How to get rid of head lice without your parents knowing

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Treat Lice Without Chemicals | Consumer Reports
Video: How to Treat Lice Without Chemicals | Consumer Reports


Head lice are small parasites that can live in human hair. Head lice can be embarrassing and you may want to hide this from friends and family members. There are many treatment options you can secretly try to get rid of head lice without anyone noticing. However, keep in mind that home remedies don't always work. You may not be able to get rid of head lice without outside help. If the lice cannot be cleaned up using these methods, then you should urgently consider talking to your parents about it in order to successfully address the infestation.

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Method 1 of 3: Using home remedies

  1. Try vinegar. If you don't want to tell your parents you have lice, it's easiest to use the products from your own kitchen. Keep in mind that home remedies don't always work as well as medical treatments and may not be effective. However, you should start with home treatments if you want to hide your lice from your parents. Vinegar, which your parents will have in their kitchen, is sometimes successful in getting rid of head lice.
    • Vinegar can dissolve some of the glue that lice use to attach their nits or eggs to your head. If you rub vinegar into your hair before brushing your hair, you may be removing some of the lice with your comb.
    • Apply enough vinegar to your hair to wet it thoroughly. Then use a small fine-toothed comb to comb out your hair. Look for lice or lice eggs while you comb. Lice are small brown colored critters. Lice eggs are small, round and coffee-colored.
    • Soak a comb that you use for lice removal in soapy water for an hour. If you don't have an hour, throw the comb away. Place the comb in a plastic bag and dispose of it in a trash can.
  2. Use olive oil. Olive oil, which may be in the kitchen for cooking, can work by smothering lice. When applied to the scalp, olive oil can clog the lice's lungs and cause them to die.
    • Apply olive oil to your hair. Use enough to grease all of your hair with olive oil, just like with leave-in conditioner.
    • For this method to be most effective, leave the olive oil in your hair overnight and put on a shower cap. This can make it somewhat difficult to hide your lice from your parents.
    • There are a number of ways you can use this method without your parents knowing you have lice. You could say that you have heard that olive oil is good for hair and that a friend at school is trying this method. Or you can wait for your parents to sleep, put on the shower cap, and then set an alarm so that you wake up earlier than your parents to take it off.
  3. Apply petroleum jelly or hair gel. Your parents may have petroleum jelly or hair gel lying around in the bathroom cabinet. Both substances can kill lice by suffocating them.
    • As with the olive oil method, coat your hair with gel or petroleum jelly and then put on a shower cap. Again, you can claim that you have heard that this is good for your hair or wait for them to go to bed to apply the gel or jelly.
    • Keep in mind that petroleum jelly is very difficult to remove. So give yourself extra time in the morning to shower. You may have to wash and condition your hair several times to remove petroleum jelly.
  4. Try mayonnaise. Mayonnaise is another remedy that can be effective in getting rid of lice. Just like the hair gel, petroleum jelly or olive oil, you should apply mayonnaise to your scalp, put a shower cap over it, and then leave it on overnight. Apply enough mayonnaise that your hair is well coated and work it into your scalp to smother the lice. You have to come up with another excuse for wearing the shower cap to keep your parents from getting suspicious. People who use this method often report that full-fat mayonnaise works best.
  5. Wash your hair with dish soap after using these methods. Dish soap does not kill lice. However, it is more effective at removing things like olive oil and mayonnaise from your hair after the treatment. If you don't want your parents to get suspicious, you can put the dish soap in an old bottle of the shampoo you are using. You can also hide a small bottle of dish soap in the bathroom and get it when you take a shower.

Method 2 of 3: Using other means

  1. Buy anti-lice shampoos. Lice may not respond to home treatments. You may need to try medicated shampoos if your lice infestation does not respond to home remedies.
    • You may be able to find medicated shampoo at your local supermarket or drugstore. It is usually called anti-lice shampoo. Some shampoos require a doctor's prescription, but it can be difficult to see a doctor without your parents finding out.
    • You can try telling your parents that you are going for a bike ride and cycle to a local drug store. Use your pocket money to buy the shampoo. To hide the shampoo, you can put it in an empty container of your regular shampoo.
  2. Try medicated lotions. If shampoo doesn't work, there are also medicated lotions that you apply to your hair after showering to kill lice. Buy this at a local drugstore and find a way to hide it in your bathroom. If you normally use a lotion or moisturizer, empty a full bottle and replace it with the medicated lotion.
  3. Read the instructions carefully before use. Over-the-counter remedies will not work if you do not follow the instructions. Make sure to read the instructions carefully and apply the shampoo or lotion exactly as instructed. Heed any warnings. Some products should not be used if you have certain health conditions or are under a certain age. Do not use products that can be harmful to you.

Method 3 of 3: Hide head lice characteristics

  1. Avoid scratching. Not only does scratching your head look suspicious, it can also cause small red bumps that can alert your parents to your infection. Do your best to avoid scratching your head. Cutting your nails short can help resist temptation. You can also take up a hobby, such as knitting, that requires you to use your hands.
  2. Be careful with home treatment. If you don't want your parents to know about your condition, you should be careful about when and where you apply the treatment at home. Hide any special shampoos you use. If you use household items, prepare an excuse if your parents notice that they are missing. For example, you could say you were rummaging around in the cupboards for something and knocked over the bottle of olive oil.
    • Be aware that if your parents notice that you are lying, you could get in trouble for your dishonesty. It's probably really better to just admit you have lice.
  3. Volunteer to do chores at home. Getting rid of lice involves a lot of laundry and vacuuming. If you don't want your parents to find out that you have lice, you can volunteer to do such tasks and ask for extra pocket money. This will be less likely to make your parents suspicious of why you suddenly want to vacuum and wash extra often.
    • Your bedding and sheets should all be washed and dried. Any clothes you wore during the contamination will also need to be washed, especially hats and caps!
    • Carpets, carpets, and upholstered furniture should be vacuumed to get rid of lice that have fallen from your head.
    • Anything you use in your hair, such as brushes and headbands, should be soaked in alcohol or medicated shampoo for an hour.
  4. In the end, tell your parents. If the above methods don't work to get rid of your head lice, consider telling your parents eventually. Lice are highly contagious. Even if you think your infestation has gone, you could easily have passed lice on to someone else in the household. It is always better to tell immediately that you have lice when you discover them. Your parents will be able to help you better than most home remedies. Lice are a difficult problem to deal with on your own.