Make everything enjoyable

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Sometimes it can be difficult to have fun if what you are doing is not that enjoyable at all. Fortunately, your life can be a lot more fun if you just make some change in your perspective. With just a few tools, you can learn how to enjoy just about anything you do.

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Method 1 of 3: Make fun a priority

  1. Play. Adults often assume that their lives must be serious, filled with work and family responsibilities. But time to play is just as important when you're a little older than it was when you were a kid. Adults play to learn and broaden their horizons, to have a challenge, to have fun and get lost in a pleasant activity. You can't expect the fun to look for you. You should actively include things you enjoy doing in your daily and / or weekly schedule.
    • Examples to bring more play into your life could be taking up a new, artistic hobby, spending more time with your kids, or starting a regular evening for yourself and some friends to play a game or watch a movie together.
  2. Look at it on the bright side. You can learn to enjoy any activity by looking at the golden edges. Even grueling tasks have something valuable to offer. You just need to look for the positive and embrace it.
    • Practice looking for the golden edges every day through the following activity. Set aside 10 minutes daily for 3 weeks. Start by making a list of 5 things you enjoy in your life (eg "the sunrise" or "hearing your partner laugh"). Now think about times when things didn't go so well. Describe this situation. Now imagine three ways in which you can see the sunnier side of that trial.
    • For example, your car breaks down on the way to work. You are frustrated and impatient while you wait for the repairman. But this waiting period gives you the opportunity to read those poems that your best friend asked you to read. You also have a few minutes to call your mom to ask how you're doing. And lastly, waiting allows you to gather your thoughts before moving on to a new workday. Noticing the golden edges helps you to see that there are often positive sides to negative situations.
  3. Celebrate everything. Maybe you don't enjoy life because you don't take advantage of small miracles and successes. Have you achieved anything recently? Celebrate it. Did a friend just get a new job or has she lost weight? Celebrate it. Find ways to take joy in the little things in life.
    • Buy a calendar that shows strange holidays and do your best to celebrate as many of those days as possible.
  4. Renovate your environment. At work, at school or at home, you bring more fun into your environment. Decorate your office or bedroom in exciting, bright colors that will make you smile. Buy plants to care for. Change your environment with the help of different lighting, fabrics, colors, and other decorations, such as books, that improve your mood.
    • The colors you choose for your environment can positively impact your mood and influence your outlook on life. One study has shown that subjects felt much less tense in a green room than in a red one.
    • In general, people feel happier with yellow and green colors. If these colors are a bit too much for your walls, opt for art, decorative elements or even flowers, which will bring these spring colors into your home. You can also put out fun toys such as slinkies or stress balls to lift your mood in your home environment.

Method 2 of 3: Enjoy the little things

  1. Appreciate beautiful sounds. No matter what you do, sound can drastically affect how much you enjoy it. For example, you may need to clean your room or kitchen. The job is tedious, but put on some of your favorite music tracks and it will be an enjoyable cleaning concert.
    • Identify the sounds that make you feel happy and relaxed. Music. Children who laugh. Waves rolling on the beach. Birds chirping in the trees. Surround yourself with more of these sounds. If you are unable to listen to them in real life, use YouTube.
    • Identify the sounds that make you upset, sad, or angry. Honking traffic. A phone that just keeps ringing. Try to avoid these noises, if possible. If this doesn't work, combat them with sounds you like, such as listening to soothing music through your headphones to block out incessant phone calls. Or perhaps there is never time for silence, so that a good dose of it can help you enjoy your tasks more.
  2. Notice pleasant physical touch. People crave the warmth and touch of others because it is our primary expression of compassion. In this increasingly digital age, touch has become even more important to thrive. Touch increases the sense of security and familiarity, increases the sense of well-being, builds confidence, as well as team building, and reduces the risk of disease.
    • Participate in activities and surround yourself with people whose touch brings you joy. This allows you to be satisfied with more aspects of your life.
  3. Enjoy the foods you like. Even eating can be fun if you do it with care. Many people associate eating with feelings of guilt. Maybe you should say "no" to that piece of chocolate cake at the company party or that extra-greasy popcorn at the cinema. However, when you learn to eat mindfully rather than mindlessly, you can start enjoying more of the food you like without the associated guilt.
    • To learn to eat consciously, select a food such as a piece of chocolate or a piece of fruit. Observe the shape, size, aroma, and texture of the food. What is your reaction when you look at the food (i.e. mouth-watering, impatience, etc.)? Place the food in your mouth for 30 seconds without chewing. After 30 seconds you start chewing. Then compare your knowledge of the taste and texture of the food before and after eating. Then you compare this experience with your usual dining experience.
    • Start by eating mindfully with every meal. Remove distractions such as TV or books and focus entirely on the meal you eat.
  4. Smile. If you have been experiencing a lot of stress recently, you can put a smile on yourself to counteract the negative effects of stress. Research from the Greater Good Project at the University of Berkeley has shown that smiling (even when played) has positive effects on physical health. It helps the heart to recover faster from the stressful experiences.
    • Smile while doing tasks you don't feel like doing to feel better both physically and mentally. It will make you feel better.

Method 3 of 3: Adjust your viewpoint

  1. Act like a tourist for a day. When you live in the same place for a number of months or years, at a certain point you no longer see what is special or exciting about it. Reawaken your enthusiasm for your immediate surroundings by playing as a tourist for a day.
    • Go to museums, parks and art exhibitions in your area. Take pictures and try to experience these locations as a tourist would. Try a restaurant you've never been to or order a new dish from the menu in your favorite restaurant. Experience life from an outsider's point of view - you may rediscover what you love about it.
  2. Practice meditation. When you think of meditation, you may think of work rather than play. Although it requires silence and concentration, meditation can also be a really fun activity for you. The fact is that it allows you to get in touch with your inner self and your immediate environment, which means that you become more aware of all the opportunities to have fun around you.
    • To make meditation fun, you can find a partner to do this together. Change your environment (something that can be challenging and exciting). You can also find guided meditations with interesting sounds and directions.
  3. Silence your negative inner voice. If the voice in your head is constantly complaining or criticizing, it can be difficult to enjoy life. Overcome negative self-talk to invite more positive impulses into your life. To stop the negative self-talk, follow these four steps:
    • Pay more attention to your thoughts.
    • Decide whether your thoughts are helpful or not (e.g., are they making the situation better or worse)?
    • Immediately stop thinking negative. Choose not to have or overthink negative thoughts.
    • Transform your negative inner voice into positive thoughts. For example, “I will never have enough time to hang out with friends through all these homework assignments” can be positively reframed as, “If I work really hard on these assignments and don't put them off, I can take a break halfway through spend time with friends ".
  4. Develop a grateful heart. Being grateful can help you see more activities as pleasurable rather than unsatisfying. There are many ways you can show gratitude, such as saying thank you and starting a gratitude journal. However, one of the most effective ways to change your perspective is to change your language.
    • For example, we often complain or whine about all the things we have to do. One suggestion is to change your language to describe all the things you need to do. Changing "I have to" to "I may" can add a tremendous positive twist to the way you view and experience life.