Freeze broccoli

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 1 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Freeze Broccoli
Video: How to Freeze Broccoli


Fresh broccoli is at its best in high summer, but if you freeze it, you can enjoy this healthy green vegetable all year round. Freezing broccoli is easy, and you will find that the broccoli that you freeze yourself has a much better taste and texture than what you buy at the store. Below is a guide to freezing broccoli and three ways to prepare it: cooked, roasted and as a broccoli casserole.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Freezing broccoli

  1. Buy in the broccoli. Pick out the broccoli when the broccoli season is at its peak, in June or July. Look for broccoli with green, firm florets that have not fallen apart or yellowed. Avoid broccoli with brown spots or bruises.
  2. Wash the broccoli. Remove all dirt, insects and traces of pesticides.
    • If you live in an area with pests or broccoli worms, soak the broccoli in a salt water bath for half an hour. This kills insects that then float to the top.
    • Remove all leaves from the broccoli.
  3. Cut the broccoli into florets about an inch in diameter. Cut the stem into pieces about 0.5 cm thick, about the size of a chestnut. Discard the woody part of the stem.
  4. Place the broccoli in a bowl and cover with water. Squeeze in the juice of half a lemon, stir it and let it stand for about 5 minutes. Pour the lemon water into a saucepan.
  5. Pour more water into the pan. You can use a steamer basket for measuring out by adding water until the basket protrudes about 2.5 cm above the water. Remove the basket after determining the water level.
    • If you don't have a steamer basket, add enough water to completely submerge the broccoli.
  6. Cover the pan and let the water boil well. If you put a lid on the pan, the water boils faster and it is more energy efficient.
  7. Place the broccoli in the steamer basket and add it to the pan. Cover the pan and bring it back to a boil. Steam the broccoli for 5 minutes.
    • If you're not using a steamer basket, put the broccoli in the boiling water. Blanch it for two minutes, then remove with a slotted spoon.
  8. Remove the steamer basket and immediately cool the broccoli. Hold it under cold running water or immerse it in ice water.
    • If you're not using a steamer basket, transfer the broccoli from the pan to a colander and let it cool.
  9. Drain the broccoli. Use the steamer basket or place it in a colander. Shake the broccoli to remove any excess water.
  10. Divide the broccoli among freezer bags. Lay it flat to freeze it.
    • Put just enough broccoli in each bag for a meal for your family. This way you can thaw exactly what you need at a time, instead of the whole batch of broccoli. A portion consists roughly of a handful of roses.
    • If you're not using a vacuum sealer, close the zip bag almost completely and insert a straw into the opening. Suck any leftover air from the bag with the straw. Remove the straw and close the bag completely.
    • Place labels on the bags with the date of freezing. Use them within 9 months for the best taste and nutritional value.

Method 2 of 4: Quickly cook frozen broccoli

  1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil over high heat. It is important to use a large saucepan as the broccoli should not be left in the water for too long. A smaller pan will start to cool as soon as the frozen broccoli is placed in it, and will take longer to come to a boil.
  2. Remove the broccoli from the freezer. Maybe it has frozen into a big lump; that does not matter.
  3. Put the broccoli in the boiling water. Remove it after 60 to 90 seconds - it doesn't take longer to cook frozen broccoli.
    • Do not cook the broccoli for more than a minute and a half or it will become mushy and fall apart.
    • Wait for the water to really boil before adding the broccoli.
  4. Drain the broccoli. Place the broccoli in a bowl and season with butter, salt, pepper and cheese to taste.

Method 3 of 4: Roast broccoli

  1. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees.
  2. Remove the broccoli from the freezer. Spread it regularly on a baking tray. When the broccoli is frozen to a lump, separate it with a knife and fork.
  3. Drizzle the broccoli with olive, sesame or grape seed oil.
  4. Season the broccoli with salt and pepper. Sprinkle it further with spices such as cayenne pepper, paprika, garlic powder or cumin as desired.
  5. Place the broccoli in the oven. Let it fry for 15 minutes, or until the florets start to turn brown and crispy.
  6. Remove the broccoli from the oven. Place it in a bowl and serve it warm.

Method 4 of 4: Make a broccoli casserole

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Bring a large pot of water to a boil over high heat. Remove a bag of broccoli from the freezer (you will need about two cups) and put the broccoli in the boiling water. Remove it after 60 to 90 seconds. Drain the water from the broccoli and set it aside.
  3. Mix the binder for the casserole. Combine the following in a mixing bowl:
    • 1 cup of mayonnaise
    • 1 cup of grated cheese
    • 1 can of mushroom cream soup
    • 2 eggs
  4. Add the broccoli to the mixing bowl. Stir it in with a large spoon.
  5. Pour the mixture into an oiled baking dish. It doesn't matter how big the bowl is, as long as the complete mixture can fit in it.
  6. Prepare the garnish for the casserole. Crush 2 cups of rusk with 2 tablespoons of melted butter. Spread the garnish evenly over the casserole.
  7. Put the casserole in the oven. Let it bake for half an hour, or until the topping on the casserole is browned.


  • The addition of lemon or lime keeps the broccoli nice and green, even after cooking.
  • To steam a large portion you can use a metal colander over a stockpot.
  • The broccoli will be tastier and crunchier if it is dry before freezing; do not freeze it while it is still wet.
  • A steamer basket with a handle is easier to use than a steamer basket for the pan, because the handle makes it easier to place it in the pan and take it out again.


  • Cut vegetables on a separate cutting board that is not used for raw meat.
  • Do not blanch in a microwave.
  • Be careful when cooking with steam. Wear an oven glove when you remove the lid from a pan and lift the steamer basket in and out of the pan. Do not hold your face directly over a steaming pan.


  • Cutting board and sharp knife
  • Saucepan with lid, large bowl or dish
  • Steam basket that fits in your pan
  • Juice of half a lemon, fresh or pasteurized
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • Water
  • Salt and pepper
  • Season to taste
  • Casserole ingredients, such as mayonnaise, cheese, mushroom soup, eggs, rusk and butter.