
Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Jessie Murph - Pray (Lyrics)
Video: Jessie Murph - Pray (Lyrics)


In the broad sense of the word, prayer is making a humble request. The term "prayer" today often refers to religious prayers — feeling one with a spirit or god in which you believe. While the rituals and conventions of prayers can vary widely, the intention is the same - to reconnect the spiritual connection with a force that lies outside of yourself.

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Method 1 of 3: When, where & why

  1. Take time to pray. No matter how you pray or who you pray to, sometimes it can be difficult to find time to pray during busy times. You can then make prayer part of your daily routine, such as praying as soon as you wake up, before going to sleep, or before every meal. There is no such thing as a bad time to pray.
    • Many people pray during emotional times, such as when they feel sad, anxious, or happy. You can pray at any time of the day and as much as is necessary for your spiritual life. Some people aim to achieve a constant state of prayer by staying aware of their spiritual connection throughout the day.
    • Orthodox Jews pray three times a day (Shacharit, Minchah and Maariv / Arvith) and Muslims five times a day. Others pray in a completely spontaneous way, when they feel like it or on certain occasions (for their parents, before a meal, etc.). In short, do what you feel is necessary.
  2. Find a good place to pray. You will see that you can pray at any time, in any place and in any way. It may be good to be in a place that evokes spirituality (such as a church or a temple) or where the environment reminds you of your spiritual connection (such as in nature or in a place with a wide view). You can choose to pray in front of other people or when you are alone.
    • For some religions, such as Buddhism, meditation is a standard form of prayer (or sometimes prayer is a standard form of meditation). It is an equally respectful way to pray in a place where you can isolate yourself and connect with your spirituality. Whether you like to pray in an open field or as part of a bowing congregation, find your "place of worship."
  3. Know why you are praying. Often a prayer is accompanied by a ritual that gives direction to the prayer. This could be a lengthy ceremony over a burning fire where sacrifices are made to ask for good fortune for the coming season or a simple and meaningful expression of thanks for a meal. It shouldn't ask, beg, question, or thank anything. It just has to show appreciation.
    • A prayer can be a conversation, but it is not obligatory.In some religions, prayer provides an opportunity for intellectual reflection. Prayer shouldn't be about you. In Roman Catholic tradition, certain prayers and devotions can be "an act of reparation" or nullify someone else's sins.
    • Once you know why you are praying, consider if there is someone special you are talking to? If you want to have a conversation, who are you doing this with?
  4. Prayer should not contain made and thoughtful silences. It can be however you want. Song and dance have long been part of the prayers of different religions. Some Christians even pray while shaping their bodies!
    • Anything that brings you closer to your spirituality, your God, can be a catalyst for prayer. If running fast gets you there, great. If you hit it by lying curled up in your bed, great. You can scream your lungs out and run to the top of a mountain if that fills you with admiration, appreciation, or gratitude.

Method 2 of 3: Pray

  1. Sit in your prayer position. This is sometimes determined by the faith you adhere to. By expressing your thoughts physically, you sometimes live the experience more deeply. It depends from person to person how one presents himself before a prayer: sitting, kneeling, lying on the floor, hands clasped, clasped or raised, holding someone else's hands, head bowed, dancing, bowed, twisting, waving, etc. Some people even pray with their eyes open and others with their eyes closed.
    • Every person of faith has a faith that feels right to him. What feels right to you? Besides thinking about the position of your body, also think about the position of your body in space. For some religions, the direction you look during prayer is important (to Mecca, for example). If there is a spiritual place in your life, think about this place in relation to you.
  2. Prepare for prayer. Depending on your faith, you may have a ritual to prepare for prayer. This can help you find the right setting. Prepare in whatever way you think is right or appropriate.
    • All over the world you see people washing themselves, anointing with oil, ringing bells, burning incense, lighting candles, turning to a certain direction, making the sign of the cross or fasting. Sometimes the preparation is led by someone else, such as a spiritual friend, a prayer group leader, or a faith teacher. It can take a few minutes (such as washing or making a sign of the cross) or it can take several days or even weeks (fasting).
    • Many religions take into account how you look. Certain items of clothing are considered appropriate or inappropriate for prayer meetings. If you find your current clothing a nuisance for any reason, choose a presentation that better suits you and your spirituality.
  3. Begin the prayer. You can pray by speaking out loud, thinking, singing, etc. Some prayers are recited from memory or read from a book, while other prayers are more like a conversation. You can start your prayer by calling on God (or the gods) and by asking for help (or whatever your intention is).
    • You can't do anything wrong. If a prayer or song you've memorized properly conveys your message, you don't have to search for words. However, if you have a special thought, question, or concern, casual conversation is just as good.
  4. Make your request, ask your question or let us hear what you want to say. You can ask for answers or strength, send good energy to others or thank them. The most common form of prayers is asking for help to become a good (or better) person and that you may hear your prayer from God (or gods).
    • There is no mandatory time or duration for a prayer. After all, the big man above (or one of the big men or women) will surely even say a "Thank you, huh!" appreciate.
    • Clearing your mind and becoming still inside can be helpful for prayer. You don't have to constantly think, talk or listen for answers. You can determine that a clear mind has the answers in a contemplative silence.
  5. End the prayer. Some people end or close a prayer with a special word, phrase, or gesture, simply by standing or sitting in silence for a few minutes or by saying "Amen."
    • You will sense when your prayer has ended. Thoughtfully move away from where you were sitting and then just get back to your day, a little more spiritual than before.

Method 3 of 3: Prayers or spiritual action by faith

  • Hinduism
    • How to activate chakras
  • Christianity
    • How to pray to Jesus
  • Islam
    • How to perform wudoo
    • How to perform the salat
    • How to find the qibla for prayer


  • Pray regularly for your spiritual and personal well-being, not just when you are in trouble or when you need something. Praying when you need something bypasses the purpose of a prayer in the first place.
  • Always be grateful for the outcome of your prayer. Prayer is based on the belief that you are heard, so be grateful enough.
  • For Christians: pray with agreement and faith, for example: if you want something resolved, thank God and thank Him for giving you all your miracle: "God, I thank you for healing my _____" (spirit, soul , leg, heart disease, etc.).
  • Strive to be blessed - by doing your part by helping others, among other things. You can do this by adopting the right attitude, by not causing adverse consequences for yourself and others.
  • The most important part of a prayer is the belief in a greater force that has created and oversees the universe. This is often referred to as faith.
  • Have you heard that you should "pray continuously" or "pray without ceasing"? You can do this by glorifying your god (s) through your work, your existence, your life and by always adopting an attitude of thanks and blessing others yourself.
  • Some people end the prayer with a word such as "Amen or" Du'a ". Others say the name of an authority, for example, many Christians say, "..., in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, Amen."
  • It is not important when and where you pray. What does matter is why, for whom and how you pray.
  • God is your best friend; so speak to him as if you were speaking to a friend and bless him and others. You should never swear or lie to God.
  • When you pray, your concentration should only be with God and nowhere else. Clear your mind and know that God sees you.
  • There is no right or wrong way to pray. You can pray anywhere, at any time and in any position. You can pray with or without words, alone or with others.
  • Close your eyes and imagine he is with you. The almighty who sent his own son to redeem us.


  • If you have bad dreams, try to pray with thanks and ask for blessings for others to find peace.
  • Prayer is not an assured quick fix. Sometimes you can solve things by praying, but often the results of a prayer are very subtle.
  • There is no right way to pray and you should never feel the pressure to pray in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable.
  • Do not be blasphemous, which means that you pray and then do something that is not in line with your spirituality and you view your prayer as some kind of compensation (you should not see a prayer as a punishment or a way to correct mistakes).