. Shaking hands when you meet someone is a polite way to show them that you want to talk to them. Use a firm handshake, but don't squeeze too hard - you don't want to hurt the other person. After a good handshake, let go of the hand.
    • In areas where shaking hands is not normal, you can make another appropriate physical gesture to show that you want to talk to someone. A kiss on both cheeks, a bow, or some other gesture establishes the conversation in the right way.
  4. Use charming body language. Turn to the other so that it doesn't seem like you want to walk away as soon as the conversation is over. During the conversation, you may be able to lightly touch the other person from time to time. For example, you can put your hand on someone's shoulder to emphasize a point. At the end of the conversation, you need to determine whether it is appropriate to give someone a hug or shake their hand.
  5. Control the sound of your voice. Your voice should be calm and calm, but clear. Articulate every word and project your voice. Practice giving compliments by recording and listening back. Does your vote sound genuine?

Method 3 of 3: Charm with words

  1. Use impressive formulations. Be mature and use wise, polite language. Don't you think people who say "Good afternoon" are more charming than people who mutter "Hi"? Or say, for example, instead of "He's not interested in that" rather say "He shouldn't worry about that". Don't overdo it, of course, but try to be polite and turn every negative statement into a positive one.
  2. Be generous with compliments. Compliments increase confidence and make someone love you. If you like someone, find creative ways to say it and say it right away. If you wait too long, the right time may be over.
    • If you notice that someone has put a lot of effort into something, give a compliment, even if you feel that it could be better.
    • If you see that someone has changed something about themselves (haircut, clothes, etc.), comment on it and say something you like about it. If asked directly, be charming and answer the question with a general compliment.
  3. Accept a compliment nicely. Stop the habit of assuming a compliment is not meant to be genuine. Even when someone gives a compliment out of contempt, there is always a grain of jealous truth in it. Accept the compliment overly nicely.
    • Go beyond just "Thank you" and say something like "nice that you like it" or "how sweet you noticed that". Then you answer the compliment with a compliment.
    • Don't bounce back the compliment. There's nothing worse than responding to a compliment like "Oh, well, I wish I was as _____ as you in such a situation."You're basically saying "No, I am not what you say I am; your judgment of me is wrong."
  4. Praise others instead of gossiping about them. If you talk about someone else to other people, be the one says something nice about that person. Talking kindly about others is the most powerful tool if you want to become more charming, as it is seen as 100% genuine. An additional advantage is that others will trust you more. The idea that you never say anything unkind about someone will spread like wildfire. Everyone knows that their reputation is in safe hands with you.
  5. Be a good listener. Charm is not always an outward expression, but also an inward expression. Let the other person talk more about themselves, about something they like. Then he / she will feel more comfortable and want to express himself / herself to you.


  • Smile at people you meet.
  • Never avoid eye contact. Look people in the eye when you talk to them.
  • When you greet people, make them feel like the most important people on the planet to you. Then they react nicer and they know what a nice person you are.
  • Say things in a funny way. Most people like it when you make them laugh.
  • Always be yourself. When people prefer to see a fake version of you, you get caught in a web of lies, and when they come out, all you have is angry and hateful people around you.
  • Improve your posture. Throw those shoulders back and let them drop (relax). When you run, imagine that you are crossing a finish line; the first part of your body to cross the finish line should be your torso, not your head. If you have bad posture, your head will be pushed forward, making you appear timid and insecure. (If you're female, push your breasts forward. Sounds strange, but it helps to learn good posture.)
    • If forcing good posture doesn't look right, strengthen your muscles. These include your upper back (trapezius muscle and broad back muscle), shoulders and chest. Your neck will fall into place and your posture will be perfectly natural.
  • Be kind and soft, not loud and rude!
  • Show compassion, that's one of the most important things if you want to be charming. If you can't see what makes people happy or unhappy, you don't know whether what you say will be right or wrong.
  • Don't curse; that repels people and makes you anything but charming.
  • Never put yourself above others. If someone drops a book, pick it up and give it back, saying, for example, "I think you dropped something." Then you stand out because you are very caring and helpful.
  • Be nice to others and smile to show confidence.


  • Don't confuse being charming with one foot sweep to be.
  • Every now and then you just have to express an opinion that few others have. That's fine. Consider expressing it in a humorous way. Humor is the spoonful of sugar that makes the medicine easier to swallow.