Getting rid of varicose veins in your nose

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How to Get Rid of Spider Veins on Your Nose
Video: How to Get Rid of Spider Veins on Your Nose


Varicose veins near your nose, also known as telangiectasia, can (while usually harmless) be a cosmetic problem. They are caused by aging, sun exposure, rosacea, alcoholism, long-term steroid use, hormone replacement therapy, pregnancy, and autoimmune disorders. If you'd like to make them less noticeable, you can try natural treatments such as changing your diet and exercise schedule. You can also try creams and supplements available at drug stores or online. If home treatments don't work, talk to a dermatologist to see if medical treatments are right for you. For venous problems elsewhere, look at options for repairing damaged veins.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Treat varicose veins naturally

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. Although the precise effects are unclear, many people swear by the positive effect of water on the skin. Since drinking plenty of water is good for your health, it doesn't hurt to drink more water to improve the health of your skin. Try to drink 2-3 liters of water every day to stay hydrated.
  2. Drink less alcohol. In some cases, varicose veins can be caused by excessive alcohol consumption. If you are a regular drinker, try cutting back on or not drinking alcohol at all to see if it makes a difference. This can lead to a decrease in the varicose veins around the nose.
  3. Eat more ginger. The evidence of a varicose vein diet is limited, but the positive effect of ginger is supported by some diverse anecdotal evidence. Foods that contain a lot of ginger, especially foods spiced with ginger, have led to fewer complaints in some people. Add some ginger to tea and use raw ginger as a spice in cooking.
  4. Drink cold green tea. Patients with similar skin conditions, such as rosacea, sometimes benefit from drinking green tea. While the evidence is minimal, there is some evidence that green tea rejuvenates the skin. Drink one or two cups of cold green tea a day every day, and watch for results.
    • If you have an allergy to green tea, this method is not suitable for you.
    • Hot drinks can make the veins swell, so don't drink them.
  5. Apply an oatmeal mask. Oatmeal masks are sometimes helpful for patients with facial redness due to conditions such as eczema and rosacea. Some people with veins around their nose say they also benefit, although the method has not been scientifically tested. Mix the oatmeal and water into a paste and apply the paste to your nose. Wipe the paste off when it dries. Repeat this four times a week to see if there is a decrease in symptoms.

Method 2 of 4: Try creams and supplements

  1. Try commercial creams. There are a variety of creams for varicose veins available at drug stores, health stores, beauty salons, or online. These creams are not for everyone, but a good start if you want to avoid medical treatments. Choose a base cream to combat visible veins and apply it to your nose according to the directions. It can help with your complaints.
    • Keep in mind that some people have an allergic reaction to creams. Read the instructions for the cream you are buying and use it as directed. If you notice a negative reaction, stop using the cream.
  2. Use vitamin creams. Vitamins A, E, C and K can help with skin health and prevent varicose veins. You should be able to get creams containing these vitamins at most drug stores. You can also buy creams online. Follow the instructions on the jar and see if the creams reduce your symptoms.
  3. Try cypress oil. Some people have found that essential oil can reduce varicose veins, although more research is needed. Cypress oil in particular is said to help as it can improve blood circulation. Mix about 10-12 drops of cypress oil with 30 ml of a carrier oil, such as olive oil. Rub it on your nose twice a day for several weeks. It may help.
    • Some people have an allergic reaction to essential oil. If you experience a rash, skin irritation or other negative reactions, stop using the oil immediately.
    • Never use essential oils without diluting them first.

Method 3 of 4: Get medical attention

  1. See a dermatologist to find out the cause of your varicose veins. Varicose veins can be caused by a variety of conditions, ranging from simple genetics to skin conditions such as rosacea. Treatment depends on the cause of your varicose veins, so see a dermatologist to find out the cause. They can recommend a treatment.
    • For example, if you are found to have a skin condition such as rosacea, your dermatologist may recommend creams and cleansers to help treat the problem.
    • Prescription topical agents such as Mirvaso (brimonidine) or oxymetazoline hydrochloride may be an option.
  2. Ask for a laser treatment. Laser treatment is one of the most common treatments for varicose veins around the nose. Laser treatment involves the targeted and external treatment of varicose veins with a laser by a doctor. Laser treatments work well for some people, but others find it ineffective or find scarring occurs. Talk to a doctor or dermatologist about the possibility of laser treatment to assess whether you could benefit from it.
  3. Try sclerotherapy. In sclerotherapy, a dermatologist injects chemicals into the veins to produce a blood clot.When the clot is absorbed into the body, the vein will disappear. This procedure is generally reserved for patients with many varicose veins.
  4. Ask your dermatologist about Veinwave. Veinwave is a varicose vein treatment that uses microwaves instead of light to treat the varicose veins. There is a slightly reduced risk of side effects compared to laser treatment, but it is a new treatment and the long-term effects are unclear. If you're interested in Veinwave, talk to a doctor or dermatologist to determine if it's the best option for you.
    • Since Veinwave is a new and still relatively untested option, it is better to use it only as a last resort should other methods fail.

Method 4 of 4: Prevent varicose veins

  1. Use gentle cleansers on your face. Aggressive cleansers and exfoliants damage the skin instead of helping it. Choose a gentle daily cleanser for your face and avoid exfoliating products with rough particles, such as crushed apricot peels. Apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer to your face every day. Do not pick or squeeze your pimples and pores, as this can lead to varicose veins.
  2. Protect your skin from environmental damage. Apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher every day in sunny weather to protect your skin from sun damage. Avoid going out in the sun during peak hours, and consider wearing long-sleeved clothing and a wide-brimmed hat. Also, wear a hat and scarf to protect your skin from extreme temperatures and wind in the colder months.
  3. Support your liver. A poorly functioning liver can lead to varicose veins. Drink less alcohol and possibly take supplements to support the health of your liver. Such supplements are milk thistle, holy basil, dandelion root, and gold screen. Before you start taking any supplements, consult your doctor.
  4. Avoid foods that can cause inflammation. This is especially important if you have an autoimmune condition. Foods to avoid include processed foods (such as luncheon meat and hot dogs), fast foods, sugar, wheat, and gluten.
  5. Discuss your medication options with your doctor. If you are taking steroids or hormone replacement, varicose veins may be an unfortunate side effect. Talk to your doctor about alternative medications you might be taking. It is important that you do not stop taking any prescription medication, such as steroids, before talking to your doctor.