Be special

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
résumé de cours vibrations physique 3  partie 01
Video: résumé de cours vibrations physique 3 partie 01


Who are you? What makes you special? For some people this can cause a lot of anxiety and stress. But being special does not mean that you are an extraordinary person, or "better" than someone else at doing a particular task or in a particular skill. To be special means to be respected. To be loved. If you want to rise above the ground and be recognized as a special person, then you can learn to develop your inner self and give it the respect it deserves. You can learn to stand out and make yourself an unforgettable, special person who deserves the admiration of others, as well as the admiration of yourself.

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Method 1 of 3: Be an individual

  1. Find yourself. No one can tell you how special you can be. Being special involves finding that unique inner core that radiates your "selfness" and working on building that core. Whatever you want to call it - your soul, your essence, your chi, mojo or your groove - you will need to embrace, define and build yourself. This takes work. What does it mean to you to be yourself? Who are you? And how can you be the best version of yourself? These are questions and struggles that can last a lifetime. Use the following thought experiments to focus your mind on your inner being:
    • When do you feel completely comfortable? What makes you feel good?
    • Describe your ideal day. What does this include?
    • What are other people praising about when it comes to your behavior or your work? What are you good at?
    • Describe a recent disagreement you had with someone. Where did you disagree?
    • How would you change yourself if you could? Why?
  2. List your values. Knowing your personal values ​​can help you be more of an individual and live in a way that makes you happy. Take time to reflect on your values ​​and write them down. Then reorganize the list from most important to least important. Things you can do to help you generate this list include thinking about when to:
    • Fortunately. For example, if you felt happy surrounded by friends and family, healthy relationships would be one of your values.
    • Was proud. For example, if you felt proud when you finished high school, then maybe education is something you appreciate.
    • Was satisfied. For example, you may feel satisfied or fulfilled after a productive day at work, so good work may be something you appreciate.
  3. Recognize the special characteristics of others. What does it mean to be special? Look at people who are exemplary, remarkable or special in any way, and learn to discern the main characteristics that make them this to you. You may find that people who stand up for themselves are special or people who devote themselves to their work, or people who remain taciturn and calm in the face of adversity. This is different for each of us, so focus on discovering what it is that you respect about your grandfather, your best friend, or a loved one, not what others say.
    • Try not to target celebrities, stick to people you know yourself in real life. It's easy to point out superficial things as special, to say that Brad Pitt is special because he is so rich and good-looking, but it is very difficult to ascertain or know who he really is at the core. We only see the public person that radiates the superficial prestige of a movie star, not the real person.
    • Focus on how other people's characteristics resonate with your own core values ​​and don't focus on superficial things. Being special means knowing more who you are at your core, not what you think other people are.
    • Authority no longer makes someone special. Just because someone has power over you, is more successful, or is known and respected, it doesn't mean you should imitate that person.
  4. Take off your masks. We all wear them.When we go to work you might have a professional mask, and if you're dating someone after work, you might switch to your dating mask. When you are with friends, you may wear one mask and another with your family. If you start to find out what things make up who you really are, these masks become less useful. If you want to be special, show who's hiding behind that mask.
    • To find out what your relationship is with those masks, try to think about a time when you felt like you were fake, or not authentic. Under what circumstances did this happen? How did this make you feel?
    • Check your Facebook and Twitter feeds for a good example of digital masks in operation. People want to show others a certain image of themselves, and form that image in a typical way. Usually it has nothing to do with the truth. You don't get to see someone's "real" version.
  5. Control your ego. The desire to be special is often a desire to be appreciated by others. We want to be respected, to be seen as successful, happy and enviable people. But being special doesn't mean you have to be exceptionally good at something. It has nothing to do with being the best tennis player or a writer with the most publications to his name, or the richest lawyer in the office. It means being true to your authentic self and staying true to your own integrity. Provide your own satisfaction and don't use the satisfaction of others to inflate your own ego.
    • Psychologists often refer to the locus of control or control orientation. Someone with an internal locus of control seeks recognition within themselves, through the satisfaction they derive from work and actions. People with an external locus of control depend on others for recognition. Where do you belong?
    • Don't seek validation from other people. Your own validation is all you need to be special.
  6. Surprise yourself. People who are truly special are constantly changing, shifting and surprising themselves with their ability to grow as human beings and with the development of their own selves. If you want to be special, find a rut you got into and try to look at it in a new way.
    • Keep learning new things, read new books and challenge yourself. You are never too old, smart or experienced to shake up your preconceived opinion. You are never too special to be wrong.

