Getting paid for advertising on your website

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
32 Ways to Promote Your Website (with little to NO Money)
Video: 32 Ways to Promote Your Website (with little to NO Money)


Anyone can put advertisements on a website. You can approach it in different ways. If you already have a website, you are well on your way. If you don't have a website yet, you need to create one first or buy an existing website. Once your website is online, you can start thinking about how you want to advertise. You can get paid for advertising on your website if you do some research on your target audience first.

To step

  1. Buy or create a website. You can create a website about your passion or to make money. You can also buy up and take over existing websites.
  2. Join affiliate networks. These are networks that allow you to choose from different advertisers. Some of the major search engines also offer programs to advertise through these networks.
  3. Think about your target audience and determine what type of advertising you want to use. Make sure your ads match your desired target audience. You can make more money if the ads show something that your visitors are interested in.
  4. Choose ads through your affiliate networks. There are different types of advertisements that you can put on your website.
    • Pay per click (PPC) is the most popular form of online advertising. Each provider has a different price, and you get paid when your visitors click on an ad.
    • Pay-per-impression (PPI) pays you based on the number of times the ad is shown on your website. This means that you are paid for every thousand times the ad is shown. Each provider has a different price, but it is usually not much as someone just has to open your website to be counted.
    • Pay-per-sale (PPS) makes the largest amounts, but this is less common than PPC and PPI. With this type of ad, visitors not only have to click through, but also buy something to be counted.
  5. Put the ads on your website.
    • Choose a banner or text ad. Banners are permanent advertisements that are fixed on your website. Text ads are temporary.
    • If you've chosen an affiliate network that takes your work off your hands, it will automatically place ads that match the text on your website. For example, the advertisements are related to the content of your website, and therefore interesting for your readers.


  • The placement of ads can make a big difference in the revenue they generate. Try out different places on your website to find out which place causes the most clicks or sales.


  • Do not fill your website completely with advertisements; this is how you deter quality traffic.
  • Most affiliate networks do not pay out until your earnings have reached a certain minimum.


  • A website
  • Affiliate Networks