Method 2 of 3: Differentiate yourself

  1. Make use of the 10,000 rule. Many people are talented or naturally blessed with something, but that doesn't make someone special. Developing a natural aptitude for something can help, but it takes work to turn that talent into something truly special. Dedicate yourself to developing your natural talents and skills by working on them until you are an expert.
    • Author Malcolm Gladwell writes extensively about the 10,000 hour rule in his book "Outliers: The Story of Success," that people who are successful and distinguish themselves have worked hard for it. It takes roughly 10,000 hours of dedication in a particular trade, talent, or other skill to showcase any talent or uniqueness.
    • Focus on developing yourself and the work, not making yourself special within a day. The initial draft of the first book you will ever try to write is not going to be brilliant. and that's okay. Keep working on it and improving yourself.
  2. Be a lion or lioness. Special people don't wait for something good to happen, special people hunt for what they want and seize it. Special people have claws. Determine what will make you feel more satisfied, what things can improve your condition, and what steps are necessary to get it. Continuously look for those goals, things, and stages. Get what you want.
    • Focus less on excuses. People who are not special spend a lot of time talking about "the past" and "what if." Don't give yourself a chance at those times.
  3. Stop censoring yourself. Show who you are. Be your honest, liberated, uncensored, and natural self both when alone and in public. If there is anything you don't show to others, consider being more open and vulnerable. If you tend to be quiet, learn to say what you think when necessary.
    • Stop being a "yes" person. If you disagree with someone, state that you disagree. People respect others who voice their opinions and are not afraid to find out the truth. If you have people around you who need to have their egos blown up by fawning heel-lickers, well, they're not that special. Dump them.
    • Being uncensored doesn't mean you are going to speak every thought that comes to mind. Being special doesn't mean deliberately acting strange, rude, or mean. It just means that you should stop silencing yourself when you should be saying, acting, or thinking something. If it needs to be said, say it. If it is to be thought, think it.
  4. Surround yourself with new people. It's good to find your own group of people, a close-knit group of friends and loved ones that you feel comfortable with. But special people go the extra mile to adjust their expectations and tackle prejudices, meet all kinds of people and try to understand them. Be willing to listen.
    • When you are young, a job can be an important learning experience and a way to help you develop your empathetic skills. Try to find a post-school job for a few hours a week and take it seriously.
    • Actively interact with people who hold different ideas about religion, politics or moral values. Don't try to convince other people that they are wrong, but try to convince them. Open your mind.
  5. Develop your own style. Give yourself the opportunity to develop self-confidence, especially by taking yourself and your appearance seriously. Buy clothes that show off your figure and that you like to wear. Take care of yourself in a way that makes you feel more confident. If that means getting your hair trimmed and wearing cowboy boots, great. Do you go for dreadlocks up to your waist and Tevas, great too. You don't have to be a Gucci model to or compete in some hipster Olympics to look special. There is no special style. Go for the look that suits you, which makes you feel confident.

Method 3 of 3: Be unforgettable

  1. Be positive and embrace your inner growth. There is no such thing as a special attitude or a special way of being. A special person does not always have to walk around like an idiot with a positive grin on his face or always be dead serious and humorless like a monk. If you lean to one side or the other, don't worry whether or not it is "wrong". Just be yourself. If you are a hugger, be a hugger. If you are not, then indicate that you do not like it. Special and exceptional people come in all shapes and sizes in terms of temperament and attitude.
  2. Stop telling people what you think they want to hear. There is nothing you can say that will make others think you are special. Being compliant doesn't make you special, it makes you compliant. It can help you climb a step up the ladder, but are those really the ladders you want to climb? Be true to yourself and you will work towards a more real and more satisfying path for yourself. Say what's on your mind. Tell the truth.
  3. Be willing to fail. Part of not censoring yourself and being unique has to do with taking risks to get what you want. Don't let the possibility of failure keep you from getting what you want. Be willing to fail, fail early and often. Learn the wrong answers so you can get one step closer to what you want in the long run.
    • In Silicon Valley, Fail-Con is a popular convention that celebrates the failures of start-ups, giving people the opportunity to network and build around failed ideas and ventures. Every failure takes you one step closer to success. Failure is infinitely better than doing nothing.
  4. Be empathetic and see the special in others. While being special takes a lot of hard work on yourself, it is absolutely important that you remain equally focused on other people as well. Recognize the special and exceptional qualities in other people. Don't let your ego get in the way of respecting and praising special people. That in turn makes you more special.
    • Respecting other people means that you also make the other person feel special. Respect other people too and treat them the same way you would like to be treated.


  • Always try to be cheerful; it affects people if you go the extra mile to be nice to them. Everything you do that requires effort is special.
  • Everyone is invaluable and knowing that helps to be yourself.
  • Laugh more! Laughing shows that you feel good about yourself.
  • You don't have to be an angel, but try not to get in too much trouble!
  • Compliment people.
  • Do not expect immediate results on the first day. Becoming a special and unique person who is proud of themselves takes time.
  • When in company, be merry and try to cheer up the others as well (but don't let yourself be walked over). They will be nice when they are happy!
  • When you smile at someone and they don't smile back, ask what's going on. Often people are very good at hiding their grief, but really, talking helps!


  • If you offer help and it is refused, stand back until they come to you. It will save you time and effort and there are always other people who will accept your help.
  • Think before you say or do anything. Sometimes you would like to help, but the other would like to solve it yourself. Pushing to do it for them can hurt their pride or their sense of how special they are, which can damage your relationship with those people.
  • Beware of people who are grumpy or who are always complaining! They will make you feel bad about things and stop you from feeling really special.


  • A nice wardrobe (some nice clothes for the weekend and in the evening are never gone)!
